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The Morality of Stem cell research?

What is the moral issue with stem cell research? What is the difference if you flush an embryonic stem cell marked for destruction down a toilet or use it for research? What makes destroying the cell more moral than doing research on it that could save and improve millions [probably billions] of lives?

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Embryonic stem cells have shown very LITTLE promise. There is MORE promise in adult stem lines. And there are several lines being used for research right now. The problem with using embronic stem cells (aside from their dim hope) is that the potential for abuse is too great. Many believe it would not be unthinkable to use exisiting embryos which would otherwise be discarded. The problem comes when, if this were legalized is unauthorized use of the zygotes, women being offered $ to sell their eggs to "create only to destroy", and on and on.

    EMBRYONIC stem cells and stem cells are two totally different creatures. You can obtain stem cells without destroying embryos. However there is the argument that if they're going to be destroyed anyway...........yeah, that would be fine, but the potential for abuse is too great.

    Another 'debate' on stem cell issue is funding. Most people are unaware that there are BILLIONS (yes that is with a "B") in private funds to support the research. With that kind of private funding, I believe my tax dollars would be better spent in other UNDERFUNDED areas of research.

    Source(s): My, scientist and stem cell researcher.
  • 1 decade ago

    The issue with embryonic stem cell research is based on when a person believes that life begins.

    If a person believes that life begins at conception, then an embryo in the lab is a valuable human life, and each life is worth protecting. If a person thinks that an embryo is just a clump of cells, then he/she has no problem discarding it or destroying it to extract the stem cells.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm in favour of stem cellular study, yet your broader fact of concept does not inevitably carry authentic. relatively, you assert that the ends justify the potential. i do no longer agree that it relatively is often the case - evaluate the scientific 'experiments' performed with the aid of the Nazis or the final concept of no longer appearing risky experiments on stay human matters. in spite of if that study did produce advantages for each individual, the value in terms of human suffering would be viewed too extreme for many individuals.

  • 1 decade ago

    People have qualms with it because they think it will encourage abortion, which is to some people wrong. I say it's no different than donating an organ, or giving your body for research.

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