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  • So, "Allah is a pagan moon god," how can this be defended?

    [I'm restarting this question as YA users Reese, Aaeon, Justin, Nichole, Ellie, Sarah, Paisley, Mackenzie, Noah, Olivia, etc. have been copy/pasting answers here again and again, a sort of proof to the intellectual dishonesty and lack of care pushed around here. Please be serious.]

    I read all over Yahoo Answers "Allah is a pagan moon god," and yet this is very much false. Islam is wrong, I'll agree to that, I don't need to believe that "Allah is a pagan moon god," but where is this really coming from? The Star/Crescent symbol of Islam did not come until way later and began more as a sign for the Ottoman Empire. Islam teaches that God is not the Moon rather he created the Moon but not only that, he created everything, so says Islam, so why is the Moon specifically to Allah? Muslims use a Lunar Calender? Did First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon? Don't the Jews also use the Lunar Calendar for Passover? By the way, there was an Egyptian Moon God/dess named Iah, does that automatically mean YHWH is an Egyptian Moon God too? No! So why is Allah (translated "The God") so associated with the Moon, are some Christians' faith against Islam dependent on that belief? Or is it that some Christians really have no other good arguments? Plenty of good points to discuss, but the Moon isn't one of them.

    So, "Allah is a pagan moon god," how can this be defended?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • So, "Allah is a pagan moon god," how can this be defended?

    I read all over Yahoo Answers "Allah is a pagan moon god," and yet this is very much false. Islam is wrong, I'll agree to that, I don't need to believe that "Allah is a pagan moon god," but where is this really coming from? The Star/Crescent symbol of Islam did not come until way later and began more as a sign for the Ottoman Empire. Islam teaches that God is not the Moon rather he created the Moon but not only that, he created everything, so says Islam, so why is the Moon specifically to Allah? Muslims use a Lunar Calender? Did First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon? Don't the Jews also use the Lunar Calendar for Passover? By the way, there was an Egyptian Moon God/dess named Iah, does that automatically mean YHWH is an Egyptian Moon God too? No! So why is Allah (translated "The God") so associated with the Moon, are some Christians' faith against Islam dependent on that belief? Or is it that some Christians really have no other good arguments? Plenty of good points to discuss, but the Moon isn't one of them.

    So, "Allah is a pagan moon god," how can this be defended?

    30 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • Answer to Anonymous' "Have Trinitarians given credit to Jesus for something that the Divine Name Almighty God YHWH has done ?"?

    I can type my answer by can't submit for some reason, glitch or block, either way I'm answering here.

    Have Trinitarians given credit to Jesus for something that the Divine Name Almighty God YHWH has done ?

    Jesus is YHWH, "YHWH is Salvation," so I guess yeah.

    Give credit where credit is due I believe is the saying.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Answer to Anonymous' "Were the pagans Trinitarians before the Christians were ?"?

    Either a YA error of sorts or I'm being blocked, I can enter my answer, but when I click Submit, nothing happens, so I'll answer this way:

    (See My Answer Below)

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Can anybody upload a photo/scan of New Encyclopædia Britannica (1988), Volume 16, pages 326 and 327?

    Jehovah's Witnesses like YA-user VERY OLD DIRT (also may be EXPOSE TRUTH)

    use from the JW site a curiously phrased paragraph and am naturally suspicious of

    it, but I can't see the pages themselves, even Google Book can give only a snippet.

    The Paragraph in Question:

    What is the origin of the myth? “Veneration of the mother of God received its impetus when . . . the pagan masses streamed into the church. . . . Their piety and religious consciousness [that of pagans converted to Christianity]* had been formed for millennia through the cult of the ‘great mother’ goddess and the ‘divine virgin.’”—The New Encyclopædia Britannica (1988), Volume 16, pages 326 and 327.

    I am recognizing three different segments of texts separated by " . . . ", *and the phrase "that of pagans converted to Christianity" appears to have been inferred by the Jehovah's Witnesses, or at least that's what they want people to believe.

