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Friends friends friends friends... DRAMA!?

ok i have another issue. so me and this one girl are like such best friends, but everyone is getting mad at me and her for always being with each other. (its so hard to explain) so the other girls are always rude to us, so me and my friend hang out because we have the same feelings and we know whats goin on. i just hate it how everyone is like "you guys never invite us for anything"..... ok now theres this other girl and i alwasy think that i am being really nice to her but all of a sudden she said that i am not understanding enough. i want to say something that is really powerful and will get it through all their heads on how these girls are acting. something that will actually make them think about what they are saying. please help me i am in a HUGE HUGE mess!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    please dont let this drama take over you OR get a hold of you! People are just jealous because they want your attention, If they dont notice by now, SHES YOUR BEST FRIEND! so obviously, youll talk and hang out with her more. Everyone wants the same attention you give to her.

    But, if you want you can invite people more; but thats your opinion. dont really let them get a hold of you. Tell them we understand eachother so thats why we really get along. DONT GET OVERSTRESSED ABOUT THIS! seriously. you can do this.

    <3 L a n a

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if there is an answer to this or not. I have met with the same kind of people in my life. I know exactly what you are saying. IF you find someone who really understands you, you tend to want to be with them more and share more of your life with that person. I don't like that drama either. I don't invite all the other people to be with me because they are harping about the world or some other thing when I am not able to get out much and I want to have a good time or I want to go to the library when they want to go shopping . I like quiet and they like a lot of drama going on in their lives. We are different people It isn't that I don't like them, we are just different people.IF you attempt to tell them, they will only become butt hurt, and so, I just try to make time for them when I can and make it special and let them know that they are special to me for all the things they do and are in my life, and then I go back to being me. That is the best way I can tell you to do things. But do make a special time for them, an hour that you devote to only them, each of them. It is a pain in the patooty sometimes, but it is worth it in the long run. It allows them to feel special and it lets you off the hook. Make a special day just for the other friends. (smiles) Then, even though it takes a day away from you and the friend that has so much in common with you, it is worth it in case you need to widen you horizons. (smiles)


  • Tell them that you don't know that they want to join you. Tell them that maybe you don't think that they really even want to be with you guys and they're just doing that to tease them. Everyone's mad at you? Then maybe tell each person individually (maddest to least mad) how you feel about everything and you didn't mean to hurt anyone or anything. If everyone's like being mean to you all at once, don't shout in object, just say something like ," You don't understand. If you want an explanation, you're not giving me time to explain because y'all hittin' down at me all at once."

  • 5 years ago

    There most likely jealous because they don't have what you have with your bestfriend. But if it is just you two all the time everywhere then that might be a problem to people who want to be friends with you. Try to wider your circle a bit, try inviting them next time instead of you and your bestfriend just going

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  • 1 decade ago

    Those that matter do not mind.

    Those that mind, do not matter.

    (I learned to repeat this to myself after it was told to me in counselling.)

    Drop the drama. It could be more perceived within yourself than what is actually happening.

    Girls are a trip. If you get along with your friend, so be it.

    You have no one to please but yourself.

    As long as you are not purposely avoiding others, or being outright rude, I say do as your heart leads and lose the losers that bother you.

    When I am in tough times, I always tell myself, "Soon this will just be a memory."

    Best wishes!

    Source(s): am a girl/now woman, aged 52; have 3 daughters, one grown
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yeah... the other girls are just SUPER JEALOUS. Who cares about them. You guys have each other and thats all that matters. As soon as the other girsl see that you obviously don't care they will get over themselves and leave you alone. I've never had anything like that happen to me before but its really obvious that they are jealous. Don't worry about anythiing!! Hope I could help!!

  • 5 years ago

    talk to them both and ask them to at least behave around you, at least if they care about you. tell your friend Scott that although he's your best friend and he means a lot to you that he should try to get along with your boyfriend just for you. and tell your boyfriend that he has to understand that scott is your friend and he's hurting your feelings when he fights with your friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they are just mad cause yall ar such good friends they need to stop drinking the haterrade....dont give up on eachother..

  • 1 decade ago

    tell everyone else to get over their jealousy. if you two are close, you can make it through together. jsut try to include some others in some of your activitys

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just pull your hair give an evil look n say ugh i cant handle children rite now!! n storm away.. leave em scratching their heads

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