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JW how can you say that you are witness to God?

Your religion which is Jehovah Witness calimed tht you are the witness that there is God, but you hvae changed the name of God to Jehovah and you are not believing the teachings of Jesus Christ in the bible and declined that Jesus is God. Why do you objecct the teachings of Jesus if you are really a witness to God.

18 Answers

  • lillie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Let me correct you.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have NOT changed God's name to Jehovah.

    I even have a early 20th Century King James Version Bible that have God's name,Jehovah in it.

    No human today can be certain how God's name was originally pronounced in Hebrew,because Biblical Hebrew was originally written with only consonants,no vowels and in time the original pronunciation of the divine name was lost.

    Many scholars favor the spelling "Yahweh," but it is uncertain and there is not agreement among them. On the other hand, "Jehovah" is the form of the name that is most reaadily recognized,because it has been used in English for centuries and preserves,equally with other forms,the four consonants of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is the inspried Word of God, and instead of adhering to a creed based on human tradition,they hold to the Bible as the standard for al ltheir beliefs.No where in the Bible is Jesus called 'God the Son'.But he is called the 'Son of God'.

    The Trinity doctrine is not a Bible teaching.It stems from pagan teachings that were fused in with apostate Christianity in the fourth century CE.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe very much in what Jesus taught and as his followers,we are obedient to his command found at Mat.28:19,20 where Jesus instructed his followers to 'go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations........teaching them to obey all the things I have commanded you....."

    We do not object to any of Christ's teachings.We adhere to the Bible and live our lives according to its teachings.You are very much mistaken.

    Source(s): new world translation bible
  • 1 decade ago

    So 1st we "calimed" that we are the witness that there is God...

    *struggles to read the terrible grammar and typos*

    ... then we changed God's name 2 Jehovah...


    Who did you get your information from?

    Shouldn't you be in class right now? I think it's naptime. Look in any KJV, especially an earlier edition (early 20th century perhaps) or research the name Jehovah on Wikipedia. Do you honestly think we made this up? Look in the preface to any other Bible and see what they say about not printing the Divine Name.

    Goodness gracious you must be the happiest person in the world (b/c ignorance is bliss and you're floating on a cloud).

  • It seems that in all answers to questions about Jehovah's Witnesses by people who don't like Jehovah's Witnesses, Ignorance Rules!

    Better to make no comment than to make an Ignorant Comment, folks.

    You can find the name Jehovah in the King James Bible and before that, in Tyndale's Bible, and in Luther's German Bible, and in the Bible in many different versions. Jehovah's Witnesses didn't put it there. Originally, God put his Name in the Bible.

    Jesus called himself "the Faithful and True Witness" in the book of Revelation. Jehovah's Witnesses DO believe in the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    More important, we try to FOLLOW the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    And how ignorant to say that a witness is only one who has actually seen God. The ancient nation of Israel was called witnesses of Jehovah (Isaiah 43:10). That was not because they literally saw God, but they saw and experienced His miracles, and testified to his existence and his greatness.

    People, if you are going to answer questions about Jehovah's Witnesses, get some education, please.

    Who needs ignorant answers???

    Source(s): The HOLY Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    That we have our own Bible thing always makes me laugh.

    You can find these teachings in any Bible. Period.

    Also, the other churches all have their own Bible too (other than their old English ones).

    They purposely add in lots of "new" trinity proof texts to try to fake their doctrine, even to add phrases from the Athanasian Creed to it (Like God the Son) to make it seem true. (Though modern English ones do correct many of the proof texts errantly edited in KJV like 1 Timothy 3:16 where a pronoun was removed and replaced with God, and 1 John 5:7 which was a total fabrication and a play on John 10:30).

    Can't people even come up with something new or challenging to argue about?


    Source(s): Bible versions
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is correct; the name Jehovah is in the KJB. I tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God Almighty; the JW's do BELIEVE in Christ Jesus the only Begotten Son of Jehovah God.

