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Lv 4
Sharon asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationFishing · 1 decade ago

Do you think this is fair?

On 8/13/06 I was stopped by a game warden and he asked to see my fishing license. I had forgotten to bring it with me, & was issued a warning & asked to mail a copy to him within 5 days which I did, end of that story. Since I do not carry a purse or wallet on the boats, I tried leaving my license in the boat, so I wouldn't forget it again. However, we have 2 different boats that we fish from. So, I put my NY non-resident license, which is valid in MOST parts of the lake, in one boat, and my VT resident license in the other. On 8/9/07, I was stopped again by a different warden. This time I had my NY license handy, BUT, was in one of the few places that it was not valid. The warden asked that I send a copy of my VT license to him within 5 days, which I did. About 2 weeks later, I got a notice in the mail saying that I was to be fined $171.00 AND 5 points put on my DRIVER'S license for not carrying my license while fishing, twice within a one year period????


I pleaded not guilty and just received my court date notice. I have searched the regulation book and also online, and cannot find anywhere that it says that this is something to be fined for. Neither warden warned me "If you do this again, you'll get a fine". I am a very law abiding person, have always purchased a license, don't use lead sinkers, stay within limits and size restrictions, etc. etc., BUT, I am on occasion forgetful. I wouldn't be so upset if I had known that this was something that I could be fined for. I would have made 10 copies and put one in each boat, tackle box and jacket! Any suggestions how to handle the judge when I have my court date next month?

Update 2:

One warden was mean, and the other was nice. It was the NICE one that gave me the ticket! GRRRRR........

Update 3:

RW, there was no call for your rudeness.

Update 4:

Well, I got a bit more attention than expected. Thanks to all of you (with the exception of one... ) I know that I was wrong by not carrying my license, but thought that the punishment was a bit harsh. I called the F&G office today and found out that the fine for fishing without having purchased a license was $101.00. Now that really makes me mad, I am being fined much higher for having a license and forgetting it than someone who didn't bother to buy one! I could tell you stories about how hard the VT fish & game commission is on people, any person in VT that fishes or hunts has had a run-in with them, many stories of ppl not coming here anymore because of it, but I don't have room :-)

Update 5:

I need to close this question out, but I don't know who to pick as best answer (I DO know who NOT to pick as best answer, lol)

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Only thing I can come up with is tryin' to get back with the 2 wardens and see if they will give ya' written proof that you did follow up and send them copies of your license which they requested you do. With that writtin' proof the judge could very well see your showing honesty with good intentions. Always helps ta' have something in hand when in front of a Judge/Magistrate ;) ;) ;) ;)...

    Hope ta' H _ _ l it all works out for the better!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I only know how the game wardens are in the South. Sometimes they let you go and sometimes they can be hard-headed. Luckily I have never been caught without my license, or been fined for doing anything wrong.

    I am afraid you might have to just pay the fine and call it a lesson learned. Mistakes happen to the best of us.

    It seems that law enforcement in general should be more worried about catching the real criminals instead of worrying about such minor things as forgetting a license or being in the wrong place. I think they pick and choose their battles - the easier, the better.

    I hope you can talk your way out of it. Good Luck!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sharon my suggestion would be to do like FishSteel said.

    Being able to show proof of a valid license should let you off one time, but not sure what it would do being done twice.

    Also I run into the same problem on occasion. This is what I have done and so far have not got any flack about it when being checked.

    Make a copy of your drivers license, as well as the out of state and state fishing licenses, put the originals in the boat you use most of the time, the copies in the other rig.

    Carry the originals with you when you are fishing that hard water you love...LMAO.

    Also go to some sporting goods store and get two of those cheap license holders they are water resistant, and make a convent place to keep you license.

