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Waking up = Enlightenment?

Some call here a dream, some a hologram, some unnreality. If we are deaming does waking up = enlightenment? Is lucid dreaming the same as enlightenment? What after Lucid dreaming or waking up? What do YOU see as the next step. Is that next step the ultimate goal? If not what is?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We are all dreaming in that we don't experience what truly is, our own thoughts and beliefs separate us from the now. Is waking up enlightenment? I can't think of a better metaphor.

    I struggle with the desire to stay awake--a lesson in futility. How can a dream of enlightenment ever be more than a dream? It's a glimpse of something on the horizon we aim for. Even knowing that it's right here at our feet doesn't stop us from chasing the dream. I don't have the answers, only more questions.

  • 5 years ago

    Enlightenment is at the opposite pole of dreaming. Self realization and enlightenment are one and the same. Both enlightenment and self realization is an awakening to the fact that the false ego is an idea. The word “self” in self realization means ego self; nothing more, nothing less. The realization is there is no self; no separation from the whole. So many self appointed gurus in ignorance do so much harm to humanity with misinformation not only on this forum but also on web sites seen around the world. It so sad the years some people lose following concepts that prevent the ultimate blossoming. Concerning the question of the dream state: We have so called waking state of consciousness, dream state of consciousness and deep sleep state of consciousness. It is impossible to realize you are dreaming while in the dream state of consciousness. In cosmic consciousness, the fourth state of consciousness one does observe the dream. It is true one remains in a state of wakeful alertness both in the waking and deep sleep states of consciousness also. Cosmic means all inclusive. One remains fully alert in all four states of consciousness. There are seven states available to the human being but enough said. Only the enlighten can speak of it. In my seventy years of life I have had the great privilege of having the guidance of two enlighten masters and I am in service of another presently. Trust me; I do not wear this as a badge of honor. I just want you to feel I understand what enlightenment is. Looking into the eyes of the enlighten is to look into a abyss; no one is there yet love showers over you unconditionally.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why in the world would here be a hologram? Think about that thought for a bit, holograms have only been around for a relatively short time, i.e. less than my lifetime, so how can our reality be a hologram?

    While we could think that life is an illusion, we can confirm that others are experiencing the same illusion and that those that become "enlightened", while often happy, can not be confirmed objectively.

  • Lyra
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Based upon your premise: if we are dreaming does waking up=enlightenment.......... yes, however how awake cannot be determined by anyone other than you. How will you know? One shall, when one is awake. Lucid dreaming is an opportunity to see. After this? There is always more. For me? I am almost done here....and then on to the next realm that awaits. It is all beautiful.

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  • Betsy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Lucid dreaming is the 'usually trained' ability to stay awake and observe while one is dreaming. People who focus on this get good at it and I guess they do it because it gives them a kind of confirmation that they are aware. The next step for a lucid dreamer, might be to be able to stay awake during activity and movement, and see the dream going on in one's daily life.

    As far as what I see as my next step (in context of this question), I 'eventually' gave up the idea of there being a next step. Wanting to know what is the next step, disappears at the point you realize there is nothing else to know. I'm talking about 'knowing' in regards to seeking, not as knowledge in general. There's always something new to learn about.


  • 1 decade ago

    If you mean waking from sleep, no this isnt enlightenment. You mind spins and churns all kinds of things in the background and in the foreground. You need mindlessness a state of calm, need to calm the mind into complete wakefulness. meditation will do this. See Zen or yoga for techniques on how to reach this state. As you meditate and approach mindlessness your ego (in the Freudian sense) will put up every defense, your foot will itch, you will have back pain, something urgent will pop into your mind. Your mind will not want to let go, not want to stop processing. Then you make it through to the other side satori. Also look up . this technique will bring you to a different level, the next level.

  • 1 decade ago

    right at this moment in "time" I'm too busy being an indignant, spoiled brat indulging myself at a time of year when I should be indulging the wishes of others. I have never felt more awake in my life... and yes, absolutely, I feel enlightened.

    I have no clue what's next and truly, it just doesn't matter.

    The gate to the round pen has been closed and I'm enjoying family, friends, and ponies like I never before. That can't be a bad thing.

    Happy Holidays Darlin'

    Thanks for the question

    Source(s): impervious (?)
  • 1 decade ago

    in russian there are many word originated from sanskrit and one of them is a verb будить (budhit'), which comes directly from 'buddha'. it means 'to wake someone up'.

    so, in certain meaning one sure can call enlightenment a waking up. there are many terms for that like satori, nirvana, liberation, samathi, etc. these are words of different origin and they can all pint to same thing. waking up definitely can be in line, considering certain meaning put behind these words.

    it is futile to differentiate dream from no dream for one who is dreaming. it is like a blind differentiating green from yellow.

    next step? stay. heed the silence. smile to the sun. give your thought to a distant star and wind howling over snow covered mountains. be like them. let go. wake up.

    is this a goal? hardly. why goal is important? what is the meaning of the meaning? what is the 'meaning'? where does it come from? why? can it be a dream? ;)

    'nosce te ipsum' said ancient romans, which means 'know yourself', which would be my advice to you, if i may give one.

    good luck.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Smile. This is the real dream, this is enlightenment. This is Buddha's enlightenment. I have fallen into the void and I have seen the real Buddha, unborn and deathless we are all Buddha at our ground of being but Buddha's light shoots out, this is Buddha's nature and Buddha's enlightenment, so this real dream is Buddha's enlightenment as is our enlightenment. Enlightenment flowers into eternity. Very good question! {wink} : )

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's impossible to comprehend certain things when you are contained inside them. I think I will only be "enlightened" when I die and somehow become outside of this plane of existence, so that I can see things in a whole and objective manner.

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