    So if there is anyway someone here could upload a scan or photo of the New Encyclopædia Britannica (1988), Volume 16, pages 326 and 327, so I can read the whole thing in context, that would be helpful. Be sure also, need not be said, have it large enough to be read easily please. Also if one can't find a 1988 edition of what I am looking for, but an equivalent in a later edition, that would be helpful also.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Answer to VERY OLD DIRT's " Does the Bible have a built-in anti-Trinity Doctrine ? THIS IS NOT THE TRINITY DOCTRINE MATTHEW 28:19-20?"?

    Nope, there is no anti-Trinity doctrine in the Bible, rather the Doctrine of the Trinity is the culmination of what is revealed in the Bible. If God wanted an anti-Trinity doctrine in the Bible, he would not have allowed three separate and distinct persons to be identified with the One and Only Divine Being that is God.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Answer to VERY OLD DIRT's "Does the Bible tell us to pray to the Trinity Doctrine?"?

    Question I cant seem to post an answer:

    Does the Bible tell us to pray to the Trinity Doctrine ?

    We don't pray to a Trinity Doctrine, but the Bible makes it clear we pray to God. The Bible also reveals that God is complex in his unity, a Divine Being who is Three Persons, Father Son & Holy Spirit. Without the Son, you have no Father, says John in his letters, whoever denies that Jesus came in the flesh is of antichrist (he was dealing with a proto-Gnostic docetist movement that denied that Jesus who is God could come in the flesh). Jesus called the Father the Only True God, but not soon after prays to be glorified with the Father as before Creation. Glory only goes to God, so Jesus must be the same God as the Father, yet a different person from the Father. As for the Holy Spirit, we can demonstrate that he is God, just see link , and that he is even a person, different from the Father and Son, just see this link also .

    So the Bible makes it clear, pray to God, the Bible makes it clear that God is a Triune Deity, Father Son & Holy Spirit, so we pray to the God that Scripture reveals, or be of antichrist.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Answer to EXPOSE TRUTH's " Do you think that Matthew 28:19-20 describes the Trinity Doctrine that many claim it is ?"?

    Do you think that Matthew 28:19-20 describes the Trinity Doctrine that many claim it is ?

    Yes, that is one of many verses.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Answer to ...'s "Does this prove that the story of Adam and Eve, is NOT an allegory?"?

    Blocked from another important question by Yahoo User ... .


    "Does this prove that the story of Adam and Eve, is NOT an allegory?"

    ---"The Bible supplies a complete, documented record of genealogy..."


    First off, who is Adam?

    "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him; male and female created He them, and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, in the day when they were created," (Genesis 5:1-2).

    Some translation will say, "...and called their name Man...," or human, or humankind, whatever, but even scholarly translations like the New American Standard Bible and New Revised Standard Version, who will substitute with "Man" or "humankind" will but in the footnotes indicating that the literal Hebrew would read "Adam." Even the Tanakh of the Jews in Hebrew reads אָדָם‎.

    So who is Adam?

    A humanity that fell from from the grace of God our of which the Genealogy of Jesus sprang. Also, notice how Matthew goes back to Abraham while Luke goes back to Adam (and to God). Yahoo user ... is missing the point of the Genealogies of Jesus, they are not to be understood as 100% literal. Jesus is the son of Adam (humanity), Jesus is the Son of Abraham, Jesus is the Son of David, Jesus is the Son of God. It's not saying that the "story of Adam and Eve" are literal.

    By the way, the user's name is actually "...", I'm not censoring it.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    ANSWER TO: Would Jesus reject those Christians that embrace the Theory of Evolution if they don't repent and ask for forgiveness ?

    For some reason I can't answer the question "Would Jesus reject those Christians that embrace the Theory of Evolution if they don't repent and ask for forgiveness ?", so I'll use this to answer this important question, see attached image for full answer.

    I don't see why Jesus would condemn believers in evolution who place their full faith upon him for their salvation. Evolution is a valid science and science uses methods so that we can remain honest about what we say concerning the physical universe. Creationists don't, however, so I'd be more concerned for them.

