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linda m asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Was I wrong? Or should I have just never gotten back to her about it?

Hi..I am e-mailing about the kitty. I finally got the

flamepoint siamese that i have been wanting but my

brother that lives next door is starting to get

attached to the one i have now (i got her a few days

ago). Anyway...if someone wants that brown tabby Don't

worry about holding it for me. I will get ahold of you

in a couple of weeks to let you know if i can still

get it if it is still available. As it is now i will

have three cats if i get it. I do have a big yard

where they can play but a small house. So if anyone

wants it...let them get it because they may be able to

give it a better home than i can with two other cats

in the house. I will let you know if my brother

decides to keep the one i have now if i can get her or

not. I'll get back in a couple of weeks but if anyone

wants her, let them have her. I don't want to let you

down after saying i wanted her so i will see what we

have going on. My hubby still wants her pretty badly

so that may still over rule me


But if anyone

wants her, no problem...Thanks

Update 2:

Her response: R u just messing with me about the cat u sem to be just messing around im serious bout my pets i will only let my pets go to homes where i think they will be ok this is too wishy washy seem to me like your just pulling my chain

Was I wrong to let her know? And was I wrong to try to get a home for it?

Update 3:

I let her know the very next day after i talked to her about getting it.

Update 4:

I am not considering adding three cats to my household...I want two. Although, I do know someone else that would give the third a good home!

Update 5:

I NEVER said i didn't have the finances to take care of them...I just didn't want to end up with three and I know my brother will take good care of one...IF YOU CAN'T READ MY QUESTION BEFORE YOU ANSWER...DON'T ANSWER

Update 6:

And if my brother really likes this cat (he's very good to his cats) what's wrong with giving it to him to keep the other one out of a shelter. Think people.

Update 7:

Besides all I wanted to know was if I was wrong for letting her know that i couldn't get it? And was I wrong for trying to help get it a home?

Update 8:

Thank you Lynn, hurley,ariane, and edwin. Thanks for reading the question and being nice about your answer!

Update 9:

The third party lives right next door to me...On the same property I had explained that in previous e-mails when I told her my Brother was looking for one and that he might want one of hers too. She was ok with giving him one of hers.

Update 10:

Come to find out she was just mad that i couldn't get it...Oh and it was an oops litter.

8 Answers

  • LYNN W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No you did the right thing in my opinion. If I were giving you one of my animals I would want someone who is up front and honest with me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You did the right thing letting this person know you may not want a cat you'd (presumably) said you wanted.

    But - and bear in mind I know nothing about you or this situation other than what you have posted, or who this other person is (breeder? someone with an oops litter of kittens?) so can only judge on what I read here - I can understand why she would feel you'd messed her around.

    The following points would annoy me:

    1. the impression your email gives me is that you originally expressed an interest in a brown tabby cat but now may not want the cat because you've found another cat you like better

    2. You have recently got another cat but are thinking of giving it to a 3rd party within days. Any reputable breeder or person wanting to rehome an accidental litter responsibly would not be happy with that. They want to make sure there cats go to good homes and would not be happy with the cat being given to a 3rd party they hadn't met so quickly.

    3. You admit yourself in the email that your house may not be big enough for a 3rd cat. This would worry any responsible breeder that you would give this cat away due to insufficient space or that the cat would not have a good home.

    Like I said, I don't know you and can only comment on what you've written here, but if it was me you were going to get a kitten from and I received that email I'd be a bit fed up and think that you were messing me around. You did the right thing in being honest about your circumstances and telling her to give the cat to someone else if they were interested, but it might have been better to just tell her that you could no longer take the cat, and apologise for any inconvenience you've caused (to be polite - not necessarily as admission that you were in the wrong).

  • 1 decade ago

    No of course you werent wrong to let her know that so she could give the cat to someone else. And I can understand that since you had said you'd take her you didn't want to say a flat out "No" - - although it sounds like that really is the best choice not to get another cat.

    I think what she was reacting to mostly was probably hearing that you were thinking of giving away a cat you'd just got days before . That probably made her feel like she couldn't be sure what would happen to her brown tabby if she gave her to you. I would be concerned too if i had talked to one person about taking a pet and then it sounded like there was a good chance they might just pass my cat on to someone I knew nothing about.

    Plus to be honest, the way you expressed things in your email might have added to her feeling that the situation seemed confused - - if you read it again, you can see it seems to jump back and forth at least 3 times and keeps repeating itself . (I'm not meaning to be rude, i'm sure I write like that sometimes too. :-)

    Have fun with your Siamese. I LOVE Meezers myself, they are the most wonderful cats!

    (btw folks, the questioner never said she couldn't afford it, she said it was a small house - -that doesn't automatically equal being not able to afford vet care etc.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like you're adding three cats to the family in a number of days, or considering it, when you can't afford to. Why are you giving a cat you just got a couple of days ago to your brother? You probably should have just told her you couldn't take the cat and leave it at that. As it is, it sounds like you aren't a very responsible pet owner and that is probably what she is reacting to.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It was very nice of you to let her know. It was also very very nice of you to try to find a home for another kitty that could have ended up in a shelter!!! She was probably just grouchy...people seem to be that way now days.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure of your question but you do sound VERY flaky and someone with already more pets than you have the room - or probably the financial means - to care for.

  • 1 decade ago

    you did the right thing

  • sky
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i would rather you be honest with me,so yes you done right thing

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