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Do you care that Hillary will garnish your wages to pay for her health insurance whether you want it or not.?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course we care. The entire population of the US ought to get out tomorrow and vote the Dems into the cellar. That is where they belong.......they tax and spend, tax and spend.....yikes

  • 1 decade ago

    That's why Mitt Romney's plan is so much better. The government doesn't pay for it and there are no federal mandates involved.

    Under his plan, the government helps everyone find a plan that they can personally afford. This will give the insurance companies extra incentive to lower their rates so as to be more competitive in the field. The government will also give tax breaks to anyone who sets aside money to pay for insurance. Every penny that you spend on insurance would be one hundred percent tax-deductible, as well as interest and annuities earned from savings set aside.

    This mirrors his other tax plan, under which any sort of personal savings for people who make less than $100,000 a year would also be completely tax-deductible. Basically, any money at all that you save or earn interest on would be tax-free.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is part of her ultimate plan--no more insurance companies, total control by the government a la SCHIP which she co-engineered with Ted Kennedy.

    Shows how she has no respect for Constitution--even if she could this passed, which is unlikely, it will NOT withstand a Constitutional challenge to coerce people like that on the federal level.

    Romney was more clever--it COULD potentially work on the state level (Amendments IX and X), but it's also true that the Constitution is little regarded by the fools on the bench who delude themselves into pretending they're smarter than the Founders. HA!

  • 5 years ago

    Why would anyone in their right mind refuse to pay for health insurance? I have great health coverage and I pay for it at work $75 a month. It's always the bums who want everything for free that complain the most. Get a job and pay your share. WAKE UP HARD WORKING AMERICA!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    She said she would garnish the wages of those who refuse to take insurance. She also has said in the past that she would take the profits from oil companies and re-direct the money to pay for alternative fuels... do you guys see a pattern. Hillary feels she can take money from whoever she wants and make hers to spend... In my eyes, a very dangerous candidate. She actually should be running to replace Hugo Chavez, I am sure Venezuela would suit her right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh hell yes I would care. I do not want my wages "garnished" to pay for health care that I am not receiving or someone else is receiving. I have my own health insurance. I have also said before, if Hillary's plan goes through, why can't I just stop paying for that insurance and feed off the government? Isn't that fair?

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course I care and so should every other American who goes to work each day. Universal health care is socialism and we all know how great that worked out for the Soviet Union.

    America is great because each person has a chance to be successful. And when people strive for success they make this country great. Part of that success is being able to provide healthcare and other needs and desires to yourself and your family.

    What happens when a person realizes they don't have to go to work to get good healthcare or money for food or money for rent? They stop caring and they stop trying. You get a welfare system that is overtaxed and dependent on the working to survive.

    There is certainly a place for giving healthcare and other items to certain disadvantaged people. But to blindly say that every man, woman and child - no matter what - is entitled to one thing or another is mad. Where does it end?

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you have any clue how many things have been garnished from our wages since the 60s in the guise of public need. And previous presidents have enacted and passed things that were supposed to be temporary. But they weren't.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, because I am paying for the uninsured people now through taxes. Hilary's plan only mandates that people get some type of insurance, but it does not say which one.

    If you don't want insurance through the government plan, you don't have to, but you can't just skip having insurance. If someone can afford insurance and does not buy it, they are passing the risk of them getting sick on to the rest of us, and that is not fair. Hilary needs to explain this better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course not. I'd rather her take the money and put it to good than those greedy insurance companies who take money and cover nothing - or at least try to. Give a little money to the government for insurance vs pay to robbing insurance companies for coverage.....hmmmmm......tough call.....not

    Either way I'm paying for health insurance. Might as well help others and get better coverage in the process.

  • 1 decade ago

    Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she might be willing to garnish the wages of workers who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve coverage for all Americans.

    This is the line that he is speaking about when asking the question. I guess he only read what he wanted to. "wages of workers who refuse to buy health insurance" Humm ... now that does make a difference, someone else stated they would get garnished but they have HCC they pay for. well if you have HCC then you are not REFUSING to participate now are you. Lets not attack things JUST because they are said by a particular person, if you want to attack it, at least know what your attacking first

    (PS thanks for the thumbs down in advance)

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