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Lv 7
randy asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 1 decade ago

what do the gun grabbers say now?

An 80 year old was attacked in his home by bad guys forcing their way thru the front door, while beating and slashing him with knives. The ww2 Vet pulled a firearm and wounded one of the cowards, and drove them both off. When asked why he didn't kill them, he replied "I ran out of bullets".

First off, I applaud his actions. Second, this is a prime example of why a law abiding citizen should be able to own, and use a firearm for self defense. Without a firearm, this 80 year old, innocent victim, a man who served his country to help protect our freedoms, would be dead. One bad guy was hospitalized, both were caught. The victim's final words?? "they better not come back". Right on buddy!!!

Think it will be in the newspapers, or that a single hanky stomping gun grabber will admit that owning a firearm saved the mans life?? Don't bet on it.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It hurts me even to think that there might ever be a possibility of a man like him, who was probably fighting for his country at age 17, having to surender his firearms. The manufacturer of the gun he used should give him a model form their custom shop!

    May God have a VIP section just for WWII vets. Thanks for telling his story Randy, cause it probably won't make the news. The right things never do.

  • Well there are two things wrong with this. First the national media would rot in hell before reporting a story like this, it's just to politically incorrect!

    And then we have that POS that just killed those people in Illinois! Now just who in hell will get the headlines.

    Like I've said many times it should be illegal to show the face or even mention the name of a low life that would do such a thing, I believe it just invites copycats.

    I have just read the link from yahoo on this asshole and I got his life history,(what a sweet guy he was) bullshit!!!

    This is just a cheep ploy to make every one think of him as there next door neighbor,( John Doe you and me ) and why we should be stripped of our rights.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, the news never reports stuff like this. If they do, they spin it to make it sound like the guy did something wrong. "Tonight at 11... 80 year old man assaults supposed attackers with full automatic revolver, may have wounded several orphans.". I hate the news so much anymore, I just don't watch it. I'll tell you one thing though.... those guys are lucky it wasn't my house. I have plenty of ammo, and I don't miss.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They will probably say it is a good thing they made it too hard for those criminals to get firearms, or the veteran would have been killed before he could react. I don't feel that way though, I am just saying they could twist it like this, or maybe more convincing. They do have a lot of people to do such things.

  • 1 decade ago

    Same intentions as I would have. Those who intend to attack me threatening my life or the lives of my loved ones will be either in the intensive care unit in the hospital or the funeral home.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The bad-guys will obtain a liberal lawyer and sue the good-guy for "mental anguish". They will win the trial, collect a settlement, go on disability (if they are not already on it) and the gun grabbers will keep spewing the same bull $hit as always.

  • H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I LOVE happy endings! Someone should nominate that octogenarian for some kind of presidential valor medal. The reason the gun grabbers don't want to hear stories like this is because they are not interested in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. They are only interested in criminalizing gun ownership. I leave it to your imagination to figure out their possible motives for wanting to criminalize gun ownership. Go figure! Be careful how you vote.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am thrilled that this 80 year old has the balls that the gun-grabbers lack. I doubt it will be in the newspapers.

    Source(s): Personal experience, NRA Certified Instructor, NRA Benefactor Member, firearms instructor for over 35 years, avid hunter and shooter (with modern rifle, modern handgun, black powder rifle and handgun, airgun, and bow) for over 45 years, dog owner and wildlife watcher for over 46 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    I saw that story on my local news. I live about an 90 minutes south of where that happened. I love it; I especially liked when they asked if he was concernen about them coming back and he stated that he had something a little bit bigger for them if they returned.

    God Bless the USA and the 2nd Ammendment.

  • 1 decade ago

    The gunbrabbers will be mad because an old man shot two younger man. They will say the old gent should have given the punks what they wanted and they wouldn't have gotten hurt. They will ignore the fact that rather than demand anything, these two shining examples of why abortion should be encouraged simply started beating him and slashing him with a knife.

    Well done sir!!! I wish you'd had more ammunition!


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