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Christians!!! Please provide your evidence against evolution!?

Yesterday I asked a question about debunking evolution which many Christians continue to claim has scientifically been done... yet many of them REPORT my question to have it deleted? WHY? Is it offensive to you because you could not offer up valid proof against evolution?


evil_kan - if people say something has been debunked, I am asking for proof that it has. That makes it a valid question.

Update 2:

seenotes - you do not understand evolution then. man did not rise from monkey. your bible also says man was made out of dirt... monkey seems more plausible as it's living, breathing and flesh and bone, where as dirt is, well um, just dirt.

Update 3:

answer man - creation was never observed, has not be proven and cannot be reproduced, no one was around to see god make adam and eve.

Update 4:

evil kan - we see micro evolution on a daily basis little changes take far less time and most would probably be overlooked. you would not expect to swap an eskimo with an ethiopian and have them automatically fit within the new environment. this is why there are fundlemental differences between the two, they have both adapted to their environments.

Update 5:

thanks clark, had never heard of

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are serious, and want to see the evidence that is mounting . . . then go to:

    These people are scientists, they are PH D's, they are published, and they are in the process of presenting a 'testable model' to the scientific community - as any person(s) would who wants to be taken seriously. They studied at major universities, hold degrees, and work in their 'day jobs' at known facilities (like NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab, etc)

    You will not find 'sound bite' quips . . . these are books and articles. There are also links to "call in" radio shows, and other resources.

    If you are serious

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ask scientists about the chalk layer, e.g such as the white clioffs of dover

    Scientists will testify that the chalk layer may only be formed at when water is over lapping rock, this allows the unicellurlar water bourne marine organisms to calicfy onto the rock,

    it does not happen at lower depths as the marine organisms dissolve, this is why there are no chalk layers at the bottom of the sea.

    So for a chalkj layer to form, you need a water layer that just submereges rock.

    Whgatsmore, this Chalk layer is universal throguhout the whole earth.

    This means that for a unviersal chalk layer throughout the earth, the whole earth must have been submerged by water to allow the unicellualr marine organisms to calcify onto the submerged rock.

    Again the proof is in the fact that the chalk layer is universal

    God bless

    again don't take my word for it, ask a university Dr or google the required conditions for chalk formation,

    the enquire if the layer is universal throughout the earth

  • 1 decade ago

    Their is no evidence that the laws of chemistry + physics + chance can produce complex machines where purpose and design are evident. In fact, we see the opposite. The higher order designs (machines) break down by the forces of nature (ie a car eventually rusts into a pile of junk).

    There is no evidence whatsoever that the purely material forces of nature -- laws of chemistry + physics + chance can produce information. So it is a reasonable conclusion that genetic information and the information we see in nature didn't come about by a purely natural physical means. There must exist something beyond the physical that is affecting the universe.

    There is no evidence that mutations are building up new genetic material and features in nature. Point mutations (like in antibiotic resistant bacteria and insect repellant resistant insects) don't build up new genetic information -- they simply reduce the functioning of an already existing genetic site. In effect, the organisms become less sensitive to antibiotics or repellents, they don’t build up new genetic material to deal with the invading substances. So, these cannot be used to explain macroevolution and the transition to higher species with millions of additional new genetic material changes and features.

    There are no examples whatsoever of chance mutations (with natural selection) building up new … and additional … genetic material with new genetic functions. And this is the essential problem with evolution. Given this, there is no explanation for how new additional genetic material and features can be built up. No way to explain how to get from an ameba to a frog -- and the thousands of new genetic material structures and functions that are required for the new organism. How do you get from 1000 genes to 100,000 genes if you are only making a minor adjustment to an already existing gene (point mutations), and not adding -- building up new ones? The fact is you can't. You can't get anywhere. The examples above, will not accomplish that task since they don't add any new (additional) genetic information to a organism.

  • 1 decade ago

    People probably reported you because you are not here to ask questions. You want to make a point. This is not yahoo make a point. I know you'll ague with me, but look deep inside of you, will you really listen to what I or anybody else has to say? "If you can actually say something that makes any sense then I would listen" Isn't that about what you are thinking? You are the type of person that gives those that believe like you a bad face.

    Edit--Ok fine, show me YOUR proof that God had NOTHING to do with creation. Sure science can prove it happend, but not who did it. How about that for a change?

    --What on earth does that have to do with God having or not having a hand in the creation of the earth? You did however answer your own question. I did NOT argue with your points, I just asked how do YOU know that GOD had NOTHING to do with it. Eskimo's have nothing to do with that. You guys often claim to be so smart. Why can't you answer a simple question? What are YOU afraid of? You say that I am afraid. Well I can accept what you have to say. Why can't you even consider mine? Why can't both be right?

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  • tcjstn
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Same old stuff a different day. And reporting isn't just about offensive material. If you read the guidelines, it states that Y!A isn't a chat room. This question leads to another one, and another one, so on and so forth. Limit your question to a specific item, and we can discuss accordingly. What you have here encourages dialogue, which is again not what Y!A is about.

    Maybe provide YOUR evidence for Evolution, and Christians will provide theirs against.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't need evidence against evolution.

    It is a theory which can be accepted or not.

    Yes, it is the predominant theory as to mans origins.

    I simply lack the leap of faith required to believe in it.

    It has never been observed

    Nor has it been reproduced


  • 1 decade ago

    The Evolutionists keep looking for that "missing link"

    So far they have not found that link to prove their assertions

    beyond a shadow of a doubt. They say that they are looking for "critical" evidence...

    You would think after all these years of searching...if that evidence were to be found...they would have found it...

    So far to no luck..

    The missing link, the Critical evidence the Evolutionist should be looking for God

  • 1 decade ago

    my Bible doenst say anything about Adam and Eve being monkeys! hello?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    one kid sent me a url to a parody site where kids found human bones with donosaur bones, and said it was a real website...

    it was funny...

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