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Why do many people love to take potshots at religious belief?

22 Answers

  • Pitchy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If I told you I worshiped the squirrel god and believed macaroni to be an acceptable form of currency, wouldn't you think in the back of your head about taking a potshot at my beliefs?

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a very real and valid question? Many of the earlier answers offer up great reasons on "Why" and even how.

    Surely, the same exact thing happens to non believers "Atheists" as well. It is disappointing regardless of which group of people are being ridiculed because it is wrong just the same.

    Society just does not have the "SKILLS" to get along with one another. Everyone thinks He / She is 100% Correct and people with a different view are completely wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course believers don't take potshots at anyone else do they?

    Of course they never scream at Atheists you're going burn in Hell for ever and they never gratuitously vilify and insult lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders. No that never happens.

    NB Irony warning.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because if it isn't 'my religion' is must be wrong.

    Because 'my god is bigger than your god'.

    Because Yahoo allows it.

    Yahoo chooses which religions are allowed to solicit on this forum. Pagans be quiet. Don't upset the correct and approved religious folks. Heck, even the devil worshipers can post their views here, but yahoo thinks pagan's view and sources must be banned.

    Religion is to make better people out of what they are without it, no matter which religion it is, people.

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  • I♥U
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    True Christians do not take 'pot shots' at other people beliefs.

    We respect the right of everyone to choose the path they want their lives to follow.

    However , reasoning with people from the Bible is what Christians ought to do with the desire NOT to belittle or put someone else down , but rather to assist others to come to an accurate understanding about what the true God Jehovah requires of man today.

    If they listen , great , if they don't , that is OK too.

    For more Bible based info please feel free to email me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that when you ask someone how they know something is true and their answer is "because the bible says so" then they are really asking for it. The bible isn't proof of anything, it's a book, and we do not know for sure about its authorship - it claims to be the word of God but again, where's the proof of that?

  • 1 decade ago

    Easy target. With all the wacky religious beliefs out there, it's almost impossible to make any true statement about religion without exposing it for the fraud it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing random or easy about my shots. I shoot for the bullseye. The object of shooting in my case is to put something in the pot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The sound of a bible being thumped sounds awfully similar to a clay pidgeon being launched. I blame skeet reflexes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heck, even the "Religious" make fun of "Religions", theirs and others.

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