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What is the safest way to lower cholesterol without taking drugs?

My lpl cholesterol was 158 my Dr. wants me to take tricor. I've read the side effects and I am leary to take it. Are there any supplements that anyone has taken to help lower their cholesterol?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When looking at cholesterol number you really have to look at both the LDL and the HDL. Even though your LDL is still considered fairly normal your doctor may have noticed that your HDL is very low and it's the ratio between the two that can make a difference.

    The best way to get your HDL higher is through exercise (cardio). See if you can fit 30 minutes a day of brisk walking into your daily routine as this will help.

    Do your parents and siblings have high cholesterol levels? If so then your doctor may be taking this into consideration. Often high cholesterol is genetic and he may be trying to stop yours from getting any higher.

    There are several ways that you can help lower your LDL levels and I am very surprised that your doctor did not mention them-here are just a few.

    Oatmeal. Oatmeal is a soluble fiber which will surround cholesterol and whisk it away so that it is removed when the oatmeal leaves your body. It doesn't absorb much each time and that is why they say in order for it to really help you need to eat it at least 5 times a week.

    Soy. Soy is also good in helping to lower levels. Think soy milk, soy yogurt and soy ice cream. Soy contains plant sterols which help lower levels. One thing with soy however, is that some people don't recommend that you take in a lot of soy if you have any cancer. Soy helps to product estrogen and the estrogen may affect breast cancer.There is not enough estrogen to see any difference like accenting female characteristics but the cancer thing is something to think about.

    Cholesterol lowering margarine type spreads. In the grocery store you will notice some newer margarines that say " will lower cholesterol " on the label, choose those over butter or standard margarine. They are a bit more expensive, but they taste the same, you can cook with them and even if they only help a bit, it's still helping.

    In the yogurt section you will now find Promise active shots. These are small bottles that contain some plant sterols that will again help to lower your levels.

    As mentioned earlier flush free niacin can also help as will cinnamon (you can find it capsules in Walmart and any other store that carries supplements. They are inexpensive.

    Omega oils and fish oils will again help a bit.

    You will notice that with most natural products they each lower your levels a small amount but if you watch what you eat and add these natural products in you should be seeing a drop.

    I would discuss the natural route with your doctor and let him/her know that you prefer not to take the medicine that they have mentioned and there is a good chance that they will work with you. My husband was told to go on medication but when he explained to his doctor that he would prefer not to, his doctor just told him to try the natural way first & to go back in 6 months for a follow up test. If the test showed that it was still high, then he would go on medication. However, if he was able to lower it then he would only need a blood test every 6 months to monitor it.

    He has been using the natural ways along with the product from the site below and there has been a major change.

    Since each person and each circumstance is different see what works for you.

  • Rayen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Talk to your doctor about why he/she feels it is so important to take medication--most doctors I've talked to consider 158 quite good, and anything under 200 acceptable. I'm surprised that he/she feels medication is necessary. Oatmeal every day can be surprisingly effective. Cut out the red meat and saturated fats, eat fish, and get daily exercise. Garlic supplements are helpful for some. If, for some reason this is an emergency and medicine really is required, there are many choices besides tricor, some with few side effects. Ask about these. However, I would think that your doctor would welcome it if you made some lifestyle changes and brought your cholesterol down a few points, without resorting medications.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Natural Cholesterol Guide

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Revealed: Step-By-Step Plan Guaranteed to Drop Cholesterol Using Little-Known Scientifically Proven System -

    Just a few minutes per day of utilizing the power of this information is more than enough to get your out of control cholesterol back under control.

    If you’re ready to:

    +) Grab control of your cholesterol levels.

    +) Stop wasting money on drugs that don’t work.

    +) Dramatically reduce your risk of a heart attack

    …and live a healthier, more fulfilling life, then simply fill in your first name and email in the contact form below.

    Discover Right Now -

    Best of all, you don’t have to wait for watch your cholesterol fall –this simple step-by-step- works within 30 day or less –guaranteed!

    Source(s): Discover how to lower my cholesterol quickly and easily! -
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  • 6 years ago

    Organic sulphur no additives or anti caking agents is the simplest way start with one teaspoon a day then build up to about 10 grams we should all be taking 2 teaspoons a day if we want to live long. you can spread it out over a few times to start with always eat some fruit about 25-30 minutes before which is high in quercetin resveratrol or molybdenum (walnuts are high in molybdenum) these boost uptake of sulphur.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, there is an awesome supplement that has given many people with high cholesterol levels great results. It's called Vemma, here's the site -

  • 1 decade ago

    Take Flaxseed Oil and Fish Oil (Omega 3 oils). Eliminate as many saturated fats from your diet as possible. Also EXERCISE. I lowered my cholesterol from 216 to 189 this way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Niacin (Vitamin B3). Not the long-acting niacinamide. (Inositol Hexanicotinate is a "flush-free" short acting niacin that also works). You can get it covered as a prescription. Doctors know about it but don't think of it because the drug companies aren't heavily marketing it to them, and because they're told that patients won't take it because of the "flushing" it causes. My Mom always looked forward to her niacin flush. She joked that it made her feel "young again!" It also made her cholesterol drop like a rock after years of useless statins.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lay off the pork, eggs and cheese. Eat lots of natural fiber like oatmeal, and raw vegetables.

    No more than 3 eggs a week, pork once a month. Just say no to cheese period.

    I know, I have high colesterol too, and those are all my favorite things.

  • 1 decade ago



    Product CIAGA under nutritional

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