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When my sister-in-law watches my two children she NEVER !?

Ok, my SIL when she watches our two children ages 1 1/2 and 3 1/2 she NEVER changes their diapers. We thought at first it was just an oversight she took the 3 yr. old out for a few hours and brought him back and even told us she didn't change his diaper.. It wasn't that big a deal- since they were only gone 4 hrs. and where they went didn't have "diaper" changing facilities.

We rarely ask her to babysit the children but, I was working that evening and my husband had a work related mtg. close to her house so she said she would watch the children a few hours. I had them ready to go at 4:30pm--they were dropped off and left until 9pm. When my husband picked them up they BOTH had enormous diapers. He ofcourse didn't say anything.

They don't have children- however they have a "stupid" cat that I've house sat for while they were out of town. They have a list a mile long of what to do and how to take care of their stupid cat but, they can't figure out that two tots need changing?


*she watches the children MAYBE 2-3 times a year...

Update 2:

*We've started potty training but, I didn't want them out of diapers at her house...

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just when u next let her babysit, say "Don't forget they need their diapers changing at ___ time and then again at ___ time," and then change the subject. If she still doesn't listen then just bring it up to her..

  • 1 decade ago

    I would ask her to help you change your kids next time you are over with her and see if she says anything. If she says anything like I don't do diapers you can ask nicely if she knows how, if she doesn't then ask if she would like to learn explain to her about rashes and how painful they can get if they don't get changed regularly, you don't have to say it mean or anything if she still refuses tell her you won't watch her cat if she can't take good care of you KIDS. Your kids are very precious to you I am sure so let her know how you feel, good ,luck with that I hope it helps.

  • .
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Bring it up to them. They need to know that not changing your children is neglect and that it's not right. Or you could just give them an exceptionally long detailed list to take care of your kids and put "diaper change" at the top of the list. I think it is kind of stupid to have a list a mile long to take care of a cat when your child(ren) are much more important.

  • 1 decade ago

    My MIL doesn't change diapers either...I can't count how many times I've picked up my child with no clothes on because she waited until he was soaked to do something about it.

    That being said...if she doesn't have kids...she literally might NOT think about it. You need to be specific with her about how you want your child taken care of when she's got them. Explain to her that she wouldn't like it if she asked you to take care of her cat and you decided that he could wait to eat until *mommy* came home. She might understand that...

    Either way....since you know that she doesn't change diapers...don't leave your kids there too long. Short stays could be ok...AND your husband should have said something to her about the condition he found his kids. That way she can't say it's just you being an In-law...if it comes from him....then what can she say?

    Source(s): mom of 3 and one on the way
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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe she feels strange dealing with that part of the children some people can be very funny when it comes to rudey bits and other peoples children. She might even have a queasy stomach I must admit that i don't look forward to changing my nephews diaper. Take it easy on her she'll soon realise what a mistake she made when she has her own children and you can take them back with huge soggy diapers ha ha x

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you pay her, or is she doing you a favor?

    Either way, but especially if she is doing you a favor, maybe she is uncomfortable with it. Likely she has never changed a diaper. You say she has no kids. May she is afraid to do it wrong, thinks its gross, or just feels that it should be your job to do it as she is just doing you a favor.

    I would show her how to do it, if you expect her to do it in the future, because my bet is that she has never done it. If you are not paying her, I wouldn't even mention it personally, since she probably notices and chooses not to do it for whatever reason.

    Next time she baby sits, (if there is a next time!) I would show her how to do it before you let her take the kids and explain to her that it's important because they have been getting diaper rash lately. I am sure if you show her how, and tell her it's important with out confronting her that she will do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's time to find someone else to watch the kids. That's nasty and neglectful. Find someone else to do it immediately.

    I know from last night to this morning, when my 14 month old wakes up, his diaper is drooping to the floor. I can't IMAGINE not changing his diaper in an 8 hour window. Ridiculous!

    Find someone else....that's how you fix the problem.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give her a guideline - maybe she is totally clueless. (I was before I had kids, and I apologize to my sis in law to this day lol!!). She just may not know when or why they need to be changed.

    Show her where everything is, and say something like "Okay I just put fresh diapers on, but they'll need a new one in about 2 hours or so (or ANYTIME they poop) - otherwise the damp / dirty will cause rashes"

    If that doesn't help, well, then I don't know what to say. You'll have to get more direct. I know what its like when someone does you a favour, you don't want to criticise, and yet it is your kids and their well being... tough one. Good luck

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My sister change into an same way. at the same time as it got here to my 2 little boys, she change into the hugest biatch.. and that i'm no longer joking. SHe ought to scream at my 2 12 months old for wetting his pants with the help of coincidence, she ought to throw a fit and cry if she were given spit up on.. she would not carry them except that they had already been fed and altered and bathed.. so as no longer to offend her smooth nasal passages.. she change into the most important maximum self based snot that walked on earth. yet, then she had a toddler, and he or she replaced purely about over evening. It change into superb. She went from this individual who change into living off charge playing cards (even even with the reality that she had an wonderful paying pastime) to someone who kept all her money. She requested me questions each and each and every of the time about my little ones, she called to inquire from me being pregnant issues. She took my little ones for the weekend so as that she ought to get some prepare, and that i purely about fainted after I heard that she replaced my youngest's diaper.. at the same time as she realized that she change into going to have a toddler, she replaced. possibly which will ensue on your brother and sister in regulation.. possibly no longer, yet each and every from time to time, at the same time as confronted with something that is so vast.. human beings replace. that isn't any longer superb. i have considered it. yet, possibly interior the face of adversity, you'd be the perfect aunt interior the international.. in the experience that they have got a toddler and do not replace.. it resources the prospect to be the aunt that they are going to come too at the same time as they choose suggestion or help.. and also you should confirm that someone is there for them. because you recognize the way it truly is.. and they don't.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't ask her to babysit anymore. But if you have to because of an emergency or whatever leave her a list, too. Don't be afraid to speak up and defend your kids. You don't have to yell or be rude, just say they need to be changed in a couple of hours or after they take a nap, etc. She really may not know since she doesn't have kids. Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just say something. You don't have to be rude, but you could say something like "Oh, Johnny and Jimmy both have had diaper rashes this week, could you make sure you change their diapers every two hours even if they aren't wet? I'm worried the rashes will come back."

    If she doesn't get the hint with that then you need to either tell her outright that she must change the diapers or you need to find other care for your kiddo's.

    My dad often "forgets" to change diapers...either that or he calls my grandma to do it=)

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