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Why do people who have kids always shove them in your face?

I don't have kids and really don't like them. It's annoying when people who have kids are always shoving them in your face. Like bringing them to the office and thinking its cute when they make noise and get into things. Why do people do this? I really don't want to socialize with your child.


I can understand if you are proud of your kid, I'm proud of my dogs but I don't bring them to work. One person actually said, "come see my kid." So yes, they are trying to "shove them in my face." I politely say I have work to do and leave it at that. I am not rude by any means. I just get sick of dealing with their kids.

Update 2:

To Foxy_Blue00 I am an anti social, self centered bit.... and proud of it. Oh, and I'd talk to my mother about all this but she's dead.

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The big word is JEALOUSY, I have neighbors that have 3 acres of land and shoved all their kid's toys up against the privacy fence, we had to pay to put up, to keep their kids out of our yard. Their kids scream and throw temper tantrums and I don't mean kid's normal playing or crying, I mean really making noise, so we the DINKS (Dual income no kids) (paying the majority of taxes) after sitting in 2 hrs worth of traffic and coming home to have a nice peaceful dinner on our patios have to tolerate their kids they toss outside because they are tired of hearing them and when we would go ask them politely to "just don't put them out when we are coming home from work or dinner time on a Sunday evening" or can you stop them from screaming", they ran through the neighborhood spreading nasty rumors that we did not like children which was not the case at all", the next time it was louder and laughter by adults accompanied it.

    WHY you ask? Because we have found most parents are totally oblivious to the noise their monsters create and also jealous over anyone who doesn't have to be stuck with this factor 24/7. They love their kids, but wouldn't dare say "gee man if I had it to do over again I would NEVER do it again"!

    They also feel that they deserve and are owed the additional taxes the people without kids pay, because afterall we have money to buy fun things. Not the FACT that "They CHOSE to have kids" and that is a "luxury lifestyle decision".

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes people who do this are welcomed by others in the office and they think everyone feels this way. At the risk of being known in the office as the 'scrooge' you should just smile politely and go away (go to the copier, get some water etc.....) if you do this enough times they will know that you are not interested and will stop (hopefully).

    Additionally, I too am annoyed when people bring their children to the office who are unruly, get into things, make noise or just cause such a distraction that others can not get their work done. I would say something to management about this and hopefully they will disallow the person from doing this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The workplace is no place for kids,if i was your boss i would not allow them in for obvious reasons.However,if the funds ran to it ,i would consider a company creche.Your kids are everyone elses nuisance,is a very old saying,especially if you are one of those dumbos who let them run around all over the place,many parents are irresponsible these days with kids,but are too ignorant themselves to see it,because they were never taught properley by their parents.Kids need to be constantly monitored and cared for.The modern working mum society has changed how kids are being brought up ,cared for and treated in public.This is why it is so easy to abduct a child now,they are given too much freedom ,or lack of attention i should have said.Parents can use all the excuses they like but nothing keeps your kids safer than constant attention ,control and vigilance.You see very little of any of those things nowadays,because the working mums have,nt got the time for them.A BLACK MARK AGAINST MODERN SOCIETY.Mums have to work now because the cost of living is so high and everything else with the family life suffers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because people with kids always think they are just geniuses, beautiful and entertaining. Most times they are none. I get sick of it, too. I'm 26 and have no plans for kids. My friends just delight in shoving a baby into my hands like I'm going to announce, "Oh, I want one of these!" I just play along and am very happy when I can go home ALONE and not have to deal with them. In fact, I smile all the way home.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Children simply don't belong in the workplace. My general manager's daughter comes to pick him up sometimes, and I find it annoying as hell. The girl is a teen, cocky as all get-out, and seems to think she's the best thing God ever created because she's doted on so much by her father, who seems to think she's everything because she's as tall as he is--I call that mannish. He's created a brat, but nobody tells him that.

    My former GM at another station did the same exact thing. He had three kids, though, and he never seemed to get the point. I told him right out that kids don't belong in the workplace. He ended up losing the station because he couldn't get anything done while they were there!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The only time I've ever taken my children to work is on my day off and I worked in a nursing home. I took my children to visit with some of my patients that had no family.

    I don't know why someone would feel the need to shove their children in any ones face, unless they are just an attention seeker.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    TOTALLY agree; I had to deal with that constantly in one place I worked. I'd hear it making noises and refused to turn around. Now I have to deal with two new monsters wsho moved in (I hope temporarily) across the street; the older one isn't too bad but the youngest one is a brat, really whiny and alwasy running up to me the second I walk out my door tryiing to walk my dog and he yells (his parents are sitting right across the street) YOUR DOG SCARED ME! I have a small Boston terrier who is loving and affectionate and never went near the little beast.

    And I was NEVER like these monsters. I was ALWAYS polite and would never dream of doing half the things I see kids doing every day. In those days we had discipline.

    Glad people like kids, but I prefer them at a distance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many people with children do not understand that their child is not the center of the universe and that simply some people do not like kids. Those who are around them all of the time also don't hear them anymore, meaning what is loud to you and I is simply background noise to them because they hear it all the time.

    If someone brings thier kid to work and it is annoying you tell them, you need to concentrate please ask them to play quietly or in another room.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel the same way. Also people are taught to think by default that having kids is the normal rational thing for ALL women to do. Its good to be patient though, I've got nothing against the children - but I refuse to go all gooey just because they're cute and I'm a woman.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know what you mean. Before I had my daughter I didn't care for children much and I didn't see what the big deal was.

    When I had my daughter though some weird transformation began in my brain, making me annoying and pathetic, as I truly believed that my daughter was the most beautiful thing on the planet.

    I think it's some weird phenomena that transpires during pregnancy or something that increases the chances that a parent will ensure that the child survives in the world.

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