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Convince an Atheist! What's the best evidence you have to prove the existence of your god?

I'm looking for any evidence you can supply to prove the existence of your god or gods of any faith.

BEFORE YOU ASK! My only evidence for god(s) nonexistence is the nonexistence of evidence from theists to back up their claim. The theists make the claim that there is a god. Hearing this claim a person may or may not believe it. The burden of proof lies on the claimant.

ALSO - If belief in god(s) by a majority of the worlds population, and ancient books written by human beings were enough to convince me, I wouldn't already be an atheist.

I am open to looking at any other available evidence that may prove atheism wrong.

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer
  • reny
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    it rather is completely basic. Trivially uncomplicated. won't take yet 15 seconds of a few time i'm engaged on a challenge, attempting to locate some thing, and that i won't be able to locate it. i've got been searching for a pair of years now. So, you suspect that God already is familiar with the place and what I"m searching for. So get the respond from God for me. basically provide me the final answer, and put in the notes of your question what i'm searching for...the two the precise region, or the primers i might use to envision the main suitable region (heck, God an all-powerful God could desire to place the primer order for me, yet i will shop my request modest) do basically that, and that i will have self belief. Or, your silence will show which you recognize that your "god" isn't as much as the least complicated ot exams. And why could desire to an atheist have self belief in a God, in case you your self don't have self belief that your God can answer the least complicated question? Edit: 3 days. No answer yet. i think of it rather is tremendously sparkling...the God you worship and love won't carry a finger to shield himself, or you. he's indistinguishable from no longer something.

  • 1 decade ago

    thereis no evidence except for holy books and scriptures of religions which may all be rejected by an atheist as lies.There is no way atheism can be proved wrong .Yes we can say Jesus or buddha were gods but atheists will say they were mere men who were made gods by the people just like the german people once made Hitler into a god.

  • jaicee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I love Avicenna's proof. Avicenna/Ibn Sina, one of the greatest minds in history, offers an easy to understand logical mathematical proof of a unique uncaused cause. Something exists that is not a composite of anything and from which the universe, a composite came. However, he doesn't explain what it is or what it means, but it does fit with the big bang.

    The proof itself rests on four principles, the first of which is the assertion that something exists. Even if the world is an illusion, an illusory self, contemplating an illusory universe, is still something that exists.

    Further, everything that exists does so because of some cause, and the "principle of sufficient reason" states that every phenomenon is either caused by something external or caused by itself, but never both. Everything that exists has to have a reason for existing.

    Working from these principles, there is a minimum criteria for Godhood, that is, God must be unique, must be self-caused, as well as being the cause of everything else. Every existing phenomena is the end effect of a causal chain of possibly infinite length starting with God.

    All known physical phenomena are composites, except possibly the elementary particles of quantum mechanics. If A is a composite of B, then B is composite, and furthermore a composite cannot be a cause of one of its components because it could not exist without all its components in place.

    We can infer that the universe is a composite of all phenomena. The universe itself, then, cannot bring any of its own components into being, as it could not have existed before the existence of the components.

    Then, the universe could similarly not be self-caused, since it is caused by the aggregation of its components, and so there must be some object, G, that causes the universe but is not the universe itself. G must then be universal because it is a cause, directly or indirectly of every component in the universe.

    G is the unique uncaused phenomena, because, as the cause of everything, it can't be caused by something else.

    The strength of this proof is that each assumption it rests on is empirically grounded and is far more reasonable than its negation.

    For me, logical proof is cold, but Avicenna's is good. I prefer the more subjective experience.

    By the way, your avatar is my favorite NASA photo.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a god...he's just a 7th grade science student living in the n-th dimension. Our universe is all just a big science project for him.

    Hmmm...before I get a bunch of "thumbs downs"...can anyone convince ME why this is more ridiculous than the Christian idea of god?

    Source(s): Rudy Rucker.
  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, let's go waaaaaaaaay back, to the very beginning.

    According to scientific principles, the Universe started as a super-hot, super dense ball of plasma. This plasma ball then exploded, and created the Universe we see today.

    Several problems arise though......

    1. The universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating in it's expansion.

    2. There is not enough matter and energy (light or dark) in the universe to cause it to contract again.

    The laws of physics state that any object in a stable state will remain so unless disturbed by an outside force.

    If the plasma ball had been stable, it should have remained in it's initial state, with outward pressure balanced by gravitation.

    So, in order for it to explode with enough violence to overcome it's own gravitation, something (or Someone) either added energy to the ball by compressing it still further then released the compression, or something (or Someone) added energy to the ball causing it to explode.

    In either case, something (or Someone) outside of the universe added energy to the ball causing it to explode with a violence greater than it could have on it's own.

    Your thoughts?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Haven't you seen Constantine? If i show you proof of Gods existence before you have faith, i would inadvertently be condemning you to hell. You can't have faith in something you know exists. That is why Constantine is destined to hell. He committed suicide, and the doctors brought him back to life. Well while he was dead he went to hell. Since he saw hell, he knew God existed. And thus God cannot let him into heaven because he cannot have faith.

    So if i showed you my proof I would be doing you a great disservice. Just have faith in me. Why would i lie about my proof? Trust me its some pretty good proof. I have a singing flying rock. Darnit. That may or may not have ruined your eternal salvation. I am not sure if me telling you what the proof is will send you to hell. I guess you will just have to wait and see.

  • 1 decade ago

    for me: i'm alive. i stay under a roof. i have an access to computer. i have an access to internet. i can think something. and now i'm in yahoo answer!

    if there is no God, we're all the God. if we're God, we create things not destroy things, and we live in eternity. since humans now create things to destroy and still live a limited life, then there is a God. maybe if the scientists have already found an elixir for eternal life, i'll agree that there is no God.

    why wouldnt there be a God?

  • get one of your atheistic buddies and have him or her wring your nose until it bleeds,..oder, the easiest answer is the Jewish peoples, Israel, Jerusalem, they just found part of King David's palace, the secular humanist and atheist for that matter;s hatred of the Christian, b/c Jesus told us we would be hated, the bogus evolution theory monkey man and the bad science behind it,..

    time is running out of time, atheist,..

    ALSO, your evidence is nonevident faith in the poo you spew and i would not have asked b/c i see the evidence all around us,..

    for God answered Job and God will answer you but first you must gird up your loins like a man, i believe you can read, so read Job chapter thirty-eight,..get off the banks of D Nile and pick up a king james version of the Bible,..

    i e a e,..

    avatar of the unification,..

    i will conclude with matthew chapter 13: 24-30,..

  • 1 decade ago

    Through meditation The soul (individual consiousness) of human being can merge with God (universal or super consiousness) and experience the god It is a scientific method

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prophecy's on Christs coming, and the little horns reign for 1,260 years.

    Jesus said to the pharisees to believe Him because of the works, healing etc.

    Christ is doing the same works today thru Christians. Take a look, get away from the unbelief, it rubs off on you.

    Source(s): biblegateway dot com
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