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Practical parenting??

I have very definite opinions on parenting that I believe to be extremely practical. I would like you're opinions, but I would also like for you to consider them before you react.

Todays young adults seem to need more coddled that my generation. I work in HR, and I see so many young adults, fresh out of college, expecting much more money than they should. After they get a job, they complain the work is too hard or too much for what they're being paid. They also require much more training than older people and seem to expect praise for their work and are stunned when you tell them they did something wrong.

Now, I know that I am expected to do my job, and I think it's completely impractical to expect your children to grow up to be responsible if for their first 18 years, there were no consequences for their action; there have been no responsibilities, were given everything they asked for, had excuses made for them for bad grades, given medication because they couldn't behave (not..


..all kids who are medicated). I just believe that far too many children are diagnosed ADD because their parents and teachers don't want to control them. It seems that more and more kids are living life with the impression that they're entitled to a great one without work.

I was spanked. I was required to do chores. I was required to make good grades (and was told if I didn't get a scholarship, I would have to pay for half my education). I was required to work a part-time job. I knew that there was punishment when I didn't do what was required of me. Spanking was rare, but there were never any bruises or marks, so I was not abused.

My practical parenting idea is simple. It seems that from birth to age 18, there should be scales for each aspect of life.

From infancy to 18, the level of responsibility increases. An infant obviously can't do chores, but a toddler can understand that they need to pick up their toys and put things away. If they don't, they don't get to...

Update 2: with them. A six year old can take out the trash and straighten their own room. A 10 year old can fully clean their room and keep it clean. You can probably see where I'm going with this. If they don't accomplish simple tasks as children or teens, they are going to struggle with adulthood. I certainly don't want spoiled, unsuccessful children to run this country in the future.

Update 3:

Teaching children and teens to make good decisions is essential to their success as an adult. If you constantly make their decisions for them, they will never learn how to work in the real world. A 6 year old can start with making decisions about what clothes they like whereas a teen should be at least buying some of their own clothes.

Most parents tend to think their kids are just supposed to get it. Why don't they just see it's wrong? As this relates to premarital sex, you can't make that decision for them, and you can't be angry when they make that decision. Their bodies are ready and screaming. You would hope they have the self control to not do it, but if you tell them the consequences (wonderful word) and how to protect themselves, then they may not have to deal with having a child at 15 or worse.

Most young people end up in debt because they expect to have a big house with fancy electronics and a luxury car without "paying their dues" or saving for it.

Update 4:

Parents give out gifts and rewards rather than giving payments for work done. They bribe their children for doing what should be a requirement. Rewards come from doing more than is expected. If my child were to clean his room (which would be required) and then do two chores he was not asked to do, then there would be a reward. He would earn his allowance for doing what is required, more money for extra.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I TOTALLY agree with you. Most of the young kids are spoiled. Their parents let them get away with everything. It's because the government stuck their nose into something they didn't belong.

    I was spanked, i was grounded, if i wanted to go somewhere, let's say an amusement park, but misbehaved, guess what..i didn't go.

    A lot of parents today to not hold true to their threats. I was in a McDonalds one day, a mother sat her 3 children down while she waited in line. They were hootin' and hollering and just being a big annoyance, she came to them and told them, if they don't behave they will go home with no dinner. No sooner does she get back in line, they start, but do you think she took them home? Nope, she got their food sat down and ate. Kids today know they can get away with a lot, which explains their behavior when they are an adult.

    I work in retail, and most of the teens and young adults that work there are lazy a_ss's. Do nothing but stand around and talk and complain when they don't get any hours.

    I've been working since i was 15, that was by choice, and i have always worked my a_ss off, so it disgusts me when i see todays teens/young adults lay back and expect the whole world to be handed to them on a silver platter. They all deserve a good kick in the a_ss.

    But thankfully, there a few teens/young adults that actually do work, love their work and never complain. But unfortunalty, they are very rare, atleast where i live.

    Source(s): By the way, this is an excellent question.
  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I'll be the odd ball out here in disagreeing with you.

    There are already "scales" of what a child can do at each age. For example, a 3-4 year old can only understand two commands at one time: i.e. asking your 3yo to "pick up the toys," "put on your shoes," and "eat your lunch" is overwhelming for their brains, but 2, simple distinct commands can be understood with ease.

