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Why should not we have a religion by revelation to us, and not a history of theirs?

"Our Age is retrospective. It builds the sepulchres of the fathers. It writes biographies, histories, and criticism. The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face; we, through their eyes.

"Why should not we also enjoy an original relation to the universe? Why should not we have a poetry and philosophy of insight and not of tradition, and a religion by revelation to us, and not a history of theirs?

"[... W]hy should we grope among the dry bones of the past, or put the living generation into masquerade out of its faded wardrobe? The sun shines to-day also."

A very good question from Emerson in the introduction of Nature. If he could spend a moment on Yahoo!Answers, he might still ask.

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    what is true then is true now.

    when revelation occurs in this day and age, it always reaffirms the past teachings. It's actually alot like standing on the shoulders of giants.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, finally someone is original, this is very rare on this Q&A

    Not only original, but you have ears to hear. This is the original plan that the Prime Creator, or the First Cause had for us. He never meant for us to be automatons. Made in the image of this Creator, which was always ready to share the ability to co-create with this universal intelligence. Go out, do your thing and bring it back to Me. Through you, I can now experience in flesh, all that I have created, with hands on. Hearing, touching, seeing, smelling or just what ever you create and do, what ever you experience, I experience it also. We are co-creators with escense, do your own thing, go out and create something EXICITING . like no one else. How is that, as far as enjoying your original relationship to the universe?

  • Gyspy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Religion and nature are incompatible... we did not evolve into one place controling the whole... we evolved into many seperate and different communities... each one living by the good of those who work within it... religions functioned as a political power ... then when spirituality became more influential they began to take that over... we can see how a federal government can interfere with the enjoment of our own community by imposing laws upon us that has nothing to do with what we want for ourselves... communities evolved to fit into serving the needs of those living within it... religions especially those like the catholic religion seek to impose it's laws on every human on the planet all the time... communities is what we should have remained... an agreement to be peaceful with one another is all we would need to make the world a better place....

  • 1 decade ago

    My Answer to this question is to Show you the Words from "The Collective"

    These words can be found in a Book called Catch Falling Stars.

    This is what they have to say about Religion.

    "Long have we seen the horror inflicted by man on his fellow being.

    Few can question your talents for death and destruction.

    War is your greatest achievement.

    What many call "Religion" is nothing more than a

    proving ground for predators, thieves, animals and those bent on doing great harm.

    These beings rise in darkness, or with the help of clergy and know that to control people, they must first enslave them in thought.

    Down through time this enslavement has always been through Religion.

    For the few that truly profess to do no harm from most Religious beliefs can or will hold to this for very long.

    The very nature of most religions is to conquer and divide. To powerfully hate.

    The very few who do use religion to do the work of light are so few that they are impossibly outnumbered by the masses who simply exist and blindly follow those who will destroy.

    The masses always seek Religion as an escape, a social gathering, a place to speak ill of others and almost never for the real work of spreading goodness and love.

    Many listen to so called words of great wisdom from religion, yet it does nothing to change them.

    A brief feeling of guilt or deep need of forgiveness is enough for them as they pause then go about their work of darkness and oppression of their fellow.

    Religious doctrine fails humanity time and time again.

    More so because of your inherited thoughts of need to do harm to your fellow being.

    This need is great, powerful and fed by dark forces.

    If you hear nothing else hear this; all world religions

    fall short because they divide humanity.

    For by dividing beings from beings you cause great harm. This is the real terror.

    Harming another you feed off of their misery and substitute the right energy of love and joy for the narcotic of anger and fear.

    Many seek this darkness and feel this as power.

    Yet it is a lie fed by the dark forces.

    Because they have this dark power they will not give this up for the light.

    And it will consume them and offer nothing in its wake.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We DO have revelation least I do all the time ..but then again I am 'born again' by His Holy Spirit.

    The Scripture teaches that only by being born of God's spirit can you have revelation of God.

    BTW, the truth of God doesn't change so any revelation we get today will be completely consistent with the Scriptures.

    Apostle Paul prayed that we would get our knowledge of God just like he did, by revelation.

    Please read 1Corin. 2...the entire chapter ...that explains it all.

    Source(s): "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,....the things that God has prepared for them that love Him. BUT GOD HAS REVEALED THEM TO US BY HIS SPIRIT". vs. 9-10
  • 1 decade ago

    Confusing question, but it cleared up once Emerson kicked in. As a Christian, I believe we have both at all times. I hope Emerson figured this out.

  • 1 decade ago

    its like an old growth Forrest, you need to clear the land before new trees can grow. so everyone grab an ax and go chop down a christian.

  • 1 decade ago

    GOD made man in HIS IMAGE and LIKENESS.

    as another speaking spirit as HE !

    and by REVELATION, CHRIST build His Church on the facts of Peter REVELATION from JESUS said..and ON THIS>>ROCK<<<< revelation

    I will build my church !

    eph 4 saying the 5 folds ministries will PERFECT THE CHURCH...before Christ in SPIRIT take the SPIRIT of HIS BRIDE with HIM.

    revelation come to our spirit man.

    not the brain/mind/soul of man.

    which is wishy waves hitting the beach.

    as water turn to WINE.

    and when the fig tree BLOOM

    HE will come quickly for them

    who are expecting spiritually

    while men of carnality/earthly


    remember..scripture said..signs and wonders in to the earth.

    a bright light..going from east to west

    and we be GONE..and the left behind WHO are LUKEWARM in love to others will be left behind with their religion idea of GOD..and be among killers, atheistk,and the world leader setting a price on their heads of christians who miss the rapture.

    SO..going back to the way. does calm the natural mind.

    but renewing your mind..with scripture

    will ENTER US..into the secret dwwelling place of the MOST HIGH GOD..and in that work of FAITH/belief in HIS'll enter a seventh heaven here on earth of health..and wealth and long life that 3john2 talks your SOUL prosper.

    kingdom of spiritual government.

    that going to overtake satan earthly kingdom...GET READY.come up HIGHER..enter into the holy of HOLIE with the HOLY SPIRIT in you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    we ought to, yet i think of that's a individual remember and not a collective one. additionally, i think of that perception and custom can co-exist: we've a wealth of accrued expertise and then we've the perception that provides us a clean attitude on that expertise or a thoroughly distinctive handle existence. as a remember of certainty, i think of the suitable poetry, literature and philosophy ordinarily derives from new insights -- in spite of if ultimately it is going to become a clean custom or college of theory.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    humans are immitative creatures

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