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Kelly_from_Texas asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

I'm sad tonight....?

This is not a question. I want to honor my beautiful 10 year old Calico, Sabrina, by telling you on this website that she died tonight. Just a while ago. She was very healthy so it was not illness that killed her. It was a car. She has NEVER gone out in the street but tonight something possessed her to do so and a car got her. She was the sweetest cat I ever had, a real lap cat to be sure. So please say a little prayer for her if you would so she makes it to kitty heaven and maybe I'll see her again some day.

Thank you.


Thank you sweet people for your thoughts.

Update 2:

I just emptied Sabrina's food bowl and washed it up. How sad and how permanent.

But once again, thank you all for the lovely notes you sent Sabrina and I.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, you poor thing. This genuinely brought tears to my eyes. I will keep Sabrina in my thoughts, and you also, of course. One of my own kitties died just a few weeks ago, and I too posted a question about her so I know how you feel. You can be thankful, at least, that she had an owner that loved her, and that her passing was so fast it was painless. She will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.

  • Dear Kelly,

    I am so saddened by your loss. Ten years is a beautiful relationship to lose. I've had cats all my life and know how loving they are. After 13 years together, my cat Bucket was killed by a car two years ago. I know how badly you're hurting. When I "talk" to Bucket I'll add a prayer for your Sabrina. I'm sorry she's gone from you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will say a prayer for her. We had the same thing

    happen last year. Our 1 year old Snowshoe, Buffy,

    ran into the street and was clobbered by a car.

    So our deepest sympathy goes out to you.

    We eventually put up a cat fence so our

    tribe can go out and play without getting

    into trouble. It is an ordinary fence with

    bent wire on top so the cats can't climb over it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I shall say a prayer for your cat. Your Sabrina is in heaven.

    My cat just died a few months ago. I understand your sorrow!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Kelly - our heart goes out to you and I know Sabrina is in heaven watching over you.

    I hope that more people would realize that cats show not be left outside unsupervised. Unfortunately, this is the likely result.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im so very sorry for your loss. RIP Sabrina, and be happy in kitty heaven. I have a calico cat myself and it would kill me if she were to pass away. I just hope your alright my thoughts are with u and ur cat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am so sorry.

    Our cat Smokey, who lived on to be 16 years old.

    Sadly, he had diabetes, kidney failure, heart problems, arthritis, and old age.

    I was so sad in the morning when I heard the news that my cat was going to be uthanized.

    I cried, and cried and so did my parents.

    I didn't go into the vet to see him die because it would be to sad.

    My dad told me that he purred and purred as he was trying to breathe.

    We got him cremated so he is still with us forever, surrounded by pictures I drew of him.

    I feel the equal sadness for your cat as for mine, and hope you feel better soon.

    Sympathies from my three cats, Whiskers, Buddy, and Ash.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very sorry for your loss. A prayer will go out to her tonight :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will do what I always do for my kitties - light a candle and some incense. Rosie and Patrick send their love.

  • 1 decade ago

    condolence to your cat. its sad to loss a cat. and considering she is a 10 yr old cat. just pray for her

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