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Are Movie Ratings Used With Your Kids?

I am a father of four. I have an 8yo boy whose social behaviour used to deteriorate after watching a lot of PG and mild M rated movies. After a suggestion that the behaviour was a result of this, we banned him from anything above a G rating, with PG movies monitored by us first. His reward for not kicking up a fuss about it was that, as all the new-release kids movies became available on DVD, we would buy them for him.

The change in his behaviour has been astounding!

My question is this, how many parents out there use the ratings systems with there kids?

And if you don't, why not?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I use them for my 3 year old because I found that some PG movies are highly inappropriate (Ice Age was terrible- mean and violent). We stick to Dora, Elmo and My Little Ponies now. I am continually shocked every time I go to an adult movie and see little kids there with there with their parents. I can't figure out why the theater allows kids into the late shows when they should be home in bed. Some parents are stupid. I am dreading the day my daughter is old enough to go to a sleepover and they watch Halloween or something. I use to research whether or not a movie will be OK for my daughter. The movies are rated for a reason, people, and unless you like your 8 year old hearing jokes about sex and swear words then I would suggest you stick to the ratings.

  • 1 decade ago

    I rate the movies we watch. I think I am the best one to determine what is appropriate for my children, not some rating system.

    The part that goes with this is that we watch movies together. My 12 year-old loves horror movies, so we watch them and discuss the difference between fantasy and reality. Talk about why certain things are scary and others aren't. My 13 year-old loves fantasy Dungeons and Dragons type movies, we watch them and use them when we play RPG games.

    My 17 year-old loves action/thriller movies, he has yet to express an interest in robbing a bank or racing street cars.

    Movies are a fantasy land, just like books. Put them in perspective and enjoy them for what they are.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I even have an purely approximately 15yr previous, and that i permit her watch those movies with me. She has seen the observed, hostel movies, and so on. yet, as stressful because it extremely is, she asks questions throughout the time of. She is acquainted with that what she is observing isn't actual and that its a tale, what she generally does not understand is the story line that is going alongside with those movies. She does not understand why this individual is doing that, or why this women human beings is cheating on her husband and so on. She is acquainted with that the gory scenes are not actual and that they are meant to make her freak! however the emotional stuff can confuse her without guidence, she loves the action picture 'concern' with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg, despite if it extremely is rated bigger than her age team, she thoroughly is conscious the area the undesirable woman gets herself in and each thing it quite is incorrect with it. i attempt to describe to her how the guy is feeling and why they think of they might desire to do the failings they do with the undesirable boy uno?? She gets it, she is conscious peer rigidity and having sufficient self-worth to get via those difficult years at school. She recognises the dominate behaviour of the boy and whats incorrect with it and why. through fact the action picture revolves around young little ones, she pertains to it and could pay interest to whats happening (after observing it for the 0.33 time she desperate that the lady replaced into 'like, completely stupid' lol. We watch maximum movies jointly, yet i consistently finally end up explaining issues throughout the time of, thats nice, bloody scenes do no longer faze her, she needs to renowned correct to the failings on a extra emotional point, with my guidence via those thoughts i think of it extremely is a income to a teenage woman. If there are extreme intercourse scenes, she will have the means to bury her face out of embarrassment, she isn't allowed to make certain a drawn out intercourse scene. If we are caught with a action picture that has too many good intercourse scenes, then particular, it gets switched off.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, not really, because I've seen some G rated movies that have concepts and issues in them that I'm not comfortable with my children seeing, and I've also seen some M rated movies that I'm happy for my kids to see.

    So, seeing as my kids don't watch that much tv anyway, I vet what they watch by viewing the movie myself beforehand and deciding whether or not it's appropriate. I also trust my brother's recommendations too, as I can't see every movie, don't have time.

    Some borderline movies that I've passed as okay, I've done so because I have watched the movie with my children, then brought up the issues in it and discussed them with my kids, so that I know they are getting a balanced view and a proper understanding of the issues in it.

    Same goes for their tv programs.

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  • tammer
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I watch with them....I dont go off ratings...... my children know that what they see in movies isnt REAL LIFE. If it has bad words they know not to repeat them.....

    Im the parent and i set the rating not some company that doesnt understand my chidrens maturity level.

    There isnt anything they are going to see in the movies, that they are not faced with daily going to school. We are not into the horror flicks, but we enjoy movies and if it has questionable morals i explain to the kids what was wrong and why thats not in their best interest.

    If its too raunchy we just shut it off, or leave the movies....

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the first answer and Tammer.

    Ice Age was mean and violent?? Give me a break. The real world, even school can be a little mean at times. It is our job as parents to help our children deal with these situations, not keep them isolated from it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I watch usually everything my daughter watches. She'll be nine in november and depending on the content of the movie, and if it seems like she'll watch it. She watches everythign from G to pG13

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