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Why aren't Mormons Christian? Why aren't Christians Mormon?
I've noticed that a lot of Mormons get frustrated when they find that non-latter day Christians and non-Christians don't think they believe in the same Jesus. But now I've really started to wonder why that is because Mormons happen to think exactly the same thing of non-Mormons don't they? Mormons I'm looking for answers from you especially!
Don't Mormons believe that no one is actually saved unless they are Mormon? Isn't that why they call themselves by a different name so as to show the difference between them and other Christians and churches?
So why do they care about "non-Mormon Christians" accepting them as Christian? Or do they? In my experience that seems to be what I have found.
20 Answers
- Brother GLv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
Saved from what? By the atonement of Jesus all people are saved from hell...hell doesn't really exist. It's symbolic of the trash incinerator in Jerusalem in Jesus day. There are three degrees of glory.
Mormons are a sect of Christianity just like Catholics, Protestants, & Eastern Orthodox members.
Mormons do believe Jesus as part of the Godhead and do believe him as their Lord and Savior.
- MickLv 61 decade ago
Mormons aren't considered Christian because they have beliefs that continue on beyond the New Testament (the Book of Mormon), and that's what separates them from Catholics and Protestants.
The Book of Mormon is beliieved by Mormons to be a book of ancient writings and teachings of prophets and followers of Jesus Christ who lived in the Americas about 2000-2,500 years ago.
Hope this helps.
Edit: All you people who says Mormons don't believe Christ is God should do some research before spouting off. I mean, honestly, stop living in your little personal bubble and take a look at the world around you and learn about someone else for a change. I don't think being selfish and hateful is very Christian of you at all. Maybe you should stop worrying so much about who ELSE is going to hell and take a look at your own life and the penalties for being bigoted and hateful toward anyone who is different from you.
P.S. No, I'm not a Christian or a Mormon, but I learn about other religions so that I can discuss them without bias.
- 1 decade ago
What constantly amazes me, are the people that spout off about the LDS church, do not have a clue, about its doctrine, and dislike it,because it is ''different''.
Well, I got news for you! All religions are different, and have some ''weird concepts'., but that does not make them bad.
But the thing that really makes this ex LSD furious, are those ignorant people, who say that the 'persecution'' of the early
Mormons, was non existent. If you read Scotty's post, you will have read about Missouri's bounty on Mormons. The Mormons were burned out, murdered, chased state by state, until, pushed to the end of their endurance, they suffered the winter at the Platte River in Nebraska. they starved, and froze to death, at Winter Quarters. Those that were left, went on to Utah..
The members of the LDS church have MORE than earned, the right to believe as they choose to believe, because of all the persecution they have suffered and, under the constitution of the United States, they have the right to worship, as they see fit.
The name is the' Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints', states clearly that Jesus Christ IS, the Head of it. And that makes them CHRISTIANS! And a lot more so ,than many I have read on this site.
Do you need to have it written in the blood of more Mormons, who have already died, for the right to have believe as they choose?
If you don't like the LDS church, then stay away from it, you won't be missed, but leave them alone to worship, as they deem proper, and MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!!
Source(s): atheist - Anonymous1 decade ago
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism) is a beautiful Christian religion. Because Mormons believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ and consider Him to be the way to salvation, they are clearly a Christian denomination. It is true that they are not an orthodox denomination (they are neither Protestant, Catholic, nor Eastern Orthodox), because they don't accept the post-New Testament creeds, but their Christ-centered theology clearly qualifies them for the Christian label.
Most objective scholars agree that Mormons are Christian. Consider this quote from an academic book entitled “Anthology of World Scriptures” by Robert E. Van Voorst.
“…the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…see themselves as Christian, and most experts in comparative religions would view this labeling as basically correct. That they…accept the Christian Bible as their first cannon is a good indicator of this. Moreover, “outsiders” to [Christianity], such as Buddhists, would almost certainly recognize them as belonging to the stream of Christian tradition.”
Likewise, a recent poll showed that the majority of Americans believe that Mormons are Christians.
You should be extremely careful when trying to learn about Mormons from others. There are many who hate the Mormons and spread lies, distortions, and conspiracy theories about them. Others think they understand Mormon doctrine because of "what they've heard," but are actually misinformed.
Because Mormons are Christian, we believe in most of the things that Christians believe, including:
1) Christ is divine and salvation comes only through Him.
2) The Bible is the word of God.
3) Men ought to love one another.
Mormons are a unique branch of Christianity, however. We are neither Catholic nor Protestant, so naturally we have some different beliefs. Most of the differences are minor. One significant difference has to do with the authority to act in God's name. Mormons believe that soon after the death of Christ and His apostles, the early Christian Church was greatly influenced by Greek and Roman philosophies and political pressures. Despite the efforts of many good men and women, the true Church of Christ was eventually lost because of these outside pressures and internal, man-made changes. Mormons believe that God reestablished the original Church of Christ in 1820 through a man named Joseph Smith.
To learn more about Mormons, visit my site at !
Hope this helps! Mormon Christianity has changed my life by helping me better follow Jesus Christ.
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- 1 decade ago
Short answer, yes Mormons are Christian.
A quote by Bishop Richard C. Edgley:
After being introduced to a few basic doctrines of the Church, the Reverend Charles Taylor, a minister friend of mine, called to tell me of his enlightened understanding of the gospel. With some excitement he stated: "When you take the time to study the teachings and the doctrines of the Mormon Church, it becomes clear that Mormons are truly Christians. In fact, I have never met more Christlike people than the Mormons I have recently become acquainted with."