    (See attached image for full answer)

    Furthermore, the modern cult of Creationism, built upon falsehood and lies, lead people away from Christ. It gets believers in scientific explanations to give up God, as Creationists promote the false dichotomy of Science or God. They lead astray also those who rested their whole faith upon the literal interpretation of Genesis that when they find out the facts, they give up on EVERYTHING, Genesis, the whole Bible, Jesus*Christ, *God all in all, such are the fruits of Creationism.

    I'm more worried for and at the same time angry at Creationists and their leaders, though I'll grant it, some may simply be plain ignorant, and could be saved, I don't know, but I do know that Jesus Christ does not appreciate the work of Creation leaders and their head disciples promoting all the deception, bad arguments, etc.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    If Jesus died on a stake, then how do Jehovah's Witnesses account for this?

    Alexamenos graffito, an inscription carved in plaster on a wall near the Palatine Hill in Rome, among the earliest known pictorial representations of the Crucifixion of Jesus, late 1st to the late 3rd century. It depicts a human-like figure affixed to a cross, has the head of a donkey, clearly he's being mocked. One other figure, just human, below is seen offering some action to this donkey headed victim on a CROSS.

    Carved also is a crude Greek:

    Αλεξαμενος ϲεβετε θεον ϲεβετε,


    "Alexamenos worships [his] God."

    Oh sure, Jehovah's Witnesses can go on about how "Stauros" (σταυρός) actually means "stake" not "cross" even though the majority of real scholars disagree. They can erroneously claim that Romans highjacked Christianity, adopting "the pagan symbol of the cross." Out of all the disputes over whether Jesus died on an upright pole or cross, however, how do the Jehovah's Witnesses account for the mockery of Jesus on the CROSS being worshiped as God by an early Christian (who is also the subject of ridicule), if the Romans between the 1st to the late 3rd century, who would have known how crucifixion was done, put Jesus on a stake?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    If Jesus died on a stake, then how do Jehovah's Witnesses account for this?

    Alexamenos graffito, an inscription carved in plaster on a wall near the Palatine Hill in Rome, among the earliest known pictorial representations of the Crucifixion of Jesus, late 1st to the late 3rd century. It depicts a human-like figure affixed to a cross, has the head of a donkey, clearly he's being mocked. One other figure, just human, below is seen offering some action to this donkey headed victim on a CROSS.

    Carved also is a crude Greek:

    Αλεξαμενος ϲεβετε θεον ϲεβετε,


    "Alexamenos worships [his] God."

    Oh sure, Jehovah's Witnesses can go on about how "Stauros" (σταυρός) actually means "stake" not "cross" even though the majority of real scholars disagree. They can erroneously claim that Romans highjacked Christianity, adopting "the pagan symbol of the cross." Out of all the disputes over whether Jesus died on an upright pole or cross, however, how do the Jehovah's Witnesses account for the mockery of Jesus on the CROSS being worshiped as God by an early Christian (who is also the subject of ridicule), if the Romans between the 1st to the late 3rd century, who would have known how crucifixion was done, put Jesus on a stake?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Proof ONCE AND FOR ALL that ISIS is NOT Muslim.!?

    It seems as though ISIS needs a new book to justify their madness. The Qur'an isn't working for them anymore, so they will be deleting, adding, and editing verses to meet with there radical ways. Though this doesn't effect me personally as a Christian, I feel that it's very important these days to know who's what, and after hearing this recent report, that ISIS wants to rewrite the Qur'an, I believe we can officially declare them NOT MUSLIM. The ISIS group CANNOT ever be used again to represent Islam.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How do I get rid of those ads by toapdeAl?

    I only noticed it tonight, ads all over the place, apparently by toapdeAl, in my search engines, intrusive tabs opening, how do I block these toapdeAl ads?

    1 AnswerSecurity7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    If Jesus died on a stake, then how do Jehovah's Witnesses account for this?

    Alexamenos graffito, an inscription carved in plaster on a wall near the Palatine Hill in Rome, among the earliest known pictorial representations of the Crucifixion of Jesus, late 1st to the late 3rd century. It depicts a human-like figure affixed to a cross, has the head of a donkey, clearly he's being mocked. One other figure, just human, below is seen offering some action to this donkey headed victim on a CROSS.

