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Christians - can we hold Jesus accountable for murder?

If Jesus and God are basically one and the same by way of the Trinity... can we hold Jesus accountable for murder when God sent 2 bears out to kill 42 children for calling Elisha "bald head"?

So wouldn't the transgression of God sending bears to murder little children be passed on to Jesus? If we were to put this on trial now, would Jesus be held accountable for the murder of the 42 little children all for mocking mean old Elisha?

2 Kings 2 verses 23 - 24


King James Version, Second Kings 2:23-24

23: And he [Elisha] went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up that way, there came forth little children of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; Go up, thou bald head.

24: And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood and tare forty and two children of them.

Update 2:

LOL @ neutrino - I love it when they try to sound all educated and knowledgeable about science. I'm guessing someone put on his clever pants this morning.

Fact is, Elisha was mocked for being bald. He got upset, cursed the children and God sent 2 bears from the woods to maul to death 42 little children. So 42 little children were murdered for calling a man "bald head"

Some might call that OVER REACTING. Needless to say, Father Son and The Holy Ghost are all one and the same... God according to the 'infallible bible' ;) KILLED 42 children for calling a man bald.

If cursing children and having them murdered for calling you bald head isn't MEAN spirited, then I don't know what is. Christians have some WEIRD values!!!

Update 3:

How is this not murder? It says so right in the bible God sent 2 bears on purpose to kill 42 little kids. If anyone else killed 42 little kids it would be murder, but why does this not apply to God and Jesus?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Who owned the bears? God

    Who owned the young men (not children as some assume) God

    Who decides life and death? God

    Who is greater than God in righteousness, justice and holiness?

    No one.

    Case closed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you ask foolish questions? Perhaps you should do a little historical research and discover "the rest of the story". What was REALLY going on? WHY did God do the things He did? And why do you call Elisha "mean", when it looks like you have a mean-spirited attitude? Don't you know that when you point your finger at someone else, if you look down at your own hand, you'll see three other fingers pointing right back at you?

    And just who, exactly, are YOU to judge God? Have you sat on the edge of eternity and viewed the universe as though it were a globe in the ball of your hand, and yet payed attention to every detail? Can YOU name all the stars or call them out? Can YOU create a universe out of nothingness?

    You remind me of a neutrino. (Hold on, I'll explain what a neutrino is)

    A neutrino is the smallest known particle. It is the result of a proton being split. It's mass is zero, and it's charge is zero.

    You remind me of a neutrino being shot out of the nucleus of an atom in my shoulder, and in your short billionth-of-a-second existence conclude that *I* don't exist! Such arrogance! No, it's not God that's on trial - YOU are on trial. Next to God, YOU don't exist! Your existence from God's perspective is no bigger than that of a neutrino!

  • jc7
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well prophets were men of God. You need to understand the meaning behind it.

    You need to start from the begining of 2k's ch 1 to understand. The children mocked

    God as well as a messenger of God.

    So therefor they were punished. As to your question about Jesus.

    How can you blame a muder on Jesus? Was he there, and did he particpate? The children were not innocent of their actions. They knew what they were doing.

    They were what we call now days, racist and hateful.

    The children in a way. Challenged him to do something. .So he did. And it backfired, on them. Because they also were challanging God,

    So be careful what you say. It may backfire on you.

    As we call it a hate crime.So Gods actions were justified. God does not take the life of people.

    Unless there is a reason.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus never commited murder. He lived a sinless life, and he is now at the right hand of God.

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  • 1 decade ago

    God the creator, Jesus His Son can give and take the lives that they gave to us.

  • 1 decade ago

    What GOD does is always right and just.

    On the other hand the devil, that old serpent.

    Will suffer eternal torment in the lake of fire.

    Source(s): My GOD is Mighty to Save! JESUS rose from the grave!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no it's not murder. oh yeah better be careful when you mock God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why don't you understand free will?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    rebel I'm afraid we are all pawns on god's stage to be done with as she pleases.

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