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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

In the battle for your minds who will win, the Judaic version of god or Richard Dawkins?

I'm conducting an experiment in which I ask Christians that are former Atheists that have read "The God Delusion" why they believe (I really don't think there will be many Christian answers though), and comparing the responses against the Atheists who were former Christians that have read the entire bible and why they are not christian anymore.

Here are the two questions:;_ylt=AuZau...;_ylt=At2UP...

What do you think the results will be and why?


Shaolt_2002, I agree that Age of Reason is a good read and does fit the role of good literatary arguments against christianity, but it isn't on the fight card tonight. This isn't Paine vs. Dawkins, it's Dawkins vs the 40+ Bronze Age Palestinian mystery writers.

I may ask a question regarding the works of Harris, Paine, Dawkins, Alper, Jefferson, Adams and others later, but this is not that question. The limitations of this question are clearly spelled out.

8 Answers

  • April
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You won't get very many Christians admitting that they have read the God Delusion...

    Firstly, most good christians are, let's fact it. not very bright and/or brainwashed since childhood...... and one has to read well to understand the arguments. As well, christians have the attitude, "don't bother me with the truth, my mind is made up". And let's face it as well, if you have that mind set, nothing is going to shatter it..... if you are really a true believer, there is nothing beyond that, so why waste your time???

    I had a conversation last week with a real believer..... He believed more in his supernatural experiences than in gravity or any science, and admitted so!!!!!!! Now, here is a mind that has had no education, and no exposure. It was obvious his parents had done a real number on his young mind, and very early in his life...... This guy is going to read The God Delusion? Not ever likely.

    Two weeks ago, I had a conversation with a Father Somebody..... He's some sort of Episcop. poobah. And confessed he was a Thomasist (Thomas Aquinis) (Figuring I'd have no idea what that was, and probably threw that out there to impress me.... his mistake..) When I pointed out the first fours points ofAquinian philosophy, and how they had been blown apart, long ago by philosophers, I gotr a more or less feeble response....... then left the last one alone, until showing him that that one was now gone as well with the discovery of DNA....... never heard from the guy again.... This man, as well, obviously reads nothing, and won't, either.


    Source(s): I'm a bible scholar, and historian.
  • 1 decade ago

    In the battle for my mind, my concept of God, and Neale Donald Walsch's concept of God...and also of Ultimate Reality, are nearly identical. I realize that I am not answering your exact question, but I am neither an atheist or a Christian, and I agree with the atheists in the sense that I don't believe in organized religion, but I also believe in a higher power that most people refer to as God. *sm*

  • 1 decade ago

    Dawkins had already 'won the battle for my mind' long before I met his writing or him.

    I became a solid fan after Blind Watchmaker. Prior to that book, I though I knew a lot more about evolution than it turned out I did.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dawkins doesn't stand a chance. The first time I read his book I was literally laughing because his arguments were so elementary and illogical. Compare this to when I first read Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason", I was silenced. It took me about six times reading through it to finally see the faults in it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about a new take on things? None of the above. We have been infused with religion all our lives. Can we imagine what would transpire without religion for once. If a person had never heard of a god, how would they think and act? We really don't know for all we can do is imagine it. What good does this god vs god do? My daddy can beat up your daddy. Please!

  • Mr. A
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well, since all atheists I have seen on this board are former Christians, then I bet they'll win, since I haven't seen any former atheists turn Christian on this board...

    You have set up this entire experiment for your own good...

    I'm a Christian, and the The God Delusion is in my stack. Richard Dawkins is a man who is bitter at religion for some reason...I'm interested to see his "proof".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe it must be fairly rare for a true atheist to find religion. Of course, this doesn't include youngsters who hop from thing to thing on a weekly basis. People who have been atheist for many years are unlikely, at best, to start believing in myths and lore.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dawkins won my mind long ago - but then, he's real, I've met him.

    However, I suspect that most people will hang onto their imaginary friend, and won't read his book with anything resembling an open mind.

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