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Tom asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Q for foes of illegal immigrants/ immigration.?

Would you oppose the following:

Awarding temporary residence to illegal immigrants, and their spouses and minor children, if they join the military. If they serve honorably, they gain permanent residence. But, they, along with the family lose their residence if they are discharged under less than honorable circumstances.

If you oppose, why?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't believe the basis for effective military service should be anything other than a desire to serve YOUR country...getting a reward for signing up for the military will create a military of illegal slackers waiting for "payday" when they get their residency.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No......I personally find it a huge security threat in todays world. They would prove they were worthy of being a citizen by simply going the legal route to try and become one. Not everyone who wants to be here can come here and using the military as a means to gain easier entry after breaking the law is just wrong. I was raised when they had the draft and if it's wrong to draft citizens then it's more wrong to bribe people who aren't citizens and a threat for our security if they take the deal.

    I mean look where we are with people simply supposidly wanting to work here illegally. More are dead in our country from that, than who has died in war. Now we have a worse than ever drug problem and gang problem and everything else. I could just see arms being shipped and deals being made and instead of "what about the children" we'd have "but they served this country" as an excuse. What happens to the woman who signs up to serve and finds her husband has been running a major drug ring while she was away serving.....lets just say honorably with medals to make it a really good story. Now what? Or the guy who serves but has been doing some serious damage before he gets caught and his wife has been the model citizen? We're right back to "for the sake of the children"...."tearing apart families" etc.

    Here's a novel idea......just abide by the law to begin with and we don't have to worry about it. Personal responsibility.

    I know people face all sorts of different things they have to work through. Maybe it's your kid who wants a new car and you're trying to determine if they are responsible enough to have one. Clean your room, keep your grades up....some little benchmarks and guidelines to meet to earn the privalege of having the car. If they refuse to abide by any of them and then get caught stealing one because you mean parents didn't give them one and they wanted it......are you gonna run out and buy a brand new car for this kid? Lets say if they really have you wrapped around their finger and you do but you booze, no more than 1 other person in the car, because it's the LAW and within the first week they wreck the car because they were drunk and 2 kids were injured and 1 is dead. Gonna run right back out and by the snot another brand new car? He feels bad....but now he's saying if you don't I'll never work or go to school and you will be stuck supporting me for the rest of your life. After-all.....didn't ask to be born. This kid was given chances...and more chances....and so many of these illegals have been given the same and now they have this attitude tough noogies. For every break and chance too many have thumbed their nose at it or find a way to get out or excuse themselves from their part of the deal.

    No....there's a way....there's a path....everyone that wants to come here can't.....if you can't even do BASIC things then why should I even hope they'd do the big ones? Not to mention risk our national security or another servicemans life. No way.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There might want to correctly be countless distinct motives: a million) They themselves at one time were unlawful immigrants. So, they have first-hand adventure as to the struggles of immigrants and favor to ascertain their fellow "countrymen" make something of their lives as they were finally waiting to. 2) they have acquaintances or relatives that are unlawful immigrants. 3) they're humanitarians/ activists. Edit: isn't it thrilling? some human beings have any such competent hatred for immigrants, that they are going to actual provide a "thumbs down" only for answering a question immediately - even if there is not any opinion in it both way and it in worry-free words states some plausible solutions to the question.

  • 1 decade ago

    I oppose illegal immigration for moral reasons. It is immoral for the US to support the root cause of the poverty in Mexico by taking in Mexico's poor. Mexico is not a poor country and the obvious root causes of the poverty are greed and government corruption.

    When we take in the poor of Mexico, we aren't doing anything to end the poverty in Mexico. We only relieve the pressure on the Mexican government, and the Mexican elite, to do something to end the poverty in Mexico.

    The Mexican elite live like kings while poverty is everywhere around them. In fact the richest man in the world is now a Mexican named Carlos Slim. Mexico has the 12th largest economy in the world, according to the World Bank.

    Corrupt Government and greed are the only possible explanations for the poverty in Mexico.

    But more Mexicans have been protesting on the streets of the USA than on the streets of Mexico. That trend has to be reversed or it is more likely that the standard of living in the USA will end up like the standard of living in Mexico, than the other way around.

    As I said, I believe it is immoral to support illegal immigration and I've given my reasons for believing that. Therefore I can't support illegal immigration for any reason. The USA has the most lenient legal immigration in the world. I support legal immigration, but I cannot support illegal immigration for any reason.

    Source(s): Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world - Aug. 6, 2007 Data - Quick Reference Tables
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  • Yuzuki
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I oppose completely , all the military is doing is getting more pawns that way. I am not one for war and bribing illegal immigrants like that is wrong. All they are practically saying is " We will give you a home if you give us your life". So if one joins the military and then get shipped overseas and gets killed then what about his family? You know the military isnt going to worry about that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that would be doing our military a grave disservice.

    People join the military because they want to not because it's the only way they can gain the right to live somewhere.

    What kind of soldiers would they really make anyway- aren't a large portion of them leaving their home countries because of corrupt politics and oppression that they don't have the nerve to stand up to?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our military has enough problems without having to fight along side people who hate our country. If there is a need for increased military they should pull them out of countries like Korea, Japan, and Germany. Personally, I'd like them out of all foreign countries and put on the borders and be available to help with deportations.

  • jackie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If they care enough about America to serve in the military they should become citizens. Many do serve now and it's not fair to deny them citizenship when they risk more than many legal citizens to serve this country.

  • 1 decade ago

    I oppose. You are talking about The Dream Act. I don't care how the politicians word that bill or what bill they attach it to and try to slide it in with. I oppose AMNESTY to all illegal's of all nationalities.

  • Lori K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'd oppose it. I think having foreign nationals attempting to buy citizenship through military service would cheapen our military and it's abilities and pose a security risk.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think so. I want our service personnel to be people that want to defend and protect our country, not use it as a means to an end. As it is, there are situations that we hear about soldiers because they "just signed up for the education", and then when they get wounded or killed their families yell. I want our military to be comprised of people who want to do it for the right reasons - then we can be assured that their hearts are in it, and that they are doing the best possible job.

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