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Why do we microchip our pets and not our children?

Sounds weird I know, but it makes sense when you think about it.

Microchips for pets and lojacks for cars help people find them when they're lost or stolen. Considering the insane # of child abductions in this country, why isn't the same technology used for children?


Ha...yeah I guess I did miss the big argument about this topic!

Of course, yeah, it would be strange to have it in you as an adult, I was really just thinking about children. I don't think small children know or care about the government keeping tabs on them! So, yes, I was thinking along the lines of something that is implanted under the skin at birth and then removed later on.

I'm not a religious person, so the bible doesn't play into my topics of discussion.

Update 2:

I see there's a mix of opinions on this topic. Interesting.

Yes, microchips need to be scanned by someone, but the technology used by Lo Jack doesn't.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My husband was just asking me this a couple of months back! He said if they decide to do it, he'd want our kids to be first in line.

    I really don't know why they don't. Our dog and cat have it-it's not like you can see or feel it. Is it like a consitutional right to provacy thing? Like maybe it's all too BIG BROTHER is watching if people can be located at any time?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I agree, however once we start doing that, some psycho sicko that kidnaps a kid is going to rip the thing out once they find it. Also remember the microchips only work when scanned by a vet, so in theory, a kidnapper would have to take the child to a doctor, hospital, school, etc. before anyone would know. Many kidnapped children never even go to school, more or less see a doctor.

    Unfortunately I dont think it would help bring kids back any more than the systems we have in place now.

  • Huba
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    We own our pets; we won't always own our children. Once they grow up, they are to make their own choices. A chip would make sense if there was an easy way to remove it later but having that option would soon be learned by the abductors and you are right back where you started from.

    They have phones that can be traced. Put the chips in clothing, shoes, wallets, etc.

    Finally, if you absolve parents from having to know where their children are, you can almost bet that some will use it as an excuse to neglect them even further. Some folks just shouldn't have kids even if it is their so called "right".

  • 1 decade ago

    There is not an insane # of child abductions. There are 4 million children born annually and 150-200 stranger abductions during the same period. In fact, most abductions are by the non-custodial parent.

    I think you are neurotically oversafe. Perhaps you have a personal reason to be or you just watch too much stuff on TV. Do you not think that if microchipping was used on children that kidnappers wouldn't think to look for and remove? Predators are not stupid unless they want to be caught.

    I applaud the use of GPS monitors attached to the clothing of Alzheimer's or Dementia victims. For kids, not a chance. It would simply make parents less vigilant (we have a GPS on them, we know where they are).

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You'll never be able to get the personal microchip past the Christians since it too much resembles the mark of the beast described in the bible.

    For what it's worth, I agree with you. If we all had the microchips we wouldn't even have to carry any ID.

  • 1 decade ago

    They make a nonremovable tracking watch you can purchase for your children. It comes with a monthly subscription that you pay to be able to see where your child is at anytime. It is locked on the wrist with a tool so that only the parent can take it off.

    ETA: It looks just like a normal children's watch, just with a little secret inside that most sex offenders/kidnappers won't think about, esp since they don't think to remove everything.

    Source(s): My niece has one.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A lot of folks don't like the idea of the government keeping tabs on them constantly, which would happen to a lot of people. If I want to get away for a while and hide out, for any reason, legal or illegal, i should be free to do so. I do think, however, that they shout put chips in Altzheimers patients.... they wander off a lot...

  • 1 decade ago

    if someone were to hack in to the computer base for our childrens micro chips if they had them.... wouldn't that do more harm to our children if it was a sick pervert. Our children would have no privacy at all...... pets are different we can always have another animal and though it won't be the same as the last one that was stolen abducted or killed it will be the same feeling kind of...... a child you re4ally can't ever have the same love for another child. in my opinion

    Source(s): mother
  • 1 decade ago

    because it is way to Nazi/big brother like to put microchips in people to track their movements. If my parent had put one of those things in me, I would have freaked out and gotten it removed as soon as possible. Think of the horrible possibilites - if you are ever suspected of a crime the FBI can track every movement through your whole life, etc,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You must have missed the huge controversy. How would you feel knowing yuo were chipped when u were 10? 14?

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