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Dream: Mouse in my pocket?

I had the strangest dream last night, unlike any dream I remember ever having.

In the dream, I was watching TV on the living room couch, and a mouse crawled up and "adopted" me. A few minutes later, he (she? I don't know) crawled into the right pocket (I am right-handed,FWIW) of my hoodie and nestled there a few minutes. Then he crawled out. I felt there was something still in my pocket, so I turned the pocket inside out, and two sets of leg bones, with the feet still attached, fell out.

I looked at the mouse, who was crawling away on the floor, not bleeding, but clearly without rear legs. Other than that, he appeared and acted normal. The feet, by the way, were roughly twice as big as they should have been, though the legs were normal-sized.

I'm creeping myself out, thinking about this. Any ideas?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, I don't rule you have seen the movie or commercial about mouse. The new DVD Ratatouille has just come out. That may be the reason that lurked into your subconscious mind. However.

    Broken (without legs) = incomplete

    crawling out = runaway, seeking for help, attention

    Pocket = privacy

    It seems like there is some sort of secret you may have experienced that it was let out and projecting mouse in the pocket could symbolize some sort of trouble you are having. This may have something to do with things you want to hide from others. Projecting broken legs could mean that you probably fail to do so and that leads to guilt conscience. Perhaps, you are seeking help or support in this case to fix your guilt conscience. Having the mouse crawling without two sets of legs may suggest that you are feeling incomplete in some way in life and you try to mend it but somehow you fail to do so, they crawled out from your pocket suggests that the secret or privacy leaks out and you may be feeling a little unease because of that.

    Of course, as I said before, any TV commercial, movie experience could also make you dream like that.

    Source(s): insight
  • 1 decade ago

    Are you a man or a woman? Because for a woman to dream of a mouse denotes that she will have an enemy who will annoy her by artfulness and treachery.


    Again, for a woman. If a woman dreams of seeing a mouse in her clothing, it is a sign of scandal in which she will figure out.

    For men to dream of a mouse, all I can say is GET OVER YOURSELF. We are supposed to be men! We are not supposed to be afraid of little critters!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you could get educated answers on here the head-shrinkers would be out of business! Try Sigmund Freud's 'The Interpretation of Dreams'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pray about it. It is your mind playing tricks on you.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You might fall sick, take care of yourself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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