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View of Islam, is it a religion of peace?

The recent acts of violence, including 9/11 suggest otherwise. No religion in these modern times can profess to be peaceful and yet support acts of cold blooded murder. I put emphasis on the religion because this is where the violence is emanating from and condoned. This is what I hear and read, not just in western news, but Muslim as well. The piece on the project promoted by the president of iran that there was no holocaust suggests there is quite a propaganda machine in the muslim world.


OK, I believe most of you are sincere in your thoughts. Some of your have actually looked beyond your noses to seek the truth (thank you padre), while others have taken whimsical guesses or hearsay and said that cannot be (remember Nazi Germany and world opinion back in the 30'?), anything is possible.

Is it all muslims? Of course not, just those with enough intellect to hold sway over the masses to achieve a political/economic goal. Kind of reminds me of the crusades, a true black mark in Christianity.

As for myself, I do not wish to opine, other than to say seek the truth and keep your mind open and free from pre- conceived notions. Go to both sides and judge for yourself.

As an aside, I am truly saddened that 3 religions built upon the same foundations and sharing the same God, could be so different and irreconcilible.

For myself, I follow the teachings of Jesus, not by dictate, but by choice and my temple is in my heart and my head. Try peace for a change.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    a group of people don't make the whole religion... a couple of hundred out of 1 billion people don't make islam!


  • 1 decade ago

    You are taking an entire religious belief and making everyone in that religion accountable for these horrendous acts. Should not all religions be judged the same way then?

    Look at the world today, what about the loving, compassionate Muslims, the loving and compassionate Jews and loving and compassionate Jordanians, the loving and compassionate Christians? Should the entire body of these religions be condemned because SOME of their people have chosen to do opposite than what their basic beliefs are? Just because the president of Iran is acting and talking a certain way, does that mean that all of the people in his country think the same way. Do YOU think the same way as Pres. Bush?

    Just looked at the answer from Dolly-Ma. Does she honestly think that the Bible, for instance, completely and fully just talk about peace and love? Read it and you will see that there is violence mentioned in different religious scriptures, not just the in the Muslim world. Again, do you not think that there is a propaganda machine at work in all governments, including the Western World.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it is a religion of peace. Just because most Arab Nations are Muslim, don't confuse this with the 9/11 tragedy. This was done by an extreme group.

    There were Muslim's killed in the Twin Towers as well. The Arab-American communities were just as horrified and many are still paying for the price because they have an ethnic sounding name.

    For some reason, we always choose one ethnic background to hate. First England and American Indians.Then the African- Americans and the German's during World War 2 etc. etc.

    When will we learn that we can not condemn an entire Nation for acts of a handful of people.

    I guess Bob Dylan coined this with "The answer is blowing in the wind."

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the news on the international media is tailor-made to suit ulterior motives and suited to project the image what they want.

    The Qur'an says:

    “O you who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news ascertain the truth lest you harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of repentance for what you have done.” (Al-Qur'an 49:6)

    Islam forbids killing of innocent people. The Qur'an says:

    “ … If anyone slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity.” (Al-Qur'an 5:32)

    Killing any innocent human being, whether Muslim or non-Muslim is not allowed in Islam. Even in the circumstances of war, this aspect is not to be ignored. The first caliph of Islam, Abu Bakr As-Siddique (R) is reported to have commanded Usama ibne Zaid (R):

    “I command you to do ten things: you must not kill a woman or a child, or an elderly person; do not cut down trees, or vandalize homes, or wound a sheep or camel except if you must eat it; do not drown a palm tree, or burn it, do not be treacherous; do not be cowardly; and you will pass by people who have devoted themselves to monastery life: leave them alone with their devotions.” (Tarikh At-Tabari, V.3, p.210)

    Thus killing children or innocent people are not allowed in Islam. And Allah knows the best.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ah, propoganda machines are everywhere and are unaviodable. Just as Ahmadinejad believes there was no Holocaust, you believe Islam supports violence and murder. Just as it would take Ahmadinejad a little bit of research to find out about the Holocaust, it would mean the same for you to find that Islam IS a peaceful religion no matter how hard Islamophobes try to spin it. Otherwise there would not be so many Muslims in this world, and especially not so many converts to Islam. You are free to your opinions, but I beg you to base your opinion on fact rather than other opinions and plain ignorance. Trust me, most of the Muslims in this world see Ahmadinejad as someone with the relative same I.Q. as Bush (which you probably won't understand if you're a fan).

    Best of luck.

    Sincere: I couldn't agree with you more!!!

  • :-)
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Its a religion of peace. Remember the phrase "one rotten apple spoils the whole basket?" The same basic rule applies, in regards to Islam. Think about this also. Would it be fair to say that ALL Christian people are fanatical if you ONLY ever saw that crazy religious lady from "Trading Spouses" on the tv? I think not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Speaking as an American Muslim I will honestly say yes. By the way Islam had nothing to do with 9/11, 7/7 or the attacks on the WTC in 1993. Killing is against Islam as is terrorism. ALLAH(SWT) says that whoever spills innocent blood or any blood will be among the first to taste the fires of Hell and be judged on the Day of Resurrection. ALLAH(SWT) also says that a person who kills another person is like he/she killed all of mankind and whoever saves a life is like he/she saved all of mankind. Saudis didn't have anything to do with 9/11. There were no Arabs on Flight 77 either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Any religion can be used for violence. Most muslims are peaceful. Dont let the few fool you. Whatever your religion people just want a free and safe life.

  • 1 decade ago

    No religion is of peace or of war; it's what its adherents make it to be.

    Westerners and Muslims in the Middle East are both in denial. Westerners deny the obvious fact that animosity against the US and Israel are due to their policies---establishment of military bases, suppression of the rights of Palestinians, invasions, manipulation of Middle East leaders etc. Middle Easterners are in denial and don't want to admit that the solution to their problems has to start with them overthrowing their corrupt leaders, not attacking the United States.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are extremes in any religion. Islam is really a very peaceful religion. It is only a few who are extreme, the majority don't support the violence.

  • 1 decade ago

    All religion is evil. It is just something our parents pump into us, brainwashing us into thinking we will go to damnation if we don't follow the "true" religion. I was brought up by Catholic parents, and was taught at a catholic school. I spent 5 years being beaten by nuns, because I chose to have an opinion, even at the tender age of 10. I believe in God, or some higher being, but I truly believe that all organised religions are evil, and are the work of the Devil to cause wars and conflict.What would you rather have? 1 good kind non -believer, or a thousand hateful murdering Muslims, Catholics, Mormons, or any of the other so called "true" religions. I cannot believe God will throw me into "damnation" because I choose not to be in an organised religion, he will judge me by my deeds to my fellow man.

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