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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

What are the most important issues to you in the Presidential Election?

If you have a candidate in mind, tell me why you support them.

Are you registered to vote?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) I want to shrink the size of the Federal government. I want the Federal government to be 10% the size it is now. That means NO government health care for anyone!

    (Health Care is a simple economic issue. Supply and Demand. The more demand the higher the price goes. If government jumps in and subsidizes for everybody then the demand will go up so the price will go up too. If government tries to keep the price from going up, then something else will give and that would be the quality of service. The quality of service would go down.)

    2) I want the IRS abolished and a simpler system like the Fair Tax put into place. I'm tired of being a serf to the Federal government.

    3) I want the government to get out of my life. Let me live be free and pursue happiness!

    4) I want all fire arm bands repealed.

    5) I want our border with Mexico tightened.

    6) I want the US to pull out of the UN.

    7) I want the president to appoint judges who will interpret law in the light of the Constitution and NOT legislate from the bench.

    8) I want a drastic amount of power to be returned to the states.

    9) I want serious laws put into place for identity theft. You steal someones identity you get death or 10 years in prison. I want a law passed forcing credit bureaus to have to take on more efforts of protecting individuals identities also.

    10) I want the government to quit forcing me to contribute to Social Security. I am 35 years old. If it was not for social security, my wife and I would be retired by now! How frikin ironic is that!!!!

    Those of you giving me a thumbs down, I invite you to send me an email. Let's debate these issues with logic like rational human beings. I think you will not only see my point of view but will support it after a rational discussion.

  • Eyes
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I've been voting for 50 years.

    Now, important issues, in this order:

    1. STOP the North American Union: This will take care of open borders. With it, there will be no borders at all.

    2. FIND the illegal aliens and start deportation, no matter from where they came. Fine their employers and/or arrest the CEOs.

    3. IRAQ: Find a way to get the Iraqi government to take over, then bring our soldiers home.

    4. Stop the trucks from Mexico until they are up to standard.

    Health care is important, but I don't care for the so-called Universal plan. I haven't heard enough about the views on education either.

    I agree with Dr. Paul about abolishing the Fed Resv bank and IRS.

    The candidate I have in mind is Ron Paul. I want my "old" USA back!

  • 5 years ago

    Attitudes of electors toward the election and their stated reasons for their choices in many cases. Those who are willing to lie and smear to win as well as the willingness of some to believe those lies and smears without checking facts. What seem to me to be petty ideas seem to have a large influence with many people. The connections between the costs of the war in human suffering and in dollars and the connections this has to create all the other issues which plague us. The consequences to our future which have not even become apparent also worry me. I think all the issues are more connected than I or others realize. I think the candidates don't grasp that in some ways. For instance not raising taxes is stated but spending money we don't have does create taxes for someone, sometime. I may not pay now but I or someone will later. The uses of religion in the process. So many seem to think God is working for their interests and against others. If one came from outer space and saw this he'd think God was a Republican, a Democrat, a Muslim or some figment of the human mind. What will happen to this nation when the God who supposedly founded and blessed it, in whom we profess to trust, takes a look at the mess we've made, and says "Enough". Many great societies have reached a 'golden age' and then suffered a decline and disappearance. I think we are in a time which defines our nation in large measure by how we treat each other under the terms of our Consitution's Bill of Rights..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To me, the most important issues in any Presidential election is the issue of "judicial activism." It is important to remind ourselves that during any particular presidential term vacancies on the Supreme Court are likely going to happen and that the President has enormous potential to either (1) alter the net ideological disposition of the Court (i.e., in a "conservative" or "liberal" direction) or (2) appoint the RIGHT kind of Justices who will NOT be guided by their own ideological disposition.

    I do not have in mind any particular candidate whom I will support, because I have yet to hear any of them address this issue.

    I used to be registered to vote, when I lived in Missouri. But I moved to California a few years ago and I have not registered here. And I will not register until I hear the kind of campaign message I want to hear.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a registered dem and will be voting against Clinton in the primary and in the general election if necessary.

    My main issues are illegal immigration and the war in Iraq. I want all illegals deported or forced out of the country and the borders secured. I want all the boys home from Iraq and today isn't a minute too soon.

  • 1 decade ago

    Strong commitment to fighting our enemies and showing them that we are not on the verge of retreating from the war against Radical Islam just because it is getting too hard.

    Strong commitment to securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws.

    Fiscal responsibility.

    Reduce taxes, reduce spending, shrink the bloated federal government

    Back away from Socialism

    Privatize our failing, poorly designed Social Security.

    I don't have a particular candidate in mind, but there are many candidates that are completely on the opposite spectrum of what I think will keep the USA from sinking towards 3rd World status.

    I am a registered Independent

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I am a registered voter and I always vote. The War on Terror is a very important issue to me. Foreign Policy is another. Our economy and health care fall close to the others. I fear having the Democrates in the Oval Office because they do not 'get it' in regard to Global Terrorism. I have no confidence in them keeping America safe. They can't see past their office doors.

    We don't need a socialist in the White House! People have forgotten their history! Hillary is dangerous! And Obama is to inexperienced to fill that seat! My goodness, this is the United States of America! They are running on 'hate the Republicans'.... and offering us nothing in leadership. It's time we have a straight-talking leader that isn't afraid to plant his/her feet and lead.

    I support Fred Thompson at this point and time.

    *He is pro-life

    *He supports Second Amendment Rights

    *He has a strong record on National Security and Defense

    *He would appoint strict constructionist judges

    *Hes a consistent proponent for lower taxes

    *Against big government

    I believe Fred Thompson is a man with good common sense and a man of integrity. We need such a person in the White House.

    Source(s): Speech: A Nation Resolved April 16 2004 Interviews with Fred Thompson
  • 1 decade ago

    The war in Iraq, national security, healthcare, and immigration are the big issues as I see it. So far, I like Barack Obama - I think he will bring a much-needed change to our country. Yes, I am registered to vote and have voted in every presidential election since I was 18.

  • 1 decade ago

    For me, getting us out of Iraq. My candidate has to be pro-choice. I support Obama for both reasons and I am, indeed, a registered voter.

    You anti-abortionists should look beyond the actual birth of a child. Check out how many children, poor innocent kids, who are tortured, murdered, and abused by parents and/or boyfriends. Is this what you want for these anti-aborted kids?

  • 1 decade ago

    I am registered and I will vote. Most important, that Hillary Rodham Clinton never becomes President of the United States

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