    Brain research continues to provide information and resources on what each stage of development is capable of. Parents can easily find this information by taking a parenting education course, which, thankfully, many parents do.

    In regard to spanking, there's no benefit in it. Let me ask you - if you were doing something bad, and your mom spanked you for it, did you stop doing that something bad because you knew it was wrong or because you didn't want to get spanked again? Believe me, I'm not a born-again hippie, preaching kindness. I'm simply stating the principle of positive discipline - that the consequences should fit the action, so that the child's brain can create the synaps between the event and whether it was "right" or "wrong." There are over 1500 studies documenting this fact.

    I understand that you're seeing difficulty as a human resources professional with your new employees. Simply stated, it is not just because of faulty parenting (which, honestly, is from lack of parenting knowledge, not parents being too easy or not spanking their kids) - but it's a product of today's society. Children today have grown up in relative prosperity (or, rather, many of them) - without war, without a serious economic depression - and their attitudes are the product of that. They're also the product of a school system, and a society, that believes an 18 year old is an adult. Well, perhaps that definition works when an experience creates an adult - but we know from brain research that it's not particularly true.

    What children need, and parents need, is information, not "hey, spank your kids and punish them." Parenting education, community supports and information on the latest discipline techniques can make all the difference.

    Instead of blaming parents and children, I'd start working within your own organization to create a corporate value system, where employees feel grateful for the salary that they're given, even if below what they feel is necessary, and post information on local parenting education programs so that their children are not only a different generation, but a different attitude.

  • furfur
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I agree with everything you say! I have a two year old and even SHE gets that is she doesn't do what is asked a privilege is taken away (story time was taken today because she did not listen when I asked her to come to me). When we were in McDonalds one day and she was screaming to hear her own voice, after two warnings I told her if she did it again, we would leave. Well she did and we left and she bawled the whole way home. That was four months ago and all I have to do is drive by a McDonalds and she comments "No screamin in Mcdonalds, no,no,no". She has not done this since.

    Parents really need to step up the discipline, otherwise when they get to be teenagers, they will really be uncontrollable hellions.

    A group of people that make parenting harder: grandparents. I know my parents LOVE my daughter, but when we diescipline (and I mean a time out in the corner) and my mother is going on about her poor granddaughter, her "parents just don't love her the way her grandma does" this undermines what you do. So if you are a grandparent, that does this, please stop. Turn your head, bite your tongue, and let us parents do our jobs!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree 100% I just told a friend the other day that the 18-22 yr olds get on my nerves more than a screaming toddler or a mouthy teenager.

    My kdis are 7 and 9 and I am raising them to NOT act like what you have described.

    My cousin says about the over medicating that it is not ADD for most kids it is NBD never been disciplined and I agree. I do know there are truly ADD kids but I bet less than half of what are on medicine for it.

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  • doble
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It's now not sensible in any respect, mainly if you are the mum. If you strictly comply with it you are now not even meant to pump breastmilk however simplest feed from the supply, on call for, till the baby chooses to wean which would be three or four years or older. Obviously a girl can't have a profession and even pursuits or any variety of existence external her baby for the primary few years doing this! Dr. Sears who got here up with the complete factor is an evangelical who believes females belong within the dwelling and females revel in salvation by way of baby bearing and baby elevating. This is why I placed no inventory in "attachment parenting" whatever. Btw, attachment problems are NOT brought about via loss of adhering to "attachment parenting." There isn't any correlation among the 2 in any respect rather then the phrase attachment. Attachment problems are obvious in kids who're passed from carer to carer of their early years with out ample time to set up a bond to anybody or extra folks. Usually those are children in foster care or orphanages. Attachment problems are NOT brought about via daycare, bottle feeding, cry it out or whatever like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I completely understand what you are saying. I am in this generation you speak of and my own peers annoy me with their complaining as you mentioned. Perhaps it is slightly different since I am married, but I don't see why they just can't do their work and then go home and take care of their responsibilities outside of work AFTER work. This is what I do. I received promotion from analyst to associate consultant last year and others did not, and then they complained about me as being too "straight-laced" for this type of job. Sigh. How tiresome.

    Source(s): Management consultant, age 25.
  • 1 decade ago

    I agree,,,and I especially agree with the over medicated part!!

    It seems odd that suddenly every child has a "condition"....yes, it's called spoiled or neglected!!!!

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