    Carved also is a crude Greek:

    Αλεξαμενος ϲεβετε θεον ϲεβετε,


    "Alexamenos worships [his] God."

    Oh sure, Jehovah's Witnesses can go on about how "Stauros" (σταυρός) actually means "stake" not "cross" even though the majority of real scholars disagree. They can erroneously claim that Romans highjacked Christianity, adopting "the pagan symbol of the cross." Out of all the disputes over whether Jesus died on an upright pole or cross, however, how do the Jehovah's Witnesses account for the mockery of Jesus on the CROSS being worshiped as God by an early Christian (who is also the subject of ridicule), if the Romans between the 1st to the late 3rd century, who would have known how crucifixion was done, put Jesus on a stake?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Creationism Produces Atheists. Thoughts?

    Of course science alone can be enough to make people abandon religion, but I am also of the opinion that Creationism, I myself using the term to mean the modern anti-science cultic movement lead by leaders like Hovind, Ham, etc, is also a major producer of atheism. Here's the logic: Anyone who believes in evolution is called a Darwinian, Atheist, "worshiper of the creation not the creator," and all kinds of awful things by the Creationists. Creationists push the false dichotomy of Bible under 100% literal interpretation or godless science, no where in between. Creationists will socially ostracization rational believers in science, even if some are in fact religious, Christian even. Some Christians following Creationism will one day find out that Kent Hovind, Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis, etc. lied, so they discount them, in turn religion as a whole, become atheists who highly pessimistic towards religion, particularly Christianity, all out of having felt been lied to by the Creationist community....

    Now I am a devoted Christian (certainly not a perfect human being), I want people to find Christ and take him as their Lord and Savior, so it really distresses me when Creationist and Bible-mockery questions here and on other forums reveal heartless (even deceptive) Creationists as well as blinded atheists dismissing all religion as "BS."

    So what are people's thoughts on my thoughts?

    Is Creationism potentially producing more atheists than believers?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Find First Source, Connection between Islam & 666, Hoax, Conspiracy, or just plain stupidity?

    People make such a big deal saying "666," the number of the name of the Beast, is considered holy in Islam, or that "In the Name of God" in Arabic looks like "666" (but it really doesn't if you look critically), but where does this all come from, really?

    There are some "Muslims sites" that promote it, particularly in English, which appear to represent the makers' personal beliefs and not Islam general, more comparable to "the Bible Code" which used to be popular but little more or to claims made by Nostradamians moving letters around like the 3rd antichrist name "Mabus" become "Sudam" as in "Saddam Hussain" which some believed until he was hung.

    Other sites with a clear axe to grind against Islam seem to speak more from rambling of hate rather than intellectual analysis, gathering many different ideas, building a pile of evidence, so that when people see they stop thinking and conform to what the site claims without any further critical study.

    All this hype all over the place, WHERE DID THIS ALL BEGIN? When did people start promoting the supposed close relationship between Islam, Madhi, etc and 666? Who in Islam is actually holding dear the number 666?

    Don't give me "IT LOOKS LIKE" stuff or quotes from "somewhere" without citing a source to which I can trace it back.

    Give me something that represents Islam general, not a terrorist group(s) or independent sites, but something that stands for all Islam, or at least one or two of the major sects in Islam.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Dogs laying on their back?

    I've had dogs laying on their back which always seemed strange to me. Did they pick that up from us or is that natural?

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Atheist believers in Ancient Aliens TECHNICALLY "theists?"?

    Some people believe in a supernatural deity (or a million of them), others believe in no deity, still others believe in no "divine deity," but rather in ancient aliens that visited the past and were mistaken by ancient humans as gods, goddesses, demons, etc. Yes I'm talking about the Ancient Alien or Ancient Astronaut Theory. Some atheists depressingly actually believe this junk even though no real scholar supports any aspect of the theory.

    Can such atheist believers in the Ancient Aliens Theory be counted as theists of some sort?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago