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Does Cheney's recent actions disturb anyone else here?

Five years ago, Vice President Cheney claimed executive privilege when he refused to disclose details of his meetings with oil industry executives. Now he's claiming he's not part of the executive branch after all because he doesn't want to disclose classified document details to the government's own Information Security Oversight Office.

Cheney seems increasingly like either he's got something to hide or he thinks he's above the law.

Does this bother anyone? Thoughts?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cheneys actions should bother every single American. Those who condone his actions should be ashamed to call themselves American citizens. Cheneys actions completely undermine our entire system of government. He obviously has something to hide and is in a desperate frantic bid to keep it from coming to light. He is pathetic and so is anyone who agrees with his nonsense.

  • 1 decade ago

    M. Cheney has been the "brains" of our current administration since 2001. He has furthered the (paleo)-neo-con standard on the fascist battlefield more than many before him.

    It's not his recent actions, it's his pattern of contempt for discourse, transparency, and democracy in general that ought to stoke our nascent coals of unrest.

    His cartoon effigies portrayed in major newprint depict him accurately; "the four branches of government: the executive, the legislative, the judicial, and the Cheney.

    IMO, this administration is leading us astray, and using classic fear tactics to do so.

    Are you American? If so, you *know* that fundamental to our inception is our right to overthrow unjust governments, and establish new ones that serve the purpose of growth, security, and prosperity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it bothers me.

    I think Rahm Emanuel is brilliant for his suggestion that funding for the VP's office be stripped from this year's executive branch funding bill!

    It brings to mind Bush's "offer" of off-the-record, closed-door conversations with Miers, Rove, et al. in lieu of sworn testimony with a transcript.

    I think he wants to be seen as being secretive just on principle, and is often secretive even when he could give a ratsass about the particular issue at hand. This makes it easier to bury the stuff he really would rather have stay buried.

    To me it seems foolish to act as though you have something to hide if you don't; even more so to act that way if you do.

    That leaves the third option: thinking you're above the law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    V.P. Cheney is a traitor who is committing treason. He should be put against a wall and shot. This man is the product of years of behind the scenes power. He and Rumsfeld were behind getting George H.W. Bush put into the directorship of the CIA. Look up halloween massacre during the Ford administration. After thirty years in top levels of both government and industry, do you really think he feels answerable to anyone?

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is disturbing that Cheney seems to think he can interpret the constitution and the law to serve his needs and to cover his butt.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cheney has disturbed me since he took office. He began pushing for the war in Iraq even before 9/11. He has led the right wing of the Republican Party and with his constant accusations of treason against anyone who disagreed with him and his flunky George W. Bush he has led this country into a disastrous war that apparently can't be stopped.

    We have shown our enemies our weaknesses and strenghs, spent billions of our dollars and we are still in Iraq killing Iraq civilian men, women, and children and our young United States military men and women are dying for nothing.

    Beware of Russia, and China.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, Cheney does have something to hide and I think he thinks he's above the law. This does bother me. It bothers alot of others too. Though maybe it's not as noticable right now. Help to do something about it, sign petitions, write members of Congress, speak out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We all know he is hiding ALOT. That guy is the biggest crook ever to take office. He's worse than Nixon ever was. And, he's 3 times as diabolical. Honestly, he will do anything to avoid being accountable to the country and the will of the people.

  • Millie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As much as I got annoyed by that guy Berger in Clinton's government that "shredded" all those important documents and the subject was broomed under the rug; or that guy Foster that "committed suicide" and was never ever investigated...

  • 1 decade ago

    Cheney is a firm beleiver in a 20th century philosopher who's name is "Leopold Strauss" Strauss's main theory on government and social reforms was that the populace of an entire nation needs to be lied to in order to protect their best interests regardless of what they think. Almost like politicians should be Shepards rather then tell the truth. Donald Rumsfeld is also a very die - hard beleiver in Strauss.

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