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hoodwink asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Ho do I brush a cat without getting bit or scratched?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There can be the scenarios from the information that you gave.

    One: This is not your cat. If you can't get close to it with or with out a brush you do not have that close of a relationship with it. If I am right you are probably not going to get anywhere near the feline with a brush. The only answer is to take the long and lengthy process of gaining it's trust. By being near it, slowly getting it used to you petting it. And eventually over time being able to gently brush it.

    Two: If it is necessary ( I can't think of a reason why it would be ) Get close to the cat. put a towel over it's head and gently but firmly hold it while brushing it. Make sure to wear gloves and a rain coat to prevent scratches. The cat might not like you very much after this but this is a last resort.

    Three: If it is your cat and just has a phobia of brushes and combs do this. Get the cat on your lap. Slowly pet it and get it completely comfortable and content. Then slowly place the brush next to you. Then continue petting it. Getting the cat used to the brush that scares it so much. If the cat jumps away from you then hide the brush and try to get the cat back on your lap. Next time bring the brush closer and continue petting the cat. Repeat this process until the cat allows you to brush it. Don't rush this. Try to not do it all in one day if possible.

    There you have it. Three answers to one problem. Hopefully one of these scenarios are the one that you are looking for.

    Thank you.

    Source(s): My Brain
  • 1 decade ago

    The biggest problem I had was getting the cat to stand still! She always wanted to play with the brush. If your cat has long hair and it's matted...your best bet is to cut off the biggest clumps of hair. If you do try to get the mats out by brush she's not likely to to stand for that and it could get very ugly. You should start with her head and very gently groom just her head until she understands that she will enjoy it. Move a little bit down the next day...and so on. Until she allows you to brush her entire body. She will more then likely not want you going to her belly though...unless she likes her belly petted.

    Never wait until there is a major problem with the cats fur!! Groom them at least 3 times a week to make them more comfortable with the feeling and to help keep up their appearance. GOOD LUCK!

    Source(s): 3 cats
  • 1 decade ago

    first , are you using a cat brush? if not that is you first `to do`.

    second , let he or she , play with it, and pet her head, while she is sniffing and playing with the brush,second very slowly take the brush and lightly scratch her head, around her ears, and then just go the Lenght of his or her body, if they will not let you the first time, keep at it, she will start coming to you, Evey time she sees you with the brush.I stared out when mine were kittens, brushing, cutting nails, cleaning ears, etc, and they still do not like any of it, except the brushing. i love them and talk to them and they associate it all, i think. cats skin is very sensitive and if you are not using a brush made for a cat, it could be unpleasant for your little friend if it is not. I get mine at walmart for less than 3.00 they are green with little wires, that if get under a humans fingernail, it is like a straight pin, but to a cat , it is wondeful,, strange.. EVERYTHING you do with a feline , you will have to be trusted, first and the tool in your hand , even more. keep at it , you will be surprised soon, good luck

    Source(s): brushing my felines with all the wrong tools, and found the right one, they love it
  • 1 decade ago

    The best way not to get bit when brushing your cat is by using a "cat mask" or cat muzzle. It doesn't hurt them in anyway - opening at the nose so they can breath and it covers their mouth and their eyes which can help calm them down so they do not get stressed out. Wear gloves if they tend to scratch. you can find one a your local pet store or online at Jeffers Pet.

    Good Luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    start by petting the cat then bring the brush in only when the cat is comforable. I had that problem with my cat Jacy. She would bite me and be a scared. I just started petting her and then I started to brush her only when she was ready and not alot at one time and now that is something that she loves have done to her. She even lets me brush her tummy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try giving the cat treats while holding the brush near to him/her,this should help him/her associate the brush with something pleasant.Then keep getting closer with the brush slowly until they get use to it.Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    What I did with my cat was put her on a table or something that was at my height so I wouldn't have to bend over to reach her. I then took the brush/comb and held it in front of her nose. I let her sniff it to her hearts content then I gently started brushing along her back or side then let her smell it again. I continued this process a couple times and she eventually got use to it.

    Source(s): Experience. I have 3 cats. I've had 4 cats in the past.
  • 1 decade ago

    Make sure the cat is comfortable, reasure it by gently stroking it, if it is your first time on grooming a cat, do it lightly until the cat gets used to it. If it doesnt bite or scratch, award it... Always keep the treat infront of it, and if it bites/scratches hide the treat.... (NEVER groom the head: Only from neck to tail... :]

    Source(s): I have a cat: I had the same problems... :-]
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    my cat loves being brushed - i just stroke him with the brush as if i am petting him. but he usually comes up to me first and rubs his head and walks among the brush. just make them aware of what the brush is, possibly rub a little cat nip on the bristles

  • 1 decade ago

    Your cat obviously doesn't like being brushed try Wearing gloves.

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