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So you think the illegals do jobs American Citizens wouldn't?

Have you asked the inter city poor, the starving in rural Appalachia? Are all those construction jobs in Vegas low paying? You say we'd all pay higher prices ...aren't we doing that NOW with health care, taxes and increased crime? Doesn't America have the technology to "mechanize" the "big business farms? Or is it the small farmer that is being pushed out that is need of the cheap labor? We subsidize big business farms which drives up prices... we "GIVE" Mexico millions of dollars in "AID" why not use that to subsidize the low wages! What type job is next? Garbage men? Teachers?

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What I see happening is this:

    the farmers..(or whomever) claim they are giving "low " paying jobs to illegals because no one else will take them, but now the illegals are claiming they want a decent wage! Also jobs we as Americans have been doing all along are now going to others that bid them at a lower price...taking away jobs we are currently doing. So no, I do not think they are doing jobs Americans won't.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I don't. I think they do jobs that are dirty, and hard. Jobs that involve sweat and dirt. I think illegals are doing those jobs because American citizens have to many options that don't involve work at all.

    I know of a town where a new factory was built. In an economically depressed area. The idea was to give the people in that area jobs. Their were people in that town that were in their thirties and had never held a paying job.

    Within two months of the plant opening, most of the towns people had returned to sitting on the porch, swilling beer and drawing government assistance. And the company was paying to transport people into the town to work. The starting pay was well over minimum wage. One of the towns people actually admitted as much he said it wasn't that the work was hard or the pay too low. Its just that a job takes up too much of your time. He'd rather live a poorer life on government assistance than be tied down to a job all week. Should he have that option?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think illegals do jobs that American businesss won't pay American wages to get done. The problem is not, and never has been the immigrants. They come here because there is opportunity...provided by Americans for them. The poor souls are trying to make their lives better and I don't blame them one bit. The problem is the people who hire and underpay the immigrants. How come immigrants find jobs but Americans can't? Because those hiring them are LOOKING for immigrants. The control factor is here in the U.S. Punish the companies and individuals that hire illegals with heavy and progressively heavier fines until it is no longer fiscally sensible to hire at lower wages and the opportunity goes away and so do the immigration problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Truth of the Matter Is This: Law Firms Hired by businesses that employ illegals find loopholes in the Law and Intentionally DO NOT HIRE AMERICANS! Every American passed over for legitimate employment Should contact EEOC and sue every last one of them for discrimination because of their National origin as Americans! Regardelles of color, race or gender.

    I know people who are electricians and work in construction or are truck drivers etc.. that were undercut in bidding by more than 1/2 of the regular pay scale. Unions in the Trades in Nevada will not guarantee Americans or Women employment, even after training and would rather use illegals for those jobs. The unions even sell Americans out and jeryrig tests to keep Americans out of work. So those are jobs Americans won't do?

    Source(s): Web Searches: EEOC The Truth About Right To Work States Lou Dobbs/Broken Borders-CNN Glenn Beck-CNN Union Local 14&631,995 immigration'
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  • 1 decade ago

    Again if you take all the benefits they get free an add them to there wages there making $ 25 to $35 dollars tax free & the tax payers footing the bill>?So where is this cheap labor>?Only for the employer not the 1s that lost there jobs to the illegals>? As when there gone an the wages will come up we still have to pay for what they get free>>?Have a baby lately with out insurance there's is free, & get wefare an all they can take so best call your Senator an complain or you will have to have 2 jobs to support them>>?If they get to stay>>?

  • 1 decade ago

    no not all of them and no the jobs in vegas pay quite well i was making i was making 20hr our health care is going to those you are to poor to pay for it taxes everyone pays, but provide more out... big business farms or little guys have always been low on the list of money makers..we do have enough farms and land to provide us with more than enough food and grain but it is traded for other things is why there is a cap on how much we should grow or what.. and most farmer's only pay the lowest rate they can and they are most of the time in places where they are not alot of people who needs to work... ive lost four jobs to mexico and here ive been pass or twice for jobs because i couldnt talk their talk.... we should stop fighting over seas and protect of land here from the invasion that no one see's and we should stop trading for so many things of other places and use some of our products here that would produce more work here... before we are the odd ones and no one understands what we are saying

  • 1 decade ago

    If the inner city poor or the rural Appalachians were willing to move to Vegas to do construction jobs at the wages being paid, and they were willing to work hard, I'm sure the Vegas contractors would hire them. Unfortunately, a lot of them are happier collecting checks for doing nothing in the place where they were born.

    I agree we should cut off the agricultural subsidies.

    There is already a movement to hire teachers from abroad, at least in math and science. Again, the reason is that the Americans qualified to teach high school math and science are not willing to do it for the salaries paid to high school teachers (or at least not with the current working conditions). And in the top universities, half the science professors are foreign, and have been for decades. This is because American universities have the highest pay and best working conditions, and hire the best of the best from all over the world.

    And, JUSTME - do you really know any unemployed electricians? I was under the impression we had a huge shortage of electricians, carpenters, and especially plumbers, and a customer couldn't normally get one to come do a job on less than a month's notice.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is the excuse that Politicians use . Its bull. When you add all the social services they steal it equates to over $19.00 per hour.If you paid the poor Americans half that amount they would be glad to do the jobs.

    The people who make out are the employers and the illegals.

    Most of the people who hire illegals do so as contract labor. With this designation they pay no benefits .This is why our hospitals are going broke. Our schools are over crowded. Our prisons are so full that we have to pay other states to house our prisoners,. I feel like I am beating a dead horse,if you know what I mean

    Source(s): Life in California
  • 1 decade ago

    For the poor (at least it seems in Appalachia where I live), it's easier to sit back and collect a welfare check than it is to work. Illegals don't have that option. They work, or they don't eat.

    And for the most part, I blame the welfare system. I know a girl who lived in subsidized housing for awhile because she had a difficult pregnancy and couldn't work (although she worked her entire life from the time she turned 16). When her baby was six weeks old, she went back to work, got a job working retail making like $7/hr. They raised her rent so much she couldn't afford to live there anymore. Most people would have quit and continued to live there rent free and live off the government. It's easier that way. The government makes it next to impossible to make it off of welfare, even for those with the willingness and ability to try to make a better life for themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I personally think that Americans have gotten lazy. If we do not have a job we go on unemployment or welfare instead of taking a job like farmhand or construction worker. My brother in MA works in irrigation. He installs and maintains underground sprinkler systems for those who can afford such luxuries. He was promoted very quickly because he's one of the few guys working for the company that is legal. He has had to learn another language(Portuguese), just to be able to tell the guys he supervises what to do.

    I personally live in CT, where minimum wage is fairly high compared to most states. It's still not enough to live off of with the prices around here. I also know a family in CT that totally takes advantage of the welfare system. This family is headed by a single mother who has 3 children, ages 21, 18 and 16. The mother refuses to work anything unless it is under the table to make sure the state still pays for everything they have. The 21 year old girl used to work full time but, just had a baby out of wedlock and has stopped working completely and now lives in governement housing. Unfortunately, my cousin, who works full time in a warehouse, is dating the middle daughter. Her mother asked him to move in and now the little money they have to pay for bills, he pays for them. All 3 of these kids are old enough to work and the mother should be working as well. I think Americans have gotten lazy and think that they are too good for some jobs.

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