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ID scientists silenced by Darwinists?

Anybody heard of a movie called "Expelled: The Movie"?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course, Darwinists use the courts to silence all opposition.

    Altogether, the ACLU had over 50 lawyers and paralegals working on this case:

  • 1 decade ago

    Where's the volume control on that thing?

    No, I had not heard of it before. But the expression "No intelligence allowed" could be taken a couple of ways. Do you know what the story actually is? Your line "silenced by Darwinists" sounds like it's about a science student (or graduate) who believed in "Intelligent Design" was expelled from a college or university. Please note I did NOT call him a "scientist." While it's possible to postulate a deist, Spinoza's sort of creator, and still be scientifically sound, the people who use the expression "Intelligent Design" go a great deal further than that. They propound arguments "from design" which were successfully discredited by Hume hundreds of years ago. Of course Darwin did a better job of discrediting the concept, but that was later.

    The problem with the ID people is they do the "complex creation requires a creator" line without noticing that using the term "creation" prejudices the outcome, and that Darwin (and cosmologists since) have successfully provided a superior explanation which fits the facts much better.

    Evolution is true. Get over it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OMG! I love Ben Stein! I actually shook his hand and saw him speak. He's a brilliant guy.

    Wow, that trailer has propaganda written all over it. It's dangerous, we could get in trouble for airing it. Everyone is trying to shut down the truth. Yet, I'm sure it will be played in many Theaters.

    But he does have a point. What is free speech if we limit it? But also, do we set free speech unbounded?

    Wise Duck is right. The only instance I heard of about loosing their job over believing in creationism is the idiot ID scientist who worked on evolutionary topics. I'm a computer scientist. If I told my boss, "I don't believe in computers or programming", I hope he would have enough common sense to fire me too.

  • Intelligent design was debunked ages ago. The main reason why people loose their jobs over it is because its a political position by conservatives to teach some form of creationism in public schools.

    I will ring your doorbell and run away!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    The movie's just political BS with no bearing on reality.

    ID doesn't meet any of the criteria (ex. provable, falsifiable, or makes predictions) to be science, so why would they have to be silenced by anyone?

    Edit: one loses their job over ID, stop lying. The only instance of any evolution related firings was when an evolutionary biologist refuse to investigate evolution (zebra fish evolution to be precise).

    Source(s): Actual member of the scientific community.
  • 1 decade ago

    yes i head of it. the problem with ID is that it's not science. people scrounging for evidence (which is sketchy at best) to fit an agenda isn't science.

  • Rick
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Did you know that a bunch of dumb misfits that stirred trouble were expelled from some school somewhere?

  • 1 decade ago

    A very sad collection of lies and distortions, being inexplicably touted by Ben Stein, an intelligent, well-educated person who knows better.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is it really any different than the way Christians treat people who don't believe in their spiel? I don't think so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Those aren't real scientists. It's like saying that a real preacher comes from clown college, when we all know they come from AA meetings.

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