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Will I lose my license until I'm 21, or just be stuck with another ticket? PARENTS DO NOT KNOW.?

Last night, my friend and I drove up to Wisconsin between the hours of 10:00-3AM.

Here's the situation: I do not have my license. I further more do not have my learners permit. I was joking with my friend and swirved to the left of the road a little, and out of NOWHERE a cop pulls us over. Now as you can imagine, we were freaking out (in a calmly manner) and the cop is asking for license.

So stupid Bryttany (myself) says that I am indeed 16, but I must have left my license at home in Illinois.

Two hours later the cop lets me off with a 121.60 ticket for swirving, and expects me to call him today with my license information or I will receive another ticket for operating a vehicle without a license.

Now--If I don't call him today (because I have no license information to give him, obviously) will I lose my license until I'm 21, or just have this ticket?

Because he still wouldn't know that I don't have my license ( He also has the wrong spelling of my name, and my old address)


Okay-- just so everyone knows-- I did not give the cop the old address-- that is the address that came up when I gave him my phone number-- it is the address on the ticket.

The only false information I gave him was I spelt my last name with an additional L, and told him I was one year older than I infact am.

Update 2:

Okay-- The problem has been resolved.

I told my mom-- We called the cop who issued the ticket and I only had to pay the tickets seeing how they're more out for drunk drivers rather than traffic citations.

I am SO lucky.

Thanks for all the advice.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Better tell your folks, you could be in a whole HEAP of trouble over that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you had previous tickets without having a license before? if so then yes that could be a problem. I work at the courthouse where i live and usually if people dont have a license he gives them a date to have it by and doesnt fine them. Not telling the truth about it may be different. It doesnt matter if your name is spelled wrong or if they dont have your current address. They will still get ahold of you and still hold the ticket against you. All the cop cars around here have a camera on the front of them which shows everyone they pull over and on the camera you are able to hear everything being said also. Itd be best to tell your parents about it and you will off alot easier if you tell the truth! If you have never had a ticket ask if you can go to defensive driving instead of paying a fine and it being put on your record!

  • 1 decade ago

    You won't lose your license, but you will get a second ticket for operating a motor vehicle without a license.

    This may or may not cause problems for you when you try to get your license. The fact that you were in another state and that you misspelled your name may make it such that you'll still be able to get your license in Illinois.

    Providing incorrect information like you did, is also a crime. If it catches up to you, you could be in some pretty serious trouble. If it doesn't, hopefully you'll learn from this and you won't drive until you have your license.

    I guess my real question is, where the hell are your parents in all this? They're ok with you sneaking out from 10-3 and going up to Wisconsin? If anything, your parents should be cited by the cops for being novacained above the shoulders.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may also get another ticket for a curfue violation. Its the same times as IL, that also comes with at least 20+ hours of community service. But this all depends on what time he pulled you over, so don't worry to much about that. You need to pay the ticket asap. Wisconsin cops hate IL drivers, I got pulled over for going 68 in a 65, which is bull, I beat that out in court though. You have some big charges that can come against you if you don't tell your parents and tell the cop the truth. Good luck

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  • IG64
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well you have a decision to make... you can confess to mom and dad and most likely get into major league trouble... not to mention you will get the ticket for not having a license. or just ignore the whole deal.

    The big factor in what you decide to do is in where the police was that stopped you. If you live in Illinois and were stopped by a Wisconsin police officer then most likely your ability to get a license in Illinois will not be affected. You can expect a warrant for your arrest to be issued in Wisconsin so that if you are ever stopped in that state for anything you would be arrested... If you were stopped by an Illinois state police and that is where you live then your toast. Not only will they issue a warrant for your arrest but you will be easy for them to find based on the car tag from the car you were driving.

    The wrong spelling isn't that much help since he probably didn't get the wrong car tag number and that will lead anyone to your door step.

    I suggest you just face the music and tell mom and dad you were an idiot. You can expect that extra ticket for no license and if you were caught in your home state you can kiss driving at 16 goodbye... maybe you'll get lucky and you'll get a chance at 18.

  • 1 decade ago

    As the wife of a police officer, shame on you. I don't know the laws in WI, and since you are out of state, it's probably no big deal. Just pay the ticket and be done with it. Police officers get a bad rap b/c they have to keep people in line all the time and no one appreciates it. If you don't pay the ticket, there's more than likely an arrest warrant for failure to pay. Don't freak out, just pay it. And from now on, own up to your mistakes. Tell them the truth. It would be a ray of sunshine in a police officer's day to actually have someone tell the truth. Compounding a lie is never a good thing. And trust me, if he wants to find you, he will. Just hope you learned something and appreciate that he didn't take you in and call your parents to come get you or worse. Could've been a lot worse. So just thank your lucky stars, pay the ticket, and learn from your mistake. Get your learner's. K?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are a minor. Your parents are responsible for your actions. They will find out about this. You were driving RECKLESSLY without a license and you provided false information to a police officer. He has your license plate number and can find you. He could probably tack on a curfew violation as well, if one applies.

    You had better call the police officer and come clean with your story, the more you lie, the more trouble you are going to be in. No matter what you do, your parents are going to find out about your late night escapades.

    You don't deserve to get a drivers license for being so stupid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Parents may really know, but are deliberately not telling you, because you are at an age where you need to learn how to figure out this kind of thing for yourself, as one of the responsibilities of being a driver.

    Have you asked your parents about this?

    You have committed a whole series of crimes.

    Maybe you should spend some time in jail.

    - O R -

    You can take care of your legal responsibilities.

    Pay all tickets that you get.

    Call the police officer and tell the whole truth.

    It helps to grovel, be convincing that you are sorry you lied.

    This is one of the reasons that a person who is learning to drive is supposed to have an adult in the car, and not be driving with another of same age ... peer pressure can cause you to behave incredibly stupid, can even get you killed.

  • jay k
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you don't give him your information and don't contact him it's likely that either he'll contact you and your parents or get a bench warrant issued for you. You screwed up and now your trying to dodge the consequences which will just make things worse. The Cop is going to find out anyways you might as well make things easier on yourself and your ending punishment by going forward.

    In the future don't be stupid enough to drive without a license, you could lose it until your 21 or with enough infractions forever, driving is a privilege not a right.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're fine, just pay the tickets. My friend is a cop, his dad is a cop, and my brother in law is MP.

    Something like this I doubt a cop would spend all his time on. You don't give him the information, he sends another ticket. Everything is said and done, just pay it.

    HOW EVER, tickets will go on your record wether you have a license or not, which will invertenly affect you when you do get a license, depending on the regulations in your state for provisional licenses.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good job, you really snowed that policeman.

    Oh, wait a minute, you didn't let him get your license plate number, did you?

    Mom and Dad aren't going to get a summons to appear in court and even have their car towed in are they?

    Messing with the police is fun, they are sure to think it is funny too. Now that the cop has given you a break, and you lied to him, to boot. What makes you think that they won't come for you like a rabid dog? Now you could have an obstruction of justice charge against you.

    Your worried about not getting your license, how about the time you may have to spend in Juvee Hall??????

    Seriously, you may want to tell your parents what happened and get it cleared up now. With the tiket, there will be problems sooner or later and the later it gets, the more of a problem it is going to be.

    Good luck to you, but take the punishment now and get it over with, it will be best in the long run.

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