    Another thing I did do to have to have prof of insurance on your rig as well and registration now, was to make copies of all said papers. Go to wally world and buy a small plastic container (tupor (SP) ware) with the blue lid, Put everything in one of great, and if you get a little bigger one can put asprian etc. in them as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you fish without a license you get a fine. Many states which share a border on a lake or river will share issuences of warnings and fines for the body of water they share. Since you were issued a warning and then found fishing without a license again you're going to get a fine reguardless of whether or not you have license at home. Think of it like a drivers license....If you're pulled over without a license you get a warning or a ticket, same with fishing licenses. Just because you left it in your other boat is no excuse. Next time keep it in your tackle box.

    Source(s): Former VT resident.
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  • 1 decade ago

    While I do agree you must have your fishing license on you at all times . I do NOT agree that you should get points on your drivers license! Paying a fine is enough but 5 points that is BullS*#@T. than your insurance goes up and you may lose your license if you have points already.

    Sharon I hope things work out for you .

  • MR. T.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    In NM we have to have our license on us at all times while either hunting or fishing.

    I have to carry both at all times, because we have to purchase 2 habitat stamps for either hunting or fishing, due to the rising prices of license, I usually can't afford but one at a time so I get fishing first with the stamps, then later in the year I get a general hunting license.

    This makes a wad of paper in my wallet, that is uncomfortable to sit on to say the least.

    ANY WAY: if you can't prove to the judge, that you complied by sending your copy to the game wardens, plea not guilty, and make sure you have your story straight when you get the chance to tell your side (also make sure you take your license with you to court)

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ignorance of the law is no excuse. And I'm pretty sure both state's laws say that while fishing, you must have in your possesion a valid fishing license. You were lucky that you got away with breaking the law the first time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im sorry Sharon, they should have warned you about the consequences of not carring it. I dont understand the points on your DL???

    I have to have in my possession at all times my fresh and saltwater license , my alligator agents license, and my Fish and Wildlife ID card ,my CITES tag, plus a copy of the permit issued for that alligator when I catch an alligator. I am an FWC licensed agent but if I dont have that stuff in my possession I can be arrested by a Game Warden.

    Thats a lot to keep up with when wading in after mad alligators

  • 1 decade ago

    I know all states are different and because I am not fluent in your laws at it is hard to make a judgment call. However. I been in that boat before, fishing and not having that piece of paper on me and have the CO walk upon me.

    Here in Indiana, we can have print out copies. This is a very good thing for like yourself, I can keep a copy in all my trucks, boats and each tackle box. Now, there is no reason I can be or could be caught without them.

    I suggest if you are allowed to make copies...DO SO! Make it where you can't leave home without it...

    Good luck getting this mess cleared up....

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sorry to hear about the calamity!

    I don't get the "points on your drivers license" deal! That is AMAZING! I would look that law Up! Never heard of that one!

    I've been in your position before (forgetting my fishing license) and the Warden made me drive back to the ramp, trailer my boat, DRIVE HOME & retrieve my license, and meet him BACK at the ramp later in the day!

    And I thought I got it BAD! You got POINTS on your DL!

    You might want to contact a lawyer and see about removing those points somehow?

    I am truly sorry for this! It's these kinda incidents that turn GOOD, HONEST, FOLK off of fishing & the environment!

    Sorry about that Sharon! Hope you will be able to resolve this without too much time & expense to your family.

    I'm sendin' ya a prayer.

    PS: The next time your caught without your license you better use your "womanly ways" on the Warden or else he's gonna take your first born child!! (lol-teasin ya!)

  • 1 decade ago

    Dang it Sharon, sounds like the fishing police are out to see you hang! I guess it beats life in the electric chair. Seriously, the game wardens in VT & NY state blow. Do you have any character witnesses that could get on the stand and lie for ya? Might save your drivers license. Don't you know fishing without license on your person is akin to poaching or rustling? Poachers and cattle rustlers in my part of the country don't fair too well. Please learn to respect the law. I only hope you know I am joking. Ask the judge to reduce the fine or to allow you to make minimum weekly installments of $10 by mail and just maybe he'll show mercy on your soul.

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