    What part of Jesus don't you understand?

    I am not a JW, and I am not ignorant.

  • 1 decade ago

    A witness as we want to understand it clearly is a person who has personally see eye to eye with God. Are they? What does God look like? What kind of voice He has? Can we compare it to anybody personally known to us? Or are the Jehovahs Witnesses are just paroting the Bible to their own destruction for the main reason that they have their own "New World Translation" that is so twisted and so very far from the original manuscripts literal meanings. They even added "Jehovah" words in the New Testament where there is none you can find in the original manuscripts of the 27 NT books. A moral crime and intellectual suicide.

    Source(s): Bible, Science, History and Philosophy in perfect harmony as Maturity is a glorious harmony in the midst of complexity.
  • God is a title. read ps 83 verse 18. Jesus never said he was God. even the 12 disciples knew that he was the son of God Jehovah. Jesus said he cannot do anything without the Father in heaven. yes Jesus said you seen me you seen the Father. he was with Jehovah for billions of years. he was Jehovah's first creation. we do not object to the teaching of Jesus Christ. we do what Jesus commanded at Matthew 28 verse 19 and 20. we follow in Jesus Christ footsteps. learn what we are about at

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Lord Jesus Christ, THE LORD, JESUS[ THE SAVIOR [ CHRIST...when was GOD manifest in the flesh?big G

  • 1 decade ago

    When our Circuit Overseer visited our congregation he made a most excellent point. All it takes is an examination of 3 scriptures.

    The first one is found at John 3:14, 15: "And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of man must be lifted up, 15 that everyone believing in him may have everlasting life."

    Here Jesus is being compared to the serpent staff.

    We can read that account at Numbers 21:8, 9: "Then Jehovah said to Moses: “Make for yourself a fiery snake and place it upon a signal pole. And it must occur that when anyone has been bitten, he then has to look at it and so must keep alive.” 9 Moses at once made a serpent of copper and placed it upon the signal pole; and it did occur that if a serpent had bitten a man and he gazed at the copper serpent, he then kept alive."

    The people were to look at the staff like we are to look to Jesus. The one doing the saving is Jehovah God.

    Were the people in Moses day supposed to WORSHIP the serpent staff though? Similarly, are people today supposed to worship Jesus as God?

    2 Kings 18:4 tells us: "He it was that removed the high places and broke the sacred pillars to pieces and cut down the sacred pole and crushed to pieces the copper serpent that Moses had made; for down to those days the sons of Israel had continually been making sacrificial smoke to it, and it used to be called the copper serpent-idol."

    Some 500 years or so after Moses used the serpent staff in the wilderness, people started to worship it. But God was NOT pleased.

    Jehovah alone is God almighty. YHWH is the name he chose for himself, meaning: He Causes to become. Jehovah is simply a translation of that name. Just as Yeshua is also the name of Jesus.

    We most definitely believe in Jesus as the one and only mediator to approaching God. And we do the work he commissioned his followers- that of preaching the good news of the Kingdom.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, first of all, if you have done any research in the JW faith, you would know that all you are saying is untrue.

    We have not changed the name of God to Jehovah. JW's didn't come up with that name for God...God did. It's the English translation. Also, the name Jehovah first started appearing around the 1400's or so, so it's about 600 years in use.

    As far as Jesus being God, Jesus himself said he was God's Son. You send out a list of scriptures supporting Jesus' godship, and the reason it supports the teaching. I'll use the SAME scripture to show you it's not supporting the Jesus being God. Have fun with this one if you dare.

    Also, we do not object to the teachings of Jesus. For example, Jesus said we would know his disciples by them having love among themselves. I bet your church supports the USA and the war efforts. If a Catholic (just an example, not meant to criticize) goes to war and kills another Catholic, are they showing live among themselves? No.

    EDIT...I guess you are not up to prove to me that Jesus is God, eh? That's OK, because that teaching is not in the Bible anyway.

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