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Acting ''Black'', Acting ''White''?

Why is acting ''black'' negative, but acting ''White'' is positive?

What about acting ''Latino'', or

Acting ''Asian''?

Why do white people hate white people that act ''Black''?

Think for a moment, what about the Black people that don't act stereotypically ''Black'' like Barack Obama and Trevor MacDonald.

As a Black man, people of different races always think I am a stereotypical black man. I don't need to give examples because we all know them.

How can I get people to think differently about me, or is it these different races that should change their ways of thinking about black people?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The answer to your question should have nothing to do with the color of a person's skin. I think there is a certain level of comman decency and respect for others that needs to be maintained in a civilized society. I respect and enjoy other people's culture, and my own. What it should boil down to is this. Where are your ideas, thoughts, beliefs and actions taking you? Is your behaviour contributing to the good of society as a whole? Color of skin has nothing to do with it. Case in point, Fajitas answer to your question. Sorry, but blacks are NOT the only ones who don't keep a job, speak improperly, are uneducated, or don't marry the mother of their children. EVERY skin color may or may not have these "attributes". This is where it comes down to personal responsibily for being the person that you are, not the color that you are. Speaking properly is not a 'white' trait, it is a STANDARD of speech that is eloquent and easy to understand. Talking with a mouthful of marbles is, in my opinion, disrespectful to the person you are conversing with. It has nothing to do with skin color. Slang can be appreciated for it's cleverness, among other things, but there is a time and place for it. To rid the world of stereotyping, we must take personal responsibility for who we are and what we profess to the world. That is, to say, not 'white' behaviour or 'black' behaviour, but owning our behaviour as a reflection of ourselves. Good or bad. It's your own personal standard, and it is what you present to the world. And that is what you are judged according to.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Acting black" is looked down on and "acting white" is accepted because of history. There was a period, and perhaps still is in certain parts of the US, when light-skinned blacks were encouraged to "pass" for white to improve the quality of their lives. This is when "acting white" first started. A darker-skinned white person would never try to pass for black. Old habits die hard.

    I'm sure that people of different races, once they meet you, do not think you are a stereotypical black man. You can get people to think differently about you by showing them that you are different.

    People base stereotypes on their personal experiences, or on the heresay of others if they don't happen to have their own experiences with other races. The more often a person encounters people of different races and experiences the differences, the more likely that person is to change their stereotypes.

    In short, other races do need to change how they think about black people. But if they only black people that they encounter actually fit the mold of the stereotypes, then that isn't likely to happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dont play into the stereotype. You don't need to "act" black, you are black. End of story. (I hate that American stereotype and people that act like that, the ghetto is all in your mind)

    I know how you feel though, I had also been labeled "whitewash" by some of my friends just because I love rock and indie music and hate rap..

    People use stereotypes in order not too think too much and put people in slots so they can understand their world.

    Word of advice get away from ignorant people, they have nothing to offer you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think you should concern yourself with what people think. Just make sure you are being you, and those that are meant to be in your life will be there. I personally do not think that all stereotypes are negative. I believe that "acting" like a certain race has less to do with doing stupid things and more to do with cultural themes. I love being black, and I love my roots. I have no intentions of falling into mainstream society unless it suits my purpose. However, everyone should work hard to improve their situation if it's negative. Ultimately, being right with God is the only thing that matters.

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  • 1 decade ago

    What EXACTLY is acting black or acting white? I have seen plenty of white people being ingnorant in speach, actions, etc. Dropping out of school....the same with black, latino...whatever. At the same token I have seen plenty of black people reach doctoral really angers me that the black person is expected to speak without any sense, speak loud, burst out with anger at any moment, rob somone...etc etc. All I have to say is that even when you see an educated white person with a great matter if they do have that great job or if they're homeless living on the street....can you expect them to shoot up a bunch of people when things don't go thier way? Instead of putting light on everyone elses supposed "flaws" they need to work on thier own people. People just need to worry about themselves and stop being in other people's lives. Just live life because it's too short to worry about dumb stuff like this. We have bigger things to worry about and even though I know it's not going to change, it should!!

  • 1 decade ago

    The fact is the majority of blacks do not live the stereotype. Only a small percentage of them do, however the media is quick to magnify negative stereotypes and perpetuate them. My suggestion is to just live your life and not worry too much about what they think, set an example for others by just being you.

    NO matter how spectacular your vernacular is, you will be the exception and not the rule to most. You will be labeled as "not like those other blacks". You will also get the "WOW! You are so articulate!". That's code for " I didnt know blacks could talk like that." Sad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats not always true.

    I know that sometimes getting called white is a diss, atleast in my town. We aren't some 'gangster' town, but being preppy and white is considered bad. Steriotypes are stupid- ignore the people who put them on you. Don't change who you are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think your giving to much thought on what others think of you.....just be yourself and stop trying to impress long as your a good man..that's all that matters...your never going to change the way narrow minded people think....that's their problem....not yours....

  • 1 decade ago

    As an American, as a human, I think we need to get rid of all these stupid azz labels. We're all in this together!

  • 1 decade ago

    Here u go

    Acting black- Just watch Maury Povich and you will see

    White- Uptight, white collar suburb-living dork

    Asian-Drive for 20 miles down the freeway with your left blinker on, yet be a freakin engineer with a degree from MIT

    Latino- drink lots of cuervo, drive drunk and be hot tempered

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