I responded that I would be interested in hearing his further feelings and understanding after he had had a chance to read the Book of Mormon and could witness its testimony and teachings of the Savior. His response: "I am already reading the Book of Mormon, and it is wonderful to read. It has expanded my understanding of Christ and His mission. I feel a wonderful spirit as I read it."
My friend took the time to learn for himself before forming a judgment. He did not try to influence others based on lack of understanding or misconception. This seemed responsible to me--seeking understanding before judging, and certainly before trying to persuade another to one's own misconceptions.
Source(s): - Soul ShaperLv 51 decade ago
Why is everybody accusing Mormons of not being Christian? They believe in Christ, therefore they are Christian. There's so much smearing going on...blah. blah, blah. Most Christian religious sects believe that they are the ones who are right and will be the ones saved. This isn't a concept reserved exclusively by Mormons. There are a lot of different religious sects that call themselves by other names.
- ?Lv 67 years ago
Okay,Christians follow the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles, Mormons follow the teachings of Joseph Smith. Christians wee the Bible as inerrant, Mormons see it full of errors so they have the Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price, not to mention the teachings of their modern prophets. Christians believe in One Eternal God, Mormons believe in an eternal progression of gods, "As Man is, God once was, as God is, Man may become," as fifth Mormon President would say, so Mormons aspire to become gods. Christians believe the Trinity, Mormons believe instead that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separate gods. Christians rely on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for their salvation, knowing that no works can save them, but Mormons demean the Cross and that they must work to as they believe merit their salvation. Christians believe Jesus Christ, who is God in the Flesh, was born of the Virgin Mary who was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, while Mormons believe that it was Heavenly Father who had sexual intercourse with his spirit daughter Mary to bring forth his son who is not the same being as him.
I mean, come one, Mormons are not Christians.
- 1 decade ago
I'm not a Mormon. I wouldn't qualify myself as an "expert" on Mormonism, but I have studied the beliefs of the Latter Day Saints in some detail.
You are incorrect in your belief that Mormons believe no one is actually saved unless they are Mormon. I'm a Lutheran (Protestant, Christian), and the Mormon view on who is saved is a lot more lenient and forgiving than is the traditional Protestant Christian view. Mormons believe that virtually ALL people will be saved (with very few exceptions). There are various degrees of salvation, for lack of a better word. Which "kingdom" you are admitted to depends on how you live your life on earth. Only Mormons can achieve the highest level of salvation (Celestial Glory), while others will live in the Terrestrial Kingdom or the Telestial Kingdom. It is the desire of the Mormons (like any other evangelical faith) to convert people to Mormonism so that they can achieve Celestial Glory.
Mormons call themselves by a different name (Latter Day Saints) because they believe that Jesus Christ restored the Church in the 19th century by revealing additional things to their prophet, Joseph Smith, Jr. They believe that other denominations are corrupt versions of Christ's church, that have become corrupt through the centuries since the time of Jesus.
The Mormons have had a history full of persecution by non-Mormons in America. In my home state of Missouri, the governor actually signed an order revoking any rights to any property in the state owned by Mormons, and the Lt. Governor personally participated in an attack to drive them out of Missouri. For enduring that and countless other attacks while staying steadfast to their faith, they have my respect.
The key focus, as I see it, of Mormonism, is the family. While Protestant Christians' key focus is the relationship with the Triune God, the key focus of the Mormons is the family. While Protestant Christians believe that marriage lasts "until death do you part", Mormons believe that families will remain together in eternity. Even their view of God complements this, as they prefer to refer to him as "Heavenly Father" and they recognize Jesus Christ as Heavenly Father's Son.
Source(s): I'm not a Latter-Day Saint, but I study their beliefs. - 1 decade ago
I am not a mormon but hubby's best friend is
1. Mormons are christians
2. they believe in Jesus
3. there are several non-mormon groups that believe you can't get into heaven unless you are a part of their church too.
4.what catholics, baptists, methodists, episcopalians, evangelicals, pentacostals, 7th day adventists...they don't call themselves by different names to seperate themselves?
5. they believe that baptism is the way to heaven.
6. our friends don't seem to care about what other people think, they just pray extra hard for those people.
so why would you ask such a hatefilled question? Every question you posed is phrased to imply that there is something wrong with being Mormon. What mormon has wronged you?
Are you casting stones?
- 1 decade ago
Your first couple of posters were grossly misinformed, ignore them. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints let me clear up a few things for you. Our church is not called the "Mormon" church, this is a nickname given us by other people because we recognize the Book of Mormon as a book of Scripture alongside the Holy Bible. The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and the son of God. Mormon was a man who testified of Christ in ancient days.
We recognize all Christians no matter what denomination they belong to as Christians. We believe in working together, not in segregation and hostility.
The members of the LDS church do not think they are the only people going to heaven. It would be presumptious and self righteous to do that wouldn't it?
However we do believe that our church has a fullness of the gospel and one will find a more sure path to happiness and back to God living by it's precepts. Most christian churches do the same. Each to his own.
Jesus Christ is the foundation and center of our faith and beliefs. He is the Messiah, the Son of God and He atoned for our sins. Of course we believe He is God as is God the Father and the Holy Ghost. They are all members of the Godhead and we revere and worship them all.
I hope this clears up a few things for you.
I am not interested in mud slinging or arguing with any other poster.So any anti mormons out there, don't bother to attack this post negatively, I won't respond.
Source(s): I am a member of the LDS church for 30 years.