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Lv 4
Brat25 asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

How can anyone vote republican again? Unless your a millionaire?

They are for the rich and the rich only! Not all of us are millionaires! We are well educated people who work hard everyday! So don't start the everyone is looking for a free hand out cr*p! Middle class America deserves credit also!


I am in a great financial place so no I'm not one with my hand out,unless it is to help others....Wow some people are so angry!

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i agree. i'm not poor but i don't have health insurance right now because it's too f*cking expensive.

    people only care about themselves...esp. rich republicans. they don't give a crap about the rest of the world or poor people (ie why Edwards is out)

    Source(s): GO OBAMAAAAA
  • 1 decade ago

    When was the last time a poor person gave you a job?

    BTW... The middle class is shrinking... down by about 20% since the tax cuts went into effect. But guess what, the numbers in the poor category are practically the same. So where did they go? The numbers in the "wealthy" category are up by about 20%.

    So I would much rather vote for a party that believes in creating an environment where you can succeed, versus a party that assumes you can't succeed and just offers you handouts because you are a failure and will always be a failure.

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of republicans will say they vote for republicans because they view democrats as traitors to the flag, or that they don't want taxes, or that they don't want government control of anything.....or that they think all democrats want to erase the right to bare arms.

    This isn't however true with all democrats. Are there some dems that view it that way..sure..but the vast majority of dems don't.

    I myself believe in the right to bare arms, but also believe in the right to be responsible with those arms. Meaning, that there is no reason why a civilian needs hand grenades or a rocket launcher in their house. Hunting riffles, shotguns, maybe a handgun or two....I can understand having. I can even understand why you'd keep an assault rifle in the house....but beyond just gets into the realm of the stupidity for a civilian to keep in the house...and even then a parent should be responsible enough to keep said items under lock and key, and make sure that the key isn't accesable to their children. Should there be restrictions to keep violent felons from owning guns too...yes. This is just common sense stuff.

    I'm a patriot. I believe in this country, and am a Democrat. I'm voting for Barack Obama. I know we have a great country, but I'm tired of seeing it being mismanaged by a leader who doesn't know what the hell he's doing. You don't go into a war and not think at all about how you want things to end there, and then set up goals and timelines to insure things like that are obtainable. You don't go in without a backup plan if things go wrong, and a backup plan to that as well.

    You don't get elected to office and then do everything in your power to not work with both parties for the betterment of the country, instead do everything in your power to try to bend the will of the country to your thinking, instead of allowing for other points of view to be heard.

    You don't pass legislation that restricts the right to free speech. (it's in the patriot act folks).

    You don't create a program to invest in children's futures (no child left behind) and then not properly fund it.

    You don't take money for a war from people who are old and sick and poor. (hence why medicare/medicaid have lost 1/2 of their funding under president bush).

    You don't try to be so polarizing that you make 1/2 of the country feel like there is no hope for the world.

    Another reason I'm a dem though is because a lot of republicans where I come from are still very backwords in their thinking, they are still very racist, and still very unrelenting to any change, and still very behind the confederate flag, and hate the US flag because they want to see the confederacy rise again, and some even want to see a return to slavery days. I know not all republicans are like that, but I could never support a republican who was like that...and the midwest and south there still are a lot of them like that, though some don't want to admit it publically because they know what it will mean to the vast majority of this country. I know this because I come from there, I've seen some if it in person.....and it sickens me.

    I don't agree with dems on 100% of the issues, there are times when a dem is wrong and a republican is right. I know this. However, when it comes to human rights, and the want for better education, the want for keeping our enviornment cleaner, and for trying to resolve things through peace first, and war last...instead of the other way around, the want to not be made afraid of what could happen, and the belief that hope does still exist are a lot of reasons that I'm a democrat.

  • 1 decade ago

    They think that they will be better off if they vote Republican because they are perceived to be better for the economy. I disagree with that position though. If that were true then we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now. We have a massive defecit and it keeps going up every year a republican is in office. Bush's latest budget went over 3 trillion dollars and increased the amount of funds for this unpopular war. Why won't people wake up and see that it's the Republicans who are the massive spenders over the last 10 years not Democrats. If you want a better economy with a more balanced budget you should vote democrat this election.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I believe your mistaken. Democrat or Republican it doesn't matter. They are only for themselves. Please support your opinion with facts about how they are only for the rich.

    BTW, what is so bad about being rich? I read a lot of negativity (or maybe jealousy) in your responses. If a person is rich, you feel that you somehow deserve their money because your poor. This is America, get a job and get a life or move to a Socialist Country where your mommy will take care of you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hillary wants to garnish your wages. My friend works 2 jobs, one at Home Depot, and one at Walmart. 70 hours a week, puts him in a higher tax bracket even though he works almost twice as hard as the average person. Democrats will take even more money than is taken right now, that's why he's voting for Ron Paul. I agree with you on the rest of the schlubs on the GOP side though. I'd vote for Obama at this point, before any of those hacks.

    In retrospect, I'd ask you why Democrats didn't push Dennis Kucinich up to the top instead of Hillary? He's more in line with what Democrats are all about; at least on paper, unless the party is full of hypocrites as well?

  • 1 decade ago

    The richest guy I know (old money) votes Democrat. And how about all the Hollywood stars (Oprah is a Billionaire, DeNiro, another rich guy just endorsed Obama), the governor of NJ is very wealthy (billionaire) and there are more millionaire Democrat Senators than millionaire Republican Senators. The Democrats do a very good job of making you THINK they are not rich and you are falling for it - brilliant!

  • 1 decade ago

    This is really more to the person who answered this question first... You seem as brainwashed as all the conservative voters who think that the rolling back the tax cuts is going to affect you. If you are NOT a millionaire, its the *precise* reason to vote democratic. Becuase the republican deficit spending will have to be paid for at some point by someone, and the republicans tend to FAVOR THE RICH, who do you think is most likely to look after you when they are in office. The democrats would like to reinstate the original tax code fot the WEALTHIEST 5%, and (Obama in particular) would like to provide an additional tax cust to the middle class.

    Yet you people who are so anti-taxes continue to show your ignorance and naivete bu making statements about keeping your paycheck, etc etc... If you are really so dumb as to think that not-rich and voting republican go hand in hand, you have either been listening to your neo-conservative father/preacher/husband/mother/brother too long, or your radio is stuck on Rush Limbaugh's station, and if thats the case I feel sorry for you.

    Seriously people. Unless you are literally rich, taxes are a non-issue at worst, and you are favored with the democratic plans at best. How can so many people be so blindly conservative without ever having had any actual contact with anyone smart enough to look at the issues on both sides of the aisle in detail before making up their minds explain the situation to you? (Since you obviously have no grasp on the issues/facts at hand on your own....)

  • K9..
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think that by supporting the war Romney and MCCain have created their ropes to hang themselves!

    They are just barking BIG hoping there are enough warmongers

    and the filthy rich looking for a tax break handout to support and vote for them!

    What else have they got going for their 8 years in office? A near recession?

  • 1 decade ago

    that is why they keep dragging the clintons down they wont talk about the bush circus besides whoever wins half of country will hate them so let the back stabbing begin just read the answers u got people will abandon there party in a heart beat (united we stand divided we are)

  • 1 decade ago

    I have always voted Democrat but I find the choices of Hillary or Obama rather troublesome.

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