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Lv 7
Joker asked in News & EventsOther - News & Events · 1 decade ago

Where were you when?

...JFK was assassinated

...Challenger exploded

...the World Trade Center was destroyed

...Columbia exploded

For me, I wasn't born until 1980. I just got dropped off at PM Kindergarten when Challenger exploded. I was working at the Shell gas station on US 250 in Perkins Twp, OH when a Perkins Police Officer told me. We turned on the radio and listened even though it was against company policy. I was working the front desk at the Sleep Inn in Perkins Twp when Columbia exploded.

For the record our gas station did not raise prices on 9/11 until people started jamming the gas stations. I was done with work at 3 p.m. and I filled my tank at the price I was instructed to lower the rate to that morning BEFORE the attacks.


The Perkins Police Officer told me about 9/11

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ...JFK was assassinated

    I wasn't born yet.

    ...Challenger exploded

    It was all over the news when we got home from school for lunch.

    ...the World Trade Center was destroyed

    On the Long Island Railroad while the towers were first hit, walked out of Penn Station and 3 blocks west without knowing anything was going on. (Yes, if I looked to my right, I would have seen it live.) And in my office about a block away from the Empire State Building when the towers went down.

    ...Columbia exploded

    I wasn't at work that day - just flipping threw the channels when I came across the news. I actually thought it was just a Challenger-related story at first.

  • 1 decade ago

    JFK--I was grocery shopping in Solvang,Ca and they announced it over the PA system. I was watching coverage on TV and saw Jack Ruby shoot the perp live. Also was watching when Robert Kennedy was shot.

    Challenger, walking back to my office and glanced up at the TV in the pilots lounge and saw it explode after the ball of fire at take off.

    WTC, I was working in my yard in NC, went up to the corner store for some Gator ade for the yard guy and friend there had the TV on and mentioned what had happened, and as we were looking at the TV the second plane hit.

    Columbia, watching the tv.

    I was also watching CNN when the big quake hit Ca in the early 90's. Now that was really spooky to watch a shaker live.

  • 1 decade ago

    JFK--wasn't born (1968)

    Challenger-- I was in High school, but our heat went out that night and had slept in the living room next to the fireplace and my mom said I didn't have to go to school. we had the TV on and they interrupted programming.

    WTC--I was at work doing my first job, called my second job (EMS) and they were like "are you not by a TV??" The second plane had just hit and I told my co-workers so we listened to the radio.

    Columbia--Again, at my first job. Since 9/11 I got breaking news on my cell phone and I got a message that communications were lost with the shuttle, and I knew it was supposed to land that morning.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    JFK. Iwas sitting at my desk in Lorain Ohio, Water dept.

    Challenger,I was in Dallas Tex. picking up auto parts.

    WTC,I was sitting in my Easy chair watching A.M.News.

    Columbia,Watching the ship come apart outside my home.It went right over my house as it came apart and the pieces came down 30 miles to the east of my home.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I wasn't born for JFK's assassination, I was in my mom's belly for the Challenger's explosion, I was in 10th grade history class when another teacher came in and told our class about the terrorist attacks, and I was home when the Columbia exploded.

  • 1 decade ago

    JFk- was not born (birth 1984)

    challenger- was a baby

    world trade- getting ready for work, saw second plane hit building on television

    columbia- was watching television coverage

  • Karl
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    only know and remember the 9/11 bombings i was home alone and knew something was happening ,i just had a creepy feeling that something was wrong

    i turned the tv on even though i was busy doing my paperwork from home , and watched it all unfold my children came home and they had seen it in town apparently they put the tv on in macdonalds in england

  • 1 decade ago

    JfK was not born yet

    Challenger...I was at school watching it

    WTC- at home

    Columbia exploded? didnt even know this

  • 1 decade ago

    jfk......I wasn't thought of yet.

    Challenger......I was in school watching it.

    WTC.......I was doing the dishes

    Columbia......I was sleeping

    Out of all of these the Challenger and the WTC affected my life the most.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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