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Tired of hearing about how woman do not tkae care of themselves?

after they get into relationships. I know more men that have huge beer bellies, wear torn up nasty looking shirts like they were prizes, and do not take regular baths just because they already have their "old lady".

It is not the normal for either gender not to take care of themselves just because they are in a relationship. They just are seen in situation where it is more comfortable or more practical to wear something that might not look great on them. Both usually eat more, because they are not on the go so much that they miss meals.

Most men have more time for working out, because when many of the wives or gfs get home they are usually expected to cook dinner, take care of the kids, wash clothes, and be sure that the house stays clean.

I say let it go. Love should never be about looks.

Any rebuttles??

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great post peg, you are right on with this. I have always been active and love sports myself, so I just naturally stay in shape. But I see so many men that are really out of shape, now that could also be because of health problems, same for woman.

    But now lets look at what woman go thru, #1...babies, dam, what having a baby will do to a womans body, right there is a biggie, it is very hard for a woman to get her body back into shape after that!, housework, etc. you would think that raising kids, housework, would pysically keep a woman in shape, but it is more than that, they get so exhausted from their duties, that at the end of the day, they do not have the energy, to do any exercise, or be a great lover to their husbands. Now, dont get me wrong, I am NOT, NOT, speaking about all men here, I know tons of men that are just great husbands and are in great shape, and are wonderful to their wives, but I speak only about the men who need to realize. you married that lady for what she was inside, as well as outside, love her, and cherish her, for herself.....Now, go do some pushups...

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'll rebut.

    It's important for both partners in a relationship to take care of themselves after they get in a relationship. Not only do you remain attractive to your're healthier, have more energy, will live longer and generally will have a better attitude about yourself, your mate and your life.

    I agree that love should not be about looks. But the benefits of not letting yourself go are too real to be ignored.

  • Lady, You are falling again in the trap created by Male Chauvinst P*gs.

    You know women liberation and working woman and modern day woman are all crazy ideas, just to use and create wealth out of energies of woman, in business, in fashion, in industry, in every place where Money can be generated..

    women have fallen prey to male traps again and again, and have started competing with male in all fields, first came education and then came jobs.

    women gladly accepted the challenges, and worked , cooked, reared children and lost the basic need of self, womanhood,

    men got the chance to pamper the woman and expected woman to be 36-24-36 day and night as earning wife in office/market as well as loving mom at home and warm lover in bed.

    There is no harm in performing all the tasks whole heartedly but first woman has to avoid trap of males where woman allows herself tobe evauluated by the parameters of males..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say your right some what!!! Most women seems to go out of there way to snag a man, they dress very sexy to attrack a man, then once they have him! They seem to keep the act up until almost marriage!

    So I say, if a relationship started off as a sexy attraction from both partners! It should be for the rest of the relationship! Because the first what you see, should be what you get!!!

    If you feel letting it go after the great oh wedding bells, then maybe you should have let it all go when looking for a partner! Head games don't make a real relationship! If you were a fox the day I laid eyes on you, you had better be the same fox after we got married! Period!

    I mean come on, If i got envolved with a nice looking lady and ended up marring her, I sure don't need any surprises when I wake up alone side her the day after the wedding! and her wig fell off in the middle of the night and she's bald, has dentures and looks like dracula with no make up on!

    Come on lets get real here, it's not always men that let themselves go after the bells ring! There are so many women that use the excuse of there weight gain problems on having kids! Sure there's weight gain during the pregnancy! But it should be her responsibility to find the ways needed to get it back off! Come on , show a little respect to your husband, if he married you and you were 145 LBs, he's not going to be happy with your weight at 360, just because you gave birth to a baby! All your doing is opening the door wide open for a cheating husband!!! Would he have married you at 360 LBS? Maybe, but more likely not!!!

    I feel both partners have a responsibility to maintain the looks they were, when the couple got together! If not, kick em to the curb! If I married a women that was 105 LBS and 2 -3 years later, she just let herself go, and got up to 250 LBS or more and I kept myself up to what I was when we first got married, I would expect her to do the same, out of repect for me! I mean come on, throw out self respect too!

