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If your friend or family member was drowning, would you try to save them?

CHRISTIANS: This will be my last ever question and answer session. But I want to ask everyone: Which is more loving--to speak the truth to someone, even though it may cause them to be angry or hostile; or to simply let them live their life knowing all the time the path they are on leads to destruction, because you want to be politically correct and not offend them?

Would you stop a friend from stepping in front of a speeding train? Would you stop a family member from committing suicide? Would you stop someone you love from choosing to live a life of crime that could get them killed or put in jail?

How much do you love your friends and family? Are you willing to die for them? Are you willing to at least speak the truth to them?

If you are not sharing the Gospel with your friends, enemies and family that don't know Jesus, are you really loving them? Or are you too afraid to share the GRACE and LOVE you felt when you received your salvation?


I see some of you have perhaps mistaken me, or perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I didn't say "confront", I didn't say "preach", I didn't say "lecture", and I surely didn't say "alienate". Some people are ready to hear the Truth. Some people aren't. That's not up to a Christian to decide or to be responsible for the results. We are called to be "salt and light" which means to live by example, to speak the Truth in LOVE, and always to be kind to our neighbors. We are not to be confrontational--nobody gets argued into the Kingdom...

As far as knowing the Truth and not just "believing" that God's word is do you know anything is true? You test it and see...I have tested God's Word, and found it to be true. Not just for me, but for everyone. Everything He has said in his Bible is true--archeology proves it every day, and the experience of millions and millions prove it everyday. ALL of the prophecies of the Old Testament regarding the Christ came true through one man.

Update 2:

That man was Jesus of Nazareth. The disciples fled when Jesus was crucified--they went into hiding, fearing for their lives. But then something happened--three days later, He arose, just like He said He would, and just like the Old Testament prophecies said He would. Shortly thereafter, after He appeared to over 500 at one time and ascended into Heaven, the disciples began to change the entire world. Nearly all of them died gruesome painful deaths--stonings, crucifictions, burned alive covered in hot tar...These are the very same men who were cowering in fear because their Master had been slain.

What would it take for you to die a gruesome death, and not give up your convictions? If "truth" is only what you "believe", would you die for it? I say that if Christ had not risen from the dead as it was prophesied, NO ONE would have died on His account--they were scared to death. But people are still dying today for Him.

No, Truth is knowable. It is real.

Update 3:

Again, I will say that as Christians, we are called to SHARE the Good News with those around us. Sometimes that's by talking to them, sometimes that's by simply living a Godly life. But we must always strive to show love and compassion, fairness and honesty, holiness and righteousness. Never condescendtion or arrogance.

Remember, brothers and sisters, we were once lost as well--and we did nothing to deserve the Salvation we have been granted. It is a gift--one we are to share. Share--not force. Not neglect. Share in love and respect.

This is it for me here. I will read your responses. God Bless you all, and I hope you all find the Truth. It's out there...

"Don't look for truth in yourself--you are the one who is confused!!!"

Darwinism--from goo to you by way of the zoo...

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am never afraid of sharing Gods Word.

    I have witnessed to many family members/friends about God.

    Yes, I would try to save them if they were drowning..

    I am always 'On Fire' for the Lord and I live to share His work and love to do His Works each day, all day!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is hard to talk people into anything---most of my friends and family are already Christians. but the way to win converts is NOT to preach or tell people what they should believe and what the TRUTH is as you see it.

    The way to win converts---listen carefully---is to lead the kind of life where people say, "Gee, I wish I was as happy and upbeat and secure as that guy." When people say, "I want what he has," (emotionally, socially, not materially) then you can share the good news, not before.

    Catholics win converts in third-world countries with their works, then comes faith.

    Read Matthew 5 14-16. Again, of course. It will be quite familiar to you.

    good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And this is the biggest turnoff for many unbelievers.

    No concern for what others self-righteously decide you need to save others and disguise this act of not caring what others want as loving them.

    Jesus spread the word in a very specific way. I don't remember anything in the Bible where Jesus or the disciples then went to their friends and family to "save them". Actually, the disciples left their families. They only spoke in public and allowed those who chose to follow join them.

    ~ Eric Putkonen

  • 1 decade ago

    Another "Christian mistake." Oh boy.

    You dont go around preaching and teaching, because it feels to people like you are leeching.

    You stay true to yourself and play it cool, that way everyone will want to visit your swimming pool.

    Let other people live their life in simplicity, and make sure they do the same for you 'n me.

    Now that the message is out and around, let's all go have fun together on the playground.

    Tag, you are it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    That's true.

    We just have to remember to speak the truth in love. The Bible does say we are to love one another and the world will know us by our love. We also need wisdom and discernment from the Lord to know what to say, when, and how to say it. I'm not saying don't speak the truth. But I am saying we need to do it with our hearts, and be careful that we are sincere. loving, and that we let God speak it through us (Rater than try to do it all ourselves).

    Many blessings

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Speak your piece, by all means, but don't forget that other people have religious freedom, too. While you're trying to save them, THEY might want to rescue YOU from a lifestyle they consider undesirable or perilous, too.

    Sharing something that has given you joy is wonderful. Playing preacher on every single occasion in which they see you can make people not want to be around you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you completely. I ask the same thing of my fellow Christians in reference to abortion. We must bring the Gospel to all people and live it in our lives and how we deal with others at all times.

  • 1 decade ago

    A train is a train and suicide is suicide, but the truth, as you call it, is easily mistaken and misinterpreted. Perhaps those who hold their tongues about the "truth" are simply unsure of the validity of their version of the "truth."

  • 1 decade ago

    Theres a difference between sharing and drilling, I agree it is importanat to share the gospel, but be careful not to continue to force it on them or elses you may actually drive them away from it.

  • eldad9
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You seem unable to understand the difference between your religious beliefs and the truth.

    If I thought you were on fire even thought I couldn't see it or detect it using any instruments, would it be wrong of me to keep emptying fire extinguishers on you?

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