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Why do people insist that the US was created to be a Christian nation?

Clearly it was not. Most third graders in this country possess the research skills to go to the library and research people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Paine.

These are our "Founding Fathers" and they worked very hard to establish the precedent that this was to be a secular nation. Why are people now trying to re-write the past only to force their religious dogmas onto me and my family?


Adding some quotes to answer those below. Many have claimed that the Founding Fathers did not intend this to be a secular government, and that the idea of a separation came much later. Read on please:

The government the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion

--George Washington in 1796. The treaty to end the pirate wars. Undersigned by vice President John Adams and ratified by the US Senate

To talk of immaterial existences is to talk of nothings. To say that the human soul, angels, god, are immaterial is to say they are nothings, or that there is no god.

--Thomas Jefferson

There are literally hundreds of instances where these venerated men spoke out AGAINST religion, yet most citizens of this country are completely ignorant of this fact. We are generally content to believe things like "Its on the money" forgetting of course that the dollar bill in your pocket was most likely printed in the past two or three years, not in 1776.

Update 2:

I'm not trying to take away your freedom to practice whatever religion you feel fit to practice. But I am working very actively to curtail your ability to impose it on me. simply because you want to believe in something that does not exist does not mean I must play along.

Update 3:

I am not trying to argue that all these men were atheists, certainly that was not true. I am simply trying to give credence to the argument that not ALL of them were. They were a group of highly intelligent men, who did not all agree on spiritual matters. They were in fact so intelligent that they recognized this simple fact, and many of them worked very hard to ensure that their own religious differences were not carried into the governance of our nation.

In short: These Christian men were wise enough to realize that they didn't know everything.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    because biblical-literalist Christians know they are losing ground to less doctrinal spirituality (Christian or otherwise) and to non-Christian immigrants; they are lashing out trying to reassert some sense of control. One means to do that is to attempt to reframe the foundations; by pretending you are doing as the founders "wanted," it's easier to justify a war against freedom.

  • 1 decade ago

    A good chunk of the founding fathers were very religious and Christianity is the main religion they followed. The reason for seperation of church and state was because they knew that the church essentially ran Britain and didn't want a repeat of that in this nation. Let the country be ran by the government and religion be ran by the clergy, was the general idea they had in mind.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    the united states is declared to be a Christian us of a via foundations that it change into in holding with. you are able to declare all you want that the founder's were humanists or deists yet they nonetheless pulled what they believed to be genuine and incorrect from the teachings of the Bible. They took what they theory change into the better section out of scriptures and ran with it. i do no longer trust the united states is a Christian us of a via allowance for all faiths it somewhat is possibility-free with the help of the structure. which means the authorities is free from faith and that the persons can worship how they're going to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Out of eagerness to turn the United States into yet another version of Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc., combined with an astonishing ignorance of the Constitution (which, of course, does not mention "God" or "Jesus" or "Christ" or a "Creator" or anything of that sort), plus an ignorance of history (look at the people who answered who believe that the Founding Fathers put "In God We Trust" on our money or "Under God" into the Pledge).

    For instance, Ronnie B (below) writes "God is mentioned in every document produced by the signers". Of course that's just plain false - there is no mention of "God" in the Constitution, which is clearly the founding document of the United States. So why the blatant lying about this?

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  • 1 decade ago

    i think people get confused between the difference of a christian nation and a nation built by christians, the later being correct. the founding fathers were christians, but they wanted people to be free to practice whatever religion they wanted. it wouldn't have made sense otherwise, since the original people to immigrate here were people suffering from religious persecution in england. they came here to escape that and practice what they believed in.

  • 1 decade ago

    People say this because (disregarding the native americans) a good part of the first people in America were the puritans, and you could group them in the general term "christian."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "I have lived, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth -- that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?" - Benjamin Franklin -

    Constitutional Convention Delegate and signer of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence

    "In my opinion, the present constitution is the standard to which we are to cling.... Let an association be formed to be denominated 'The Christian Constitutional Society,' its object to be first: The support of the Christian religion. Second: The support of the United States."

    - Alexander Hamilton - First U.S. Secretary of the Treasury

    "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."

    - John Jay - First Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court

    "The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth." - George Mason -

    Delegate to the Constitutional Convention, called the "father" of the U.S. Bill of Rights

    Source(s): July 28, 1787 address at the Constitutional Convention April 16-21, 1802 letter to James Bayard Feb. 28, 1797 letter to clergyman Jedidiah Morse 1772 Robin v. Hardaway, General Court of Virginia
  • 1 decade ago

    Because they feel the more you repeat something the more 'true' it becomes. Its obviously a lack of education.

    Edited to add:In response to a certain poster above- God was not added to the Pledge until 1956. There was no pledge of allegiance when this country was founded

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course it wasn't. Any simple history book would prove that. But they want it to be true so they claim that it is.

    Ignore any comments about statues, buildings, money etc. Those things did NOT exist when the country was founded. The religious references were added much later.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Apparently, you never made it past the third grade. None of them even considered the idea of secularism as it appears today. The very fact that you seem to equate contemporary secularism with the philosophical/theological perspectives of our founding fathers is a clear demonstration of your own ignorance. Try again, buddy. You didn't even come close this time.

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