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ANSWER TO: Would Jesus reject those Christians that embrace the Theory of Evolution if they don't repent and ask for forgiveness ?

For some reason I can't answer the question "Would Jesus reject those Christians that embrace the Theory of Evolution if they don't repent and ask for forgiveness ?", so I'll use this to answer this important question, see attached image for full answer.

I don't see why Jesus would condemn believers in evolution who place their full faith upon him for their salvation. Evolution is a valid science and science uses methods so that we can remain honest about what we say concerning the physical universe. Creationists don't, however, so I'd be more concerned for them.

(See attached image for full answer)

Furthermore, the modern cult of Creationism, built upon falsehood and lies, lead people away from Christ. It gets believers in scientific explanations to give up God, as Creationists promote the false dichotomy of Science or God. They lead astray also those who rested their whole faith upon the literal interpretation of Genesis that when they find out the facts, they give up on EVERYTHING, Genesis, the whole Bible, Jesus*Christ, *God all in all, such are the fruits of Creationism.

I'm more worried for and at the same time angry at Creationists and their leaders, though I'll grant it, some may simply be plain ignorant, and could be saved, I don't know, but I do know that Jesus Christ does not appreciate the work of Creation leaders and their head disciples promoting all the deception, bad arguments, etc.




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11 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    So, for up until Darwin and many years after, Christians believed in a literal creation and recently have started cherry picking early "Saints" like Augustine to support their claims that Christianity has always regarded a literal interpretation of the Scripture as wrong and that it always realized that the entirity of Scripture was nothing more than a metaphor?

    Is this what you are saying? I'm interested to see what you will come up with when you finally realize that we know that there was no way that the Flood, Tower of Babel (did you completely forget about this) or the Exodus happened and that there is very little reason to think that Jesus might have been a historic person

    Frankly, it is a more realistic view that "theistic evolution" is more like a cult than a literal interpretation of the Bible is. Realize that the "stake in the sand" was driven over 2000 years ago and you moving it and claiming that it has not moved, just shows that you are desperately trying to rationalize something you know is wrong.

  • 7 years ago


    For starters 'evolution' is NOT a valid science, It is a belief invented by people who do not believe God and His Bible, and as such, has become their god. Jesus said that you cannot serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24]

    You said, and I quote:

    "Furthermore, the modern cult of Creationism, built upon falsehood and lies, lead people away from Christ. It gets believers in scientific explanations to give up God, as Creationists promote the false dichotomy of Science or God. They lead astray also those who rested their whole faith upon the literal interpretation of Genesis that when they find out the facts, they give up on EVERYTHING, Genesis, the whole Bible, Jesus*Christ, *God all in all, such are the fruits of Creationism."

    Nothing is further from God's truth, As this truth, written in Genesis, is absolute and if you reject it you are rejecting God Himself. It is NOT God OR science, It is God AND true science, (evolution being false).

    I pray that you will realise this before it is too late and no matter what YOU do or say God will reject your please for salvation. (Remember that the door of the Ark was shut many days before the rains came.)

    You must repent NOW (giving away all unbiblical beliefs), accept the Bible truth of a literal Creation as in Genesis, ans ask for forgiveness for your false beliefs, and all sins as well, and you just might be acceptable.

    If you truly are a 'seeker' you will seek God's truth.


  • 7 years ago

    Those who reject Christ will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven this reflected by their deeds which they can not keep hidden from God. Those who seek God will find salvation through Christ.

    Where does it state in Scripture that those who study in science can not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven? And where in Scripture does it state that Christians that believe in both creation and evolution being that they don't remove God from the equation will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven?

    The thing is Catholics use both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and understand the authority of Christ is under the keys of St. Peter with the Apostolic succession.

    But for some reason Protestants whom claim their only source of information comes from Scripture had difficulty with understanding that science is not part of theology and when it comes to theology compared to the Catholic Church they are mere children. They like using that where does it state that in Scripture well back at you. Where does it state this within Scripture?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I certainly believe that you are correct in your assessment of 6-day Creationists. Christ Himself called the literalists of His day a "brood of vipers". He clearly stated that those who followed the "letter of the Law" were overlooking the Law's meaning, and thus made it more difficult for people to approach God. The things He said could happen to such people were not very pretty. Unfortunately that is exactly what is happening everyday on these boards. The vast majority of so-called atheists here only talk about a talking snake, how many animals could fit on an Ark or other such nonsense. The strict creationists see these as a challenge to their faith and repeatedly attack them. They are thereby stating that their faith truly is NOT in Christ but rather in the Bible.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Surely he would reject those sects and cults that think God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools?

    The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

    Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

    Nice that Christians and atheists can agree and laugh together even if it is at fundie expense!

    But behind the laughter is the despair at the fundamentalists striving so hard to destroy Christianity by turning it from a religion to an ideology!

    If you intend to post like this again please state which extremist sect you belong to so that GOOD Christians can disassociate themselves from you and explain why your sect is so at odds with Christianity!

  • 7 years ago

    Genesis is a saga, not a scientific expose or a news article of human origins. There is nothing contradictory to Christianity or the bible about accepting evolution. It is atheistic evolution that is unacceptable. The atheistic view says humans have no soul. That is the real issue. So at some point in time God created souls in humans and we know very little about human origins. There is nothing wrong with believing that God used evolution to create humans. The real problem with some Christians is biblical illiteracy.

  • Teddy
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    If someone asked that question on here, and you couldn't get one of those boxes to fill in to submit your answer, it's because the person has you blocked. It's an effective tool to avoid any reasonable answer (and to avoid idiots answering too.) Assuming that's the case for this lack-of question, the same person won't/can't read this either.

  • 7 years ago

    Does anybody seen my question just now, already?

    Here is the link I need an answer if you can't see it, I just post it minutes ago or you can see how old my question was here /?tab=myq I post tonight, but to myself I can't see my question show up here on Religion & Spirituality.


    Just what's wrong for my question never shows up and on other categories also these days?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Repenting by itself means nothing..I hate to tell YOU.. Faith WITHOUT WORKS is dead. You can asK for forgiveness until youre blue in the face, but if you have no works, your repentance is dead.

    According to JESUS.

  • 7 years ago

    Nobody's going to read that whole thing.

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