    I have no problems with a couple letting themselves just go and feel there faces day in and day out! But it better be a mutual agreement!!! Or that marriage will most likely be doomed. That's what is wrong with marriages and etc. To much lack of respect for one another, lack of communication! Lack of 50/50 commitment! The devorce rate is 68% now! No. 1 reason is Money problems! No. 2 reason is a Cheating spouse!!!!

    If a spouse can't respect there partner feels of likes and dislikes on there looks after getting married, then devorce will so come or a cheating spouse! If I love being intimate with my wife and she was 145 LBS and a year later or 2 she 300!!! The intimatcy part of the marriage is shot to hell and may not ever recover! Hell my right hand is better then 300 LBS!!! Same as if I was 176 LBS when we married, and a year later or 2, I was 300 LBS, do you honestly believe my wife would want anything to do with me in the intimatcy department! If you do, your completely nuts!!! I would hear the famous, I got a head for the rest of the marriage!!! And most likely she would be cheating on me!!! Should I get mad! Well I really haven't got that right do I!! I'm not who she married!!! Plain and simple!

    If I wanted a 300 LBS wife, that's what I would have dated, was heavy women! And I don't have to stay married to one either when she wasn't Heavy when I married her! So those who feel letting your self go after marriage! That's not OK at all! Let your self go before you get into a relationship hunting activity!!! If you can't be honest with yourself, at least be honest to others!!!

    Those that say looks aren't everything! That's right, but it is when you marry and your partner and you looked good when you got married! You owe it to your partner to do everything you can to keep looking good, you don't have a right to turn into a slob, just because your married! That will just get you a quick devorce!!! And then you'll have to work your butt off to look nice again, to snag another innocent partner!

    So I say the ones that really just want to let it all go, well do it when your single and stay single, unless you can find a slob person to marry! Dishonesty and disrepect, doesn't belong in any relationship, let a lone in a marriage!

    And as far as any man or women that don't shower or bathe on a daily base are just slobs and pigs!!! If I wanted to smell rotted dead fish, I'd go fishing, not to bed!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree! While I DO believe that Love is MORE than "skin deep" for sure, I believe that it is SO important for a couple to "keep the fire burning" to keep LOVE ALIVE between them, and part of that is keep themselves PHYSICALLY attractive as much as possible!

    I think guys who look "pregnant" are disgusting! And a woman should NEVER allow herself to get anywhere NEAR "overweight". You need to keep in mind, God made men VISUAL! That means we are attracted VIA THE EYE! And with all of the scantily clad whorish women out there these days, for you to NOT do everything in your power top KEEP YOUR MAN'S ATTENTION is to FAIL in your responsibility as his "one and only"!!! You'll PUSH HIM AWAY in doing so!

    Stay SEXY AND SWEET, and I guarantee, you'll NEVER have to worry about him "looking elsewhere"!!! Keep his eye ON YOU!!! To think that you can just "let yourself go" is to PLAY WITH FIRE! And guess who gets "burned"? YOU! There are WAY too many women out there who would be ALL TOO HAPPY to keep your man's attention if YOU won't!

  • 1 decade ago

    I rebutt.

    Let say I married a beautiful girl. She must remain beautiful within limits that is what I look for. If she changes in shape I will change my mind and marriage is no more binding. I could accept what I my eyes see unless she cares to be beautiful.

  • 1 decade ago

    im with you on this!

    when im comfortable and in a good relationship im not so preoccupied with my appearance because honestly my guy doesnt really notice what i wear...

    of course i love to glam up and really grab his attention every once in a while - in our dating days i wore great clothes - tight and (uncomfortable jeans) cute tops, 4inch heels lol - but thats what us single girls do!! and my guy looked pretty smart too...

    now when i look at my guy, wether in work clothes, in nice jeans or shirt or whatever i see my guy - the one i love, trust and sincerely like so it doesnt matter!

    when you love a person, the packaging they are in isnt really an issue :o)

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm with you Peggy!! :) Have a great w/e!!! :)

  • John
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Agree .......

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