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Why do white surbanites with great lives care so much about illegal immigration?

It doesn't seem like there is any direct threat to their way of life. This is not a rhetorical question. I really want to know.


I am not saying that all white people are surbanites with great lives. I'm asking why the ones with great lives care so much?

43 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I'm a white suburbanite with a great life and here's why I care about illegal immigration:

    1) It's a fiscal issue for our country. My tax dollars pay for social services (school, medical care, etc.) for these people. I'm told that the apples I buy cost less because they're picked by illegal immigrants. The bottom line here is, just as I like knowing how my personal money is being spent, I want a full accounting of the financial effect of illegal aliens on our economy.

    2) I like consistency in our policies. It's ridiculous for a country to have laws if they aren't going to enforce them. We charge one government entity (INS) with finding these people and kicking them out, and other agencies (police, hospitals, schools) with providing them services. Arrgggg! Let's not waste our resoures fighting with ourselves. Let's enact reasonable laws and enforce them consistently!

    3) We need to control our borders. Don't get me wrong - I'm not scared of Osama bin Laden sneaking in here from Mexico and nuking me. But for the love-o-pete, we're a sovereign country! that means we need the abilty to control who comes across our border, to grant or deny access according to policy, and to track those who are in our country. This is a basic funciton that we must be able to perform!

    The bottom line is that we need a coherent and reasonable policy regarding who can and can't come into our country. Then we need the ability to enforce the policy, both at our borders and in our cities. Thirdly, we then need to make sure that our hard-earned tax dollars are spent efficiently to provide services to those that are entitled to them. And finally, we need to be able to have metrics that allow us to track the success of our efforts - to know how many of who are in our country and where they are and what they're doing and how much it's costing us.

    I don't so much care that folks from Mexico and South America come here, I just want there to be a consistent system in place so that we can manage the process in an orderly, consistent fashion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow. Now all Caucasians are "white suburbanites with great lives". Wish I would have been included on that last census report...

    Why do all race card morons like yourself make this an issue of race? Is it possible that MANY, MANY Americans (of all colors, creeds, religions and cultures) care about the laws of their country being blantantly bastardized?

    Get this my friend: I am not a "white suburbanite" - I am an American, and as such I feel the passion to defend THE LAWS OF MY COUNTRY to the fullest. Why should I "shrug" my shoulders at law breakers getting a free ride and taking food and opportunity from my child's mouth? BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL - hence the term ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT? Get it?

    I care about illegal immigration because I care about the United States of America. If you are legal, commit a crime - do the time. If you are illegal (just by the fact that you are here illegally IS a crime) and you commit a crime, you deserve everything coming to you - deportation, imprisonment (hopefully not, that is still probably better than where some come from), families split from "anchor babies" - WHATEVER.

    If you came here and made no effort to become a LEGAL citizen and you live off of my tax dollar, you need to get ready for the fold, because it is coming real soon.

    And by the way - might you be implying that American citizens in suburban communities that are Asian, Latino, African-American don't have a right to give a sh*t either?

    Watch out may man...polish up on your facts. This is a battle of LAWS - not race.

    Go Team America.

  • 1 decade ago

    If something is illegal, we should all care. Ask my friend who was hit by an illegal alien in a car and has to pay all the damages themselves, plus the doctors fee. The illegal just got a ticket, and never showed up at the trial or paid.

    Ask the lady who was checking her mail near where we live and was hit by two illegals drag racing in the middle of the day and died. I'm sure she, or her grieving family, has a reason to care.

    We are a country of laws and if we're not that, we fall apart. While the immigration system takes too long and is broken, let's fit that and not condone law breakers. Let's protect our borders and fix immigration laws. But granting amnesty or looking the other way is no way to behave in a country of laws.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do white liberals who are supposedly open minded generalize about white surburbanites with great lives?

    Obviously if they have a job that pays them enough to enjoy that lifestyle, they have an education and they have an idea of how an economy works. They are also obviously concerned with the overall well-being of the country in which they live.

    Illegal immigration generally isn't a threat to their way of life. It is a threat to yours. Instead, you'd prefer to blame people who earn their living.

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  • QBeing
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There are many direct impacts on our way of life, when my daughter’s classes in school are 3 months behind on the syllabus for the year because the immigrants who have come to this country don't speak English and the class has to move more slowly in order for the teacher to explain it again and again.

    When the Traffic is congested so badly that we can barely move from point A to point B because of all the "immigrants" on the road. (And if you don't believe this try driving in LA anytime they have "a day without a Mexican" march. When the Mexican Government is so hypocritical that they demand that America not enforce their soverenty but immediately deport any immigrant who crosses their southern border illegally.

    When emergency rooms are clogged with "immigrants" using it as they're personal Dr's office.

    I understand the reason they are here, we have work their own country does not, every time there is an election in Mexico the rhetoric fly's about how if elected they will create jobs in Mexico, but once elected the status quo remains. They even produce pamphlets and DVD's instructing the potential immigrant on how to cross the borders illegally without getting caught.

    The Mexican government is using the U.S. as a pressure release valve, rather than actually addressing the issues of unemployment, they foist they're most under skilled masses on us to take care of, while at the same time boosting they're economy by having millions of dollars wired back to Mexico from the U.S. So the Government officials get rich and those poor slobs have to leave the country in order to feed they’re families, many leaving the families behind. And those that bring they're families here there kids are in school being paid for with our tax dollars in which they contribute almost nothing. And what happens when they graduate, do they become hard working members of society? Some do but most have now learned how to work the system, they brag about how when they get out they are going on welfare because they can make more money without working than if they work they won’t get as much.

