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Answer to VERY OLD DIRT's "Does the Bible tell us to pray to the Trinity Doctrine?"?

Question I cant seem to post an answer:

Does the Bible tell us to pray to the Trinity Doctrine ?

We don't pray to a Trinity Doctrine, but the Bible makes it clear we pray to God. The Bible also reveals that God is complex in his unity, a Divine Being who is Three Persons, Father Son & Holy Spirit. Without the Son, you have no Father, says John in his letters, whoever denies that Jesus came in the flesh is of antichrist (he was dealing with a proto-Gnostic docetist movement that denied that Jesus who is God could come in the flesh). Jesus called the Father the Only True God, but not soon after prays to be glorified with the Father as before Creation. Glory only goes to God, so Jesus must be the same God as the Father, yet a different person from the Father. As for the Holy Spirit, we can demonstrate that he is God, just see link , and that he is even a person, different from the Father and Son, just see this link also .

So the Bible makes it clear, pray to God, the Bible makes it clear that God is a Triune Deity, Father Son & Holy Spirit, so we pray to the God that Scripture reveals, or be of antichrist.


Shoot, I wanted to end that with the Bible teaches us to pray to God, who is Triune, not a Trinity Doctrine. oops

Update 2:

@EXPOSE TRUTH - Clearly the Bible isn't you're final authority, rather you are it's final authority in you're worldview. You are clearly a Jehovah's Witness cult member, so antithetical to the Bible, you need you're own. Yes Jesus prayed to the Father, as we should, that's why he did it. That was a model for us to follow. The Bible is the Final Authority, sure, start listening to it.

Update 3:

@EXPOSE TRUTH - So Bible, final authority, start listening to the Bible E.T.!

Update 4:

@EXPOSE TRUTH - So Bible, final authority, start listening to the Bible E.T.!

Update 5:

Please excuse the triple, technical glitch. :-)

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Why are you answering him, in a format designed to ask a question? Are you blocked from answering his question? Then I would ignore him because he doesn't want to interact with you.

    I had someone do that to me once, ask a question to talk to me, because they were blocked. They badly humiliated me and suggested untruths about me. You shouldn't use this forum in this way.

    As far as the Trinity is concerned, a father is not his own son. A son is not his own father. It is as simple as that. Debating doctrine is a waste of time, when people can't appreciate a few simple truths. Then they turn it into a debate over Greek words. It is clear and simple, Jesus and God are described as unique individuals, Jesus is called inferior to God, both when he was on earth and when he was in heaven.

    Now onto more urgent Biblical matters. Did you know that the Bible promises that the earth will soon be restored for righteous people. It will once again become a paradise and wicked will be cut off. Psalm 37:9-11, 29.

  • 7 years ago

    Of course not. The Bible tells us to pray to God, not doctrine.

    The doctrine of the Holy Trinity states there is one true God who is made up of three separate but equal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    The Bible does not contain the word Trinity. However, the Holy Trinity is hinted at repeatedly in both the Old and New Testaments. For many biblical references, see:

    Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the early Christians prayed and struggled over these hints for a couple of centuries. The concept of the Holy Trinity (three equal persons in one God) was mainstream Christianity in 325 C.E. at the Council of Nicaea and our belief is expressed in the Nicene Creed. Later, the Holy Spirit guided the same Church to select which documents would become the Bible.

    How the Blessed Trinity works is not fully known and is one the Christian mysteries.

    The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is shared by 99% of everyone who call themselves Christian including Roman and Orthodox Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Episcopalians, and the Salvation Army.

    Non-Trinitarian churches make up less than 1% of those who call themselves Christian and include Christadelphianism, Christian Science, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Arian Catholicism, Unitarianism, Nontrinitarianism, and Oneness Pentecostals.

    There is a story told about St Augustine:

    Augustine was walking along the seashore trying to figure out the mystery of the Holy Trinity and came up to a little boy. The boy was trying to pour the ocean into a hole in the sand with a seashell. Augustine told the boy what he was doing was impossible. Then the little boy told Augustine that it is also impossible for the mind of man to try to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The little boy turned into an angel and disappeared.

    For more information, see Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 232 and following.

    With love in Christ.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yep. Pray to God the Father through the Son with the understanding from the Holy Spirit.

  • 7 years ago

    The Second Commandment Requires us to Pray Only To God! God is above ALl others! We can end our prayers with "In the name of the Father, son, and Holy Ghost" if we want.

    Before Jesus came, God certainly was here and had made ALL Everywhere! God was still Our Father before Jesus came!

    In Gen. that Bible tells us that Jesus got to be the Christ because he was the only angel that had Never sinned! Yet God had still made Jesus and tested Jesus along with ALL others! In the New Testament the Bible states we can take Jesus name in-vain and Not sin! But if one takes God's name in vain - that is the worst sin we can commit!

    I have marked them all off and there are over 550 places just in the New Testament that state that Jesus is NOT God! Like where Jesus said: "Why do you call me "good"? I am not good. Only God is good."

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 7 years ago

    The prayers are directed towards God whether they are of praise, thanksgiving, adoration, intercession, and petition. If a Christian prays to the Father they pray to God, if they pray to the Son they pray to God, if they pray to the Holy Spirit they pray to God being that the three Divine Persons are God.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The Trinity Doctrine is worthless and the Bible is the final authority.

    Jesus prayed to Jehovah as we should do also.

    Source(s): THE BIBLE
  • Lv 7
    7 years ago

    if this "Trinity" was more than just something the Catholic Church cooked up, there would likely be more than just "hints" in the Bible alluding to it.

    think about it: if it were very important, don't you think Jesus or God woud have mentioned it, even just once?

    no, even Jesus said that the Bible was written in plain text, NOT code or anything that would need interpretation of any kind. trying to insinuate differently is going against Jesus Himself.

    something so important would definitely be mentioned.

    Source(s): 10 years of study
  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Holy-books were written by superstitious folk for superstitious folk..superstition has no is not constrained by evidence so it has no limitations whatsoever..anything you can imagine in your wildest dreams can be included in a holy-book...and any sceptic can be called derogatory terms such as atheist, blasphemer or heretic and dealt with accordingly..The so-called holy spirit is the instinctive inclination to believe in spooky stuff genetically inherited from thousands of generations of pagan ancestors..

  • Seeker
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Somehow I'm thinking that EXPOSE TRUTH and VERY OLD DIRT are the same person.

  • 7 years ago

    The bible is a farce, a fake, a fraud and is best when used as a paperweight.

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