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Atheists: Short answers please What Christian belief or statement bothers or humours you the most.?

Is it creatioinism, ressurection, miracles, Leveticus, etc.

Christians: I hope you find the answers informative.


Thanks for the many good answers. I'll select one now. I like some of the longer ones but am loathe to give it best as I did ask for short answers - more of a poll.

54 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "He who is wounded in the stones, or has his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the assembly of Yahweh."

    Dueteronomy 23:1

    Haha. This humors me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That anyone who doesn't believe precisely the same thing as them, even Christians of other sects, are wrong, stupid and misinformed; that this intolerance does and has caused more suffering in the world than any other single sole cause over the past two thousand years; and their overbearing smugness about the rightness of their beliefs, along with an apparent joyful anticipation of the rapture, not for their salvation, but of the sight of the heretic nonbelievers who will suffer for their wrongness.

    Naturally, not all Christians act this way. But they believe in a god who apparently tolerates such behaviour, whilst simultaneously preaching love and understanding of people.

  • 1 decade ago

    The one that bugs me the most is how they go on about God having made all of us in his image, but then turning around and claiming that I am some kind of demon-spawn because I'm gay. If I am made in God's image, and I have always had these feelings, then how can it be wrong to act on them and be "involved" with others who think and feel as I do? It's not like I'm trying to force myself on others or subvert anyone's "normal" desires to my own. That would be just as wrong as some bible-thumper trying to force me into having sex with a woman, or insisting that I should, at least, not have sex at all. With scientific proof available online of studies showing over 500 species of animals displaying some kind of homosexual behavior, doesn't that just prove that it isn't "Unnatural"?

    As a sidenote to "Pepper": You say that morals come from the Bible, but that isn't true. Every religion provides Morals to it's followers and the majority of them are exactly the same as the ones found in the Bible. This applies to those faiths that were around prior to Christianity, as well as the ones that came about at the same time and after. No one faith has a monopoly on Morals OR Ethics. Kindly step down off your spiritual "high horse", that air of superiority your trying to breathe is obviously insufficient to your brain's need for oxygen.

    Source(s): online and library studies. BTW, I know you asked for Atheists to answer, but this little pagan guy couldn't resist putting in my "2 cents".
  • Alex S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Creationism definitely. And it bothers and

    humours me equally. I don't really mind the

    rest of it at all. They try to sell pseudo science

    as science. And that's a very bad thing. Science

    and religion have nothing in common. If you start

    to mix it you get nothing but crap. Basically every

    "theory" of creationism can be debunked within

    minutes with nothing more than high school know-

    ledge. If you put religion to the test of science it

    will fail where proof or disproof is possible. Every-

    where else it just doesn't hold up to the very basics

    of science.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'll *try* to limit it to five, since you asked for a short answer.

    1) That I secretly believe in their God.

    2) That I'm an immoral person who lives for purely selfish reasons.

    3) That threats of Hell are anything but irritating to me.

    4) That their beliefs are for everyone--so much so that they'll change and add laws, add words to such things as the Pledge, suppress stem cell research, stand in the way of gay marriages--oops! You want me to keep this short, don'tcha?

    5) That I worship Satan. How I could do that without believing in God is quite beyond me!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We would have been better off without any type of religion, ever. It annoys me that people continue to waste time practicing any type of it when it is the cause of so many deaths every freaken day.

    As for a specific thing, their anti-gay-marriage beliefs tend to piss me off. The only argument they have is, "Well, the Bible says it's wrong, and besides... HE'S FKN QUEER!" They're born gay, it's not their fault, you need to mind your own ******* business.

  • 1 decade ago

    Agnostic here.

    My personal pet peeve is their Historical revisionism and statements such as "America is a Christian Nation" or "America was founded by "Christians"."

    First of all America is NOT a Christian nation, it is home to many Christians, but that no more makes it a Christian Nation that it makes it a white Nation. (Read the Treaty of Tripoli for more info)

    Second of all, most of our founding fathers were Deists, not Christians, and were reviled by Christians in their time. Jefferson was reviled for saying something along the lines of "It matters not if my neighbor worships one God, or twenty Gods, it neither picks my purse or breaks my leg". (not an exact quote, but something similar.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The fact that someone can believe just because they're told to. How do they know the bible wasn't actually written by some idiot on a acid trip? Because that's what it sounds like to me.

    And I'd also like to know how you can consider anything "good" or "loving" when there are thousnands of children dying from starvation, abuse, neglect, wars, cancer, AIDS, etc... and being raped, molested and abused all over the world right now. If "God" truely loved "everyone" then he wouldn't let innocent children suffer. If there is a "God" he's one screwed up diety.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think that putting someone down and making fun of someone because of their beliefs is wrong, whether they are christian or atheist or hindu, whatever, and right now you are being just as bad as the christians that you are making fun of, who are you to put believe that their faith is right" or something like that./...but wouldnt EVERYONE believe their faith is the right one, just as you would believe your lack of faith is who are you to say what is right? you know, maybe is god isnt real, when the world ends, most christains will look back and know that we believed in something bigger than ourselves that helped us through the hard times, but i can say one thing for sure that people that dont believe, are gonna feel REALLY stupid because they will be burning in hell when all you had to do is take a leap in my opinion, there is everything to gain and nothing to lose...i know that i live by MY morals and you live by yours, so why wopuld you care what other people live by?

  • 1 decade ago

    Anything dealing with science, specifically when they spout such lies or nonsense as, Charles Darwin repenting on his deathbed, abiogenesis being shown to be impossible, DNA as disproving evolution, there are no transitional fossils, and the classic if evolution is true why are there still monkeys.

    Such ignorance about science is humorous until one remembers that these folk also vote.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well you either post a 27 page reply or question from a book we don't believe a word of ,then lecture us,patronise us and then tell us we are gonna burn in hell..bout sums it up for me...well time to go I got some demons to raise yeehahhh

    Source(s): Pig sick of listening to spoon fed lies,your momma's should be ashamed......
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