    The Machismo of the typical “immigrant” male also holds back they’re education. My cousin was involved in a program to tutor those students who were not doing as well as they should. When they arrived at the home the mothers would be excited and be very enthusiastic about the program, the first time; however when they would go back to the home the next week, they would be told that they’re husband/father did not want them to participate. Why? Because the father does not want to appear dumber than his wife/child, thus he doesn’t want his wife/child to know more than he knows, so no more tutoring.

    At according to the latest reports in the next 50 years the Mexican population for California is going to increase to be over 50% of the population, so they are not only going to be the majority race they are going to be the majority over all other aces combined in California. Many of whom believe that California should be and really is a part of Mexico. So if they have the majority are we going to secede to become part of Mexico?

    I love Mexico, theyre culture is faxcinating and theyre food incredible, and I am good friends of many of them, but just as you could not possibly give to every pan handler you see in the street, we can not continue to support every illegal immigrant that comes here. Family must come first, and my family is the United States of America. Not the Mexican states of America.

    Let them stay in their own country, and overthrow they’re corrupt government. When they do that we will support them, we would probably give them aid. Mexico is not a poor county, look at the oil reserves they have, it is the government that is holding them down, not the U.S.

    It is time for tough love.

  • 1 decade ago

    How many white suburbanites do you still see in America? Not many is my answer. In my area, at least one worker in each American family has lost their job, and at least two others have not gotten a raise or now take less pay thanks to these illegal alien criminals.

    Until we have this issue resolved, and have laws that will be constantly and completely enforced, I thinnk we should build a concrete wall (with American workers, thank you). Every three feet we need to mount an automatic machine gun. Stop all traffic in and out, except at the official crossing, of course.

    Next there are alot of venomous creatures which survive and thrive in the outback. We should populate the areas of the desert that have their amigos camped with food and water.

    If this is not enough to drive them home, any who are deported should have all American money taken from them. It goes like this, they got it while performing an illegal activity, just like anyone who sells drugs or any other illegal items. Take it away and put that money towards the concrete and automatic machine guns.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because I worked damn hard for what I have! My property taxes have been raised a minimum of 45% each and every year for the past 7 years. I don't even have a child in school... but my tax dollars are going for schools where the remedial classrooms have grown 75% each and every year. And why the growth in remedial classes? Because the kids getting an education off my tax dollars don't speak English.

    As homes around me have gone up for sale one man has come in and bought them up one by one, and he couldn't care less who he rents to. There are 17 people living in a 3 bedroom home right next door to mine. They have NO concept of what a trash can is for... drink a soda? Toss the can in the yard. It's disgusting and discouraging. They pay $850 a month rent, split 17 ways who wouldn't want a home like that?

    I'm not even going to go into the fact that our local hospital is going under because there are so many unpaid bills.

  • 1 decade ago

    I probably fit squarely into your category. I am middle class, live in a great neighborhood that's about 80% white and I abhor illegal immigration.

    I don't like it for MANY reasons.

    Increased taxes to support the welfare state that we have in this country.

    Our population levels are rising faster then ever - even far faster then when we allowed anyone who could get here to stay.

    Rule of law. Why have any borders or immigration laws if we do not enforce them? Of course the Mexican illegal immigrants would flee back home if we truely had open borders. Their quality of life would be much higher then ours within a few years as we sunk to third world status.

    Disrespect - Illegal immigrants DEMANDING citizenship just rubs me the wrong way. I would equate it to a child demanding to keep something they shoplifted after they got caught.

    I could go on but why. The open borders fools will never change their minds and those of us who are educated citizens will never change ours.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you really want to know, I will tell you. It is ruining the schools and upwards mobility of their children. Too many for the infrastructure and trained teachers, gifted and accelerated programs cut across the board (along with art, pe and any language, even Spanish, for our own children) in order to fund ESL and intervention programs for millions of children who wouldn't be here if their parents hadn't come illegally. It is truly a tremendous impact in areas where illegal immigrants concentrate, and those areas are no longer limited to border states.

    It isn't JUST money, either, although there is certainly no mass funding to compensate for the mass spending on children of illegal immigration. In California there is a mega billion dollar school construction program which becomes ever more backlogged with growing population, and our population is growing ONLY due to immigration. Teachers are on emergency certificates and math and science qualifications are even rarer.

    It hurts our children a LOT.

    And then there is the health care issue...

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not just the white surbanites...most Americans are 100% against illegal immigration. Here are some examples of the consequences of illegal immigration:

    By draining public funds, creating unfair competition for jobs with America’s least prepared workers and thereby lowering wages and working conditions, and by imposing unwanted strains on services designed to provide assistance to Americans, illegal immigration causes harm to Americans and legal residents.

  • whiz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Most Americans CARE about our country. Wealthy and middle class citizens...people whom you might wish would ignore the issue-that you wrongly assume are not affected by illegal we can keep the status quo...will not do it. I know there are people that wish that America would bury our heads in the sand, ignore the issue and hope it will go's not gonna happen.

    Illegal immigration is one of the single biggest issues and threats to our country's (and our CHILDRENs') future.

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