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Do I need to make a gift registry?

My fiance and I have lived together for 6 1/2 years. We are finally getting married. Should we make a gift registry? If so, how do I go about making them or getting one? So sorry, I'm clueless to these types of things. Where can I get some at?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its up to you

  • 1 decade ago

    First if you have lived together for a while, you will ahve a lot of what you need so.....there are a few ways you can go about this.

    Go thru your house and find the things you need replaced or havent got yet or you would just like new ones. Make a list of these things.

    Go to a few department stores and find one that has all the stuff of the kind of brands and colours etc that you like. Find the bridal registry, most department stores have one, they are often tucked away in a corner somewhere. Ask any staff member and they will point you in the right direction.

    They will help you by giving you a list where you can add on what you want and like. Make sure you choose items to suit all budgets. Not everyone can afford a $100 gift.

    You lodge that with the bridal registry and then you just add to your invites where you are registered, or just tell your parents and bridesmaids to let everyone that asks know. Simple.

    Remember tho, it is not compulsory for people to buy off the list, (although most will because it makes things easier for them) so you may get other gifts you dont want or need. You need to accept these graciously. A gift is a gift after all.

    If you have everything you need, some travel agents can open a bridal register for you. Then people just go in, pay an amount of money as their gift, and just before the wedding the travel agent gives you a total amount and you can choose a honeymoon. It may help you go somewhere you normally wouldnt afford.

    Good luck, hope this helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't have to have a registry. If you don't need anything, just tell people that monetary gifts are preferred. If you're missing some things around the house that you would finally like to have, or if you want to update some of the things you already have, by all means, get a registry. Some people prefer it because they don't like to give money as a gift.

    If there's a store that you and your fiance like, just call them up to see if you need to make an appointment to make a registry there. Most stores have the registry service, sometimes they need a registry specialist to come in, that's why you need an appointment.

    It's all relatively easy -- Just make sure you only register for items you actually want and will use though, or you'll end up with a whole lot of stuff you won't use in two years.

    Just a tip: Some places will let you (the couple) purchase items off of your registry at the lowest sale price, so try to look for those perks when looking for stores to register with. I know The Bay does that.

    Source(s): Me -- My fiance and I have been living together for 3 years. We decided to make a registries at three different stores so that people who will feel cheap giving us $50, can go out and buy a $50 gift.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First off, congratulations!

    It's entirely up to you whether you want a registry or not. We chose to have one to make it easier for people who might want to buy a gift, and you get things you actually like and want instead of those random figurines & statues you feel obligated to display.

    Any store like Linens and Things or Macys has an in store registry. I did ours online at, where you also get to create a free wedding website.

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  • KitKat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You sound like me and my fiance. I registered us at several places though. You can go to any store's website and set up a registry and let people know. It's a fun way to maybe get some cool stuff that you'd like but wouldn't necessarily buy for yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends if you need anything , if you dont then there is no need just tell ppl you would like gift cards or money .

    If you need any appliances or anything else for the home then register some where nice . You can register at bed bath and beyond , macy's , dillards , jcpennys , target , walmart name a few places .

    Congrats and Good luck !

    Source(s): Army Wife 7/28/07
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