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MadMaxx asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Should President's, Senator's and Congressman's kids serve in the US military?

Or do you think they would get special treatment and not be worth a crap anyway? I think they should Follow Prince Harry's example!


This isn't meant as forcefully putting these folks in the service... it has to do with would they be any good if they went in.

18 Answers

  • JEM
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think everyone should give back to their country....whether that be in military service, law enforcement, politics, peace corps, is up to that persons and what they are mentally and physically capable of doing.

    Source(s): Did my time.
  • 1 decade ago

    Only people who want to be in the US Military should be there. Should someone get special treatment because of their status? Well it depenends. Will this special treatment provide some form of positive renenforcement within the unit? If so yes. I use Elvis as an example. He was show cased around a lot when he was stationed in Germany. It did boost moral for the troops. Happy troops=People liking their jobs=More productive work being done. Now if this special treatment ended up giving another member of the Armed Forces a bad deal, then no. If a Senator's son was able to avoid his deployment and someone else had to take his palce, that is horribly wrong.

    Should they serve in the military? Only if they wanted to. I dont want anyone serving beside me that was forced to join and didn't want to be their in the first place.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Only if they choose to serve. The U.S. military is an all-volunteer force. If they choose to serve, good for them if not, that's okay too. No one can make their adult children serve in the military if they choose not to, not even Presidents and members of Congress.

    It is my opinion however, that all those who are eligible to serve in the military should serve at least two years be they rich, or poor, black, white, brown, male or female. This country is worth fighting for and if everyone served in the military, they would have a better appreciation of their rights and freedoms.

  • 1 decade ago

    Although it would be nice for them to do the honorable thing like Prince Harry, no person, regardless of who their parents are or how rich they are should have to serve because it goes against the whole purpose of having an all-volunteer military. Why should these kids have to serve but the majority of average middle-class Americans do not? And this statement is not anti-military at fact I am a huge supporter of the military and think it is very admirable if anyone wants to serve their country.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that they should, but its unfortunate that politicians tend to be extremely wealthy, so their kids have other options, or are just wimps. Having politicians' kids in the military would make them think a little harder on what to do with the military if their own kids are in it. i'm not saying that the military is being used in a unjust way, but it would be nice to have a little assurance that the politicians give a ****. its only fair.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is a personal choice and just because their are somebody's son or daughter does not mean they have to be held responsible for their parents' actions or decisions. However, if they support their parents' actions and decisions as an elected official for this country I think they are hypocrites if they do not stand up for their beliefs and fight. Talk the talk but let somebody else walk the walk ..,. hmmm

  • Scouse
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The question is the same as for our Royals. The danger is not them getting killed but captured and the additional danger of those around them as they become a prime target

  • Ayla
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would rather the congressmen themselves have military experience. I could care less about what their children do, because their children aren't the ones with the power to send people to war.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think they should!! Then maybe the higher ups who decide our fate with the military will think more carefully and make better choices because their kids are in now.....

  • 1 decade ago

    I would rather see it in the Constitution that you can't run for office unless you served in the military (active).

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