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Which do you cling to the most?

Memories of the past~~or~~ Dreams of the future? How do they differ? Do they truly differ? Could they be one and the same? Is there a spiritual significance to your memories and dreams? How much do they encompass? How far do they expand?


Tis amazing, the diversity in answers yet they all have an underlying similarity. Coyote, Shaktifire, Shihan, our minds are in tune :-)

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How to address such a question without taking

    Perhaps the dreams of the future are the now clearer dreams from the past...refining, refining as we go along....future dreams was be always in a state of flux, available to be realized as they are held lightly ~ as we expand towards them, our vision of how they can form alters, grows larger....

    memories for me inform what needs tending to in my garden ~ those are the events not fully lived in the moment, awaiting a resolve, a question that still looks for an answer....

    dreams are ever expanding, they shift as my consciousness shifts..

    dreams for me are points of creation focus...and can be approached from an infinitude of directions, as they stand as a point....

    thus, for me, the dance of creation....


  • 1 decade ago

    My dreams all concern the future. The past I cannot change, but God threw all my sins into the Sea of my eyes are on the eternal future....I feel sorry for those who live in the past....even good memories can cripple you if you are not living for today and the future.

    I don't know if there is a spiritual significance to dreams....I really don't think so...I think it is our minds,,,working like computers and trying to sort out the things that we think about when we are awake.

    I am not a dreamer,,,so the few I did have were about trying to accomplish something,,,,not about people...I don't recall anyone in my dreams...past or present.

    I do wonder about Heaven sometimes just before I fall asleep,,,,so they may expand all the way to Heaven...but knowing me,,,I am cleaning the staircase or washing the choir robes..LOL

  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Mostly just deal with the present. I already lived the past. I try to learn from it and move on. I make some short distance plans, subject to change. Long distance future plans are vague as well. No doubt there will be work that needs doing and I must take care of these things first, then my own down the road. Once earth is a paradise and time is no longer a problem, I can satisfy my personal plans.

  • Shihan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I try my best to release the chains of my past, for it forms the foundation for who I am, and that is the ME I need to embrace. It haunts me, though, sometimes ... creeping into my Present when I least expect it, when I think I have released all unpure energies associated with it, suddenly there it is again, shoving itself in my face, screaming, "Are you sure you are not still chained upon your cross??"

    The future ...oh, divine one, I cling entirely too hard to it. It is the yin to the yang of my past, and I eagerly await its Presence. But right now, thoughts and dreams of it pull me from Present happiness, as I long for something I know is to come, and somehow I think and feel that if I will it, it will be so. But control without control is the only way to bring it on. I must control my controlling nature by not being so controlling.

    There is a spiritual significance to all the days of my life. Every moment has spiritual significance. There is no beginning; no ending; Om Tat Sat; I am the Alpha and the Omega; endless boundaries for All That Is. Endless. All encompassing.

    (((((((((Cosmic Kiss))))))))))

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm willing to let go memories of the past... but I want to keep them... even if all they do is hurt me. If I cling to dreams of the future I won't be afraid because there are people that love me helping me along the way. If they are the same, the pain of some days might repeat itself, memories and dreams do tie into eachother, affecting your life. That, however is just what i think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trying to make this old coyote think I see. All start from the point where I am. This seems to be my truth right now. My life although lived in the present can give life to the past or the future. I am the life, I am the truth, and I am the way. Seems as if I have heard that some place before. ~ : )

  • 1 decade ago


    This is an interesting question, my friend. Because on one hand it is impossible for one that is not conscious to not cling to the past because everything they do or are invoked to do is often a manifest, or conditioning factor of their past, so they react and act on stimulus to aspects of self that have been invoked via experience. Then at the same time people look towards the future, because they have goals, beginning mechanical mostly towards those goals, but still their conditioning moves.

    As for me, I seek to cling to the now, because those in the now are in the know. But the past and the future feeds the now, which makes the now all knowing. I advise everyone to cling to the moment of now, where consciousness is, in the moment of now. But I do have moments where I lose a bit of consciousness and wander into what could've been, although I am not attached to the past - and at times I wander into what can be, although I am not attached to the future, but I try to maintain or learn and grow to truly be in the now. Those who are in the now they know all things and are conscious.

    However objective view of the past is advantageous, in the sense that our life is an allegory and what has been holds much to be observed and much to recognized. Objective view of the future can help you to perceive in a manner outside of the box, or from coming in knowledge of the past you can know the patterns or cyclic nature of life and know the movements of how things will go, which only improves your awareness. I suppose the saying goes, "Those who fail to learn the lessons from the past, are condemned to repeat them." I guess it is all good as long as it is useful in your life and you are able to bring what you see and learn into the now, because it feeds it in capacity, even becoming aware of what attaches you, because not every want or desire has the same source in us.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I cling to dreams. Memories are past and done. I can learn from them. Dreams are what I can still take action on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Future, the past is past, already gone, nothing you can do, I look forward to my mansion in Heaven, The bibles says that for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him, should have eternal life. Jesus Christ came and died for my sins and yours on an old rugged cross, he laid down his life freely that he might be a perfect sacrifice for our sins, I have dreamed of the Rapture of the church before, what a beautiful dream it was, I saw angels coming out of the sky everywhere picking up Christians out of the crowds of people. All those who had believed in Jesus went up into the clouds including me, I then woke up but my spirit is still on a high, there is no God but Jesus Christ, his Amazing Grace is sufficient. Have you ever been saved, You have to be born again to go with Jesus to Heaven. You have to believe he is the son of God and that he died on a cross for you, Do you believe that, if you do you say this prayer and Christ will hear from Heaven if you are serious and he will save you, its all up to you, just say, Dear Jesus, I just ask you right now to come into my life and save me, I admit and confess that I am a sinner. I believe that you came and died on a cross for my sins, and that you rose from the grave as a perfect sacrifice to cover the sins of all mankind. I do believe you are the Son of God and I ask you to make me one of your children in the Kingdom of Heaven,and be my Lord and Saviour, in Jesus Name Amen, If you Prayed this Prayer with a sincere heart you are now saved, You should feel a burden being lifted off your heart and the days will seem brighter as Christ begins a work in you, find a church, and start reading your Bible, may God Bless YOU!!! If you have any questions please feel free to email me. Mercy and Grace have been applied!!!

    Source(s): Holy Bible
  • Eve
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It seems that I "cling" to what arises, but not for long because change is constant. There is always movement in 'what is'. My "future/present" is what is and I move in that, it seems. Memories, dreams, expansion is in the expression of 'what is'. I guess I cling to what is! lol.

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