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When you feel deep emotional pain that you can't share with anyone else, what helps or encourages you?

Please don't give me flippant or sarcastic answers, I really want to know how you keep going during a painfully emotional time. Nothing tragic is happening, its just time to go back and let God heal something from long ago that hurt so bad I buried it deep inside. I trust God more now and its time to deal... Thanks for any/all real answers


Thank you, all your answers are so genuine and kind. I appreciate it. I have trouble crying, its so hard to cry, but it is starting to happen; it scares me. I don't know if I'll ever be able to pick just one answer, they're all so valuable to me!

Update 2:

Again, I must say I thank you for your kind, good answers! C Sunshine I think you are so right, but crying is so hard because my abusers would hurt me and then hurt me again if I broke down and cried. I'm blessed to work with an excellent Christian who counsels people with extreme abuse issues. I SO thank God for her help!

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I am suffering from the evils of this world, I cry, forgive those who sin against God (and me), by praying to God. Sad, but true, I realize that people don't see the evil (sins) that they do/say or think (sometimes I do this, too) . . . can hurt and/or destroy other people's lives.

    Many times, when I am deeply hurt, I cry out to God, like a child, until I can't cry anymore, praying for Him to comfort me. I cry so much that I wear myself out, and fall asleep. When I wake up, I feel so much better and thank God for being there to comfort me.

    God made me realize that crying is not a sign of weakness, or something to be shamed of. Many people think and say, that they will not cry, because they think its a sign of weakness and don't want people to know they are weak. But, crying, is actually a sign of strength. Its when we are weak, that God makes us strong. So, I am not afriad or ashamed to cry, in front of others, because I believe its a sign of strong character.

    Jesus cried (in sorrow), alot, when people sinned against Him, when He suffered, and died, like a criminal. He cried, because Jesus felt sorry for them, showing mercy. God shows us mercy, for Satan blinds (deceiving) people from seeing God's truth. People are not our enemeis, but Satan, the devil is. That is why Jesus wants us to forgive and love others, because people are not aware that they are sinning, when they do.

    "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."

    "If you don't forgive others for their sins, God will forgive you, for yours." "Forgive and you will be forgiven."

    What helps me: When I suffer for doing what is good and right (for Christ), I always focus my love and thoughts on God, thru faith in Jesus Christ. God is the only One who gives me the strength to overcome the sins of the world, and endure the pain and suffering that sins can cause on people.

    May you always stay close to Lord, Jesus Christ, for He is our comfort and strength. God bless.

    Source(s): Bible: Holy Spirit (from a Christian)
  • 1 decade ago

    I am RIGHT WITH YOU there, kiddo! And I usually write, "sarcasm not welcome."

    GLAD TO HEAR you are getting such comforting answers! I like that, when I can hardly choose the best answer, because I get so many good ones.

    I understand emotional pain just exactly as you describe it. Sometimes, it feels like I am crying so hard inside, that I am going to burst. But then, I wind up not shedding a tear.

    When we have issues past and present... it is best to tell a God-loving friend about it... and then "let it go." To practice letting go, I have something I could e-mail you, that might help, if you want. But it boils down to being able to share it with another understanding human being that we trust. Telling them, verbalizing to them... that we know God is our true Comforter. Describing to our dear friend that we trust... the exact nature of the pain we are feeling.

    I just did that yesterday, to a friend in person. And strangely, the tears don't come when I expect them. And if God truly keeps all of our tears, I know I have probably filled a water tower with mine, in the past. For me, tears are an emotion that heals... but one we can't always control.

    Asking God to help you find someone to trust and share your pain with... is the best advice I can give you. Saying it aloud to a friend (by pen or verbal)... telling them exactly how you feel... and that you expect God to heal you... He will.

    I pray you find that person to share with, TODAY!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have the tendency to bury the pain; to work through it. When that fails and it always does. I cry; my heart cries; my soul cries and just when the pain seems to consume everything; I begin to pray. A silent, sometimes wordless prayer (because sometimes it is too hard to form a sentence even in your mind) and that prayer can take a few minutes to half an hour. God knows my pain, and He knows what I am asking. After the tears are gone and I feel like I can't cry anymore. I pray again, with words. I have recently gone through the most difficult time in my life. I am still trying to work through it. And sometimes, the pain of it blindsides me and I am crying the grocery store. Pray hard, pray again, and when its all over PRAISE HIM!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I know quite a bit about this problem. I know that you will receive the help that you need from God in the form of the Holy Spirit. It is sometimes difficult and emotionally challenging to confront and remove these scars on our souls. This has been called "The Dark Night of the Soul". (Saint John of the Cross) and while it is difficult to see this when you are in the mist of dealing with your pain this can be a unique form of Grace provided by God in order for you to reach the next step in your path to reunion with God. You should know that all who walked this spiritual path experienced the same obstacle in some form. The spiritual reason for this is that frequently someone needs to devote time during the dark night to do the necessary introspective soul searching that brings forth the magnificent brilliant light that will illuminate the spiritual path that they should follow. I like Saint Teresa's analogy to the silk worm spinning its own cocoon and in order to emerge as a butterfly. This is my wish for you. God bless you.

    Source(s): Saint Barry
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Allowing myself to cry and feel it completely, then having a hot cup of tea. It's really nice if there is someone to hug and hold me, but the first part is the only way I can get over something like that. It happened to me recently actually. You really just have to face it. If you believe in God, maybe feeling that he is holding you while you cry will help.

  • 1 decade ago

    In my undergrad program I took a class called, "Christian Counseling". The professor has his own website. He talked a lot about people that were deeply hurt. He talked about the fruit and root of our problems. Fruit (things we do, the way we respond to things) is a result of the root problem (things we have gone through possibly long time ago). Hope this will help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well its not really anything religious, but music helps me and knowing people have gone through worse things then me and pulled through.Knowing life is not permenent and we are only here for a short time so you do not have to bear with this pain forever.If it is a death remember that person has only took the earlier bus.

    love .


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I usually listen to music.

    Krystal Meyer, Superchick and Barlowgirl are all Christian artists whos songs I have found to have amazing healing power. I also love to play my piano and sing, so if you play any instruments or you like to sing, go for it.

    Good luck with the healing.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I have deep pain, I find a quiet, private place and drop to my knees and just cry to God. Cry until you can't cry any more and ask God to help. He knows your heart and if you are sincere, He will comfort you and you will know.

    Source(s): Experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Threw praying with my God Jehovah and talking with those i trust like my mom my girlfriend and art

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