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Do you have a stalker?

There's this guy I met almost 2 years ago that won't leave me alone. I found out that we work in the same building so I am always looking over my shoulder to see if he's entering or leaving the building and I am always using side and rear exits to avoid him. He refuses to just stop calling and emailing (information he got from the church where we met - this information was not given to him).

What did you do to rid yourself of your stalker?


He's been standing by my car in the parking garage at work a few times when I left work so I started parking in the surface lot which is very well-lit and I get here early enough to get a space very close to the front entrance. I did tell the security at the building and the security guard gave me a number to call if I see the guy standing around outside my car. Luckily, he doesn't call my work number and he doesn't send email to my work email address, but I have printed out his emails and my replies asking that he not email me again.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not now but I did. I was in high school at the time it was a nightmare. Put a restraining order on him and he still would come around. He was sick though. I didnt want to see him, I wanted him to stay away and I made it clear. He did things like (summer time) just the screen doors were shut and he would sneak in and hide in my closet bedroom. Another time actually dressed in green, black under his eyes etc.. He wrote with soap or something on our garage windows (nasty stuff), the dog was barking (I didnt know he was around at that point) I opened the door seen the writting and got cleaner to clean the windows before anyone else seen it. While I was wiping the windows he grabbed me by the throat smashed my head into the door then on the pavement.. it went on for awhile the struggle etc, I got back in the house then he tried to burn down the house. This was before the police took serious consideration to domestic abuse or stalking etc. You need to take it seriously, you are fearful, scared etc..? Make a police report next time he is around you where you dont think he should be. Then go get a PPO.

    I moved 70 miles away after graduation day, got a unlisted phone number and told only 1 person where I was. 1 year later I lived in a apartment alone where people had to be buzzed in. Usually I would just hit the buzzer so the door would open.. guess who stood nose to nose with me and it started over again. I moved in less than a month, had to break a lease etc, this time I told no one from my home town or who I went to school with. Its been 18 years, never have heard from again. But I lost contact with all my friends at one time that I never got to say good bye too or see again. NO one should have the right to make another live in fear because you wont date them.

    Thank God for the protection laws now. Use them. Or tell him your engaged or even Gay.. maybe he will stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had a stalker (more than one, but one that was really scary). You MUST do the following:

    1. Change your phone number, make sure it's unlisted. Tell people you have a stalker so they wont give it out.

    2. Change your email address and don't give it out.

    3. Ask your phone/IT staff at work to change your work phone & email, too. Ask the receptionist to help you screen calls if he stars going through the main business line.

    4. Keep a log of every time he emails or calls.

    5. Give the log to the police and file a stalking report every time he calls after that. The police won't do anything until you start reporting the stalking (multiple times). Yes, it's inconvenient, but you MUST do it and start a file on him.

    6. DO NOT be polite to him. Whenever you see him, say very firmly: "Leave me alone. I do not want you to contact me or follow me."

    7. Tell everyone, at home, at work, etc. They will help look out for you. Don't make a big dramatic deal about it, but do calmly let them know.

    8. There are some great books at the library on the subject. Check them out so you can learn how to protect yourself.

    Good luck, sweetie. You have to be tough.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to the police station and tell them everything you have said, if you can, print out the emails that he has sent. They will start a stalking file on him. They will advise you to get a cell phone if you don't have one and just call them any time you see him following you in the car, get his license plate number and give it to them.

    My stalker has been following me for 8 + years. Good luck. Inform the Police and your employer because the police will contact them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You've flat out told him that you don't want any further contact from him? I would keep a record of everything that he's doing, and let your co-workers know of what is going on so they can be aware of the situation too. You can file a police report, but without him doing something really bad they will probably not help you out at all and just file it away as borderline harrassment, BUT it is important to keep a record and trail of what is occuring so that you stack it up against this guy. Hopefully he doesn't do anything crazy but just in case he does, people will be aware and can watch out for you as well....and the police have it on record.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had a stalker for nearly 3 years. She made my life miserable. I couldn't go anywhere in the city without running into her. I'd get emails, phone calls, notes left on my doorstep, car, letters and cards in the mail etc.

    I finally went to the police. They told me to save the emails, the letters, notes, cards then bring them in and turn them over to the police. They gave me instructions on how to handle the letters and cards and notes so i wouldn't smudge any finger prints. They also advised to get a phone with a camera and snap pictures of her when she was present where I was.

    I did all this stuff. turned the info over to the cops and they eventually nabbed her following me around town one saturday afternoon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First you need to call the police and let them know what is going on so you have it documented. Every time he calls or does anything to make you feel uncomfortable call the police so it keeps getting documented. If it still doesn't stop, get all the police complaints and file for a restraining order. If he does anything after that he goes straight to jail!

  • 1 decade ago

    i never had one but i know some one that did. she got a restraining order out on him. She then changed her number and email addresses.

    If you have to you may want to change jobs. But that is an extreme way. Also make sure you walk out of the building with someone that know what is going on. Just to be safe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe you should send him a message, or arrange to meet him in a public place with someone else close by for back-up and explain to him that you'd appreciate it that he stop stalking you. Also tell him that if he doesn't stop, you're going to contact the authorities and explain your situation to them. That way you can give him a chance to stop without getting anyone else involved.

    If he doesn't get the message. Go to the authorities, whether that be someone at your work, or the police.

  • 1 decade ago

    hmm....stalk him ^_^, I had the same problem, first tell him dude you know I kinda need myspace not to be mean at all but I need some me time so if you can stop calling me, going through my trash, and parking outside my house that be great, if not warm him you go to the police, and if that dosent work file a report and get mace in case. GL

  • 1 decade ago

    I did. 5 years after I broke up with this guy, he still called me and knew what kind of car I drove, etc. Then, I heard from a co-worker that he told them he could ____ me anytime he wanted. I sent a certified letter to his JOB, telling him that he will quit talking about me, or even thinking about me. He is a pervert and I will send a copy of this letter to every member of his family if I ever hear that he has mentioned my name again.

    Problem solved!

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