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College Dropout and Proud Proud member of the National Libertarian Party ( Currently Reading: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antonius

  • dvd drive not working?

    I have a Dell Latitude E6400. It's a refurb. about an hour ago the dvd drive jammed and it took 10 minutes to get the disk out. Now I looked into my drives folder and dvd isn't even showing up. How do I fix this problem?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Best university for military students?

    I just graduated community college last month and I'm in the process of enlisting in the US Coast Guard. I've been looking into online universities where I can finish my bachelors and so far I'm not impressed. One of the universities I actually filled out an application to refused to transfer a third of my credits.

    I was wondering if users here could recommend any universities (online or traditional -- so long as it's along the coast) that would be good for service members to attend. I'm looking to earn a bachelors in CIS / MIS or Applied Engineering. Any advice would be great


  • Is a masters degree worth it?

    So I just graduated Community College this week with an A.S. in General studies. I'm getting ready to transfer to finish my bachelors in computer information systems. But I'm also thinking about either a masters or a second bachelors. Would it be worth it to get that much education? I've heard of people hiding their education on their resume to get better job prospects, will it really affect my chances of getting a job?

  • Damage Controlman or Boatswain Mate?

    I was wondering if anyone could give me some more information on what it's like to work in these rates? Which in your opinion would be better? I'm enlisting in the Coast Guard, but Navy guys please share your input as well!


    3 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Is it worth it to enlist?

    I know, it's a vague question that I really shouldn't be asking, but it's been bugging me for awhile now. I've decided that I want to enlist in the military and I'm trying to keep myself motivated but at the same time these doubts keep crawling back into my mind. This is a huge commitment, I'm signing away 4 years of my life at least.

    On top of that my boyfriend just injured out of Navy basic. while he was in the separation ship he had a chance to speak with CC's and he didn't meet anyone there who didn't hate their job. I'm looking into the Coast Guard and while they are different branches, they have similarities.

    tl;dr: I want to go, I want to do something with my life, but I'm terrified that I might be making a mistake. Is it normal to feel this way, or am I just talking myself out of joining?

    8 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • enlisted to officer programs in USCG?

    This question is an update to one I asked earlier in the week.

    So it turns out I won't be able to graduate in three semesters as I previously stated. The college I'm transferring my credits to decided to only accept 2/3rds of them. They even rejected 200 level courses I earned A's in. So even with their accelerated track I'm looking at 5 semesters until I get my degree. I don't want to wait that long to become an officer in the military. So I've been looking into enlisted to officer programs. Specifically the USCG there is a reserve commission program that requires only 6 months active duty, E4 standing, and 90 credits towards a Bachelors degree.

    Would it be worth it to go enlisted for a year in hopes of joining this program? Will I have enough time to take classes / study for Dantes exams? Or should I just suck it up and wait the extra year to get my degree?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Navy or Coast Guard OCS?

    I'm three semesters away from earning my Bachelors Degree and I've been thinking about going into OCS. I've thought about joining before, but that was right after high school (enlisted).

    I've narrowed my choices down to two branches: Navy & Coast Guard But I still can't decide which one I would be a better suit for. I just want to make sure I make the right decision. This is a big commitment and I don't want to screw up.

    1. I speak three languages -- English, Spanish & French, and can teach myself a fourth if I had enough time.

    2. I have technical competency -- I'm currently earning a degree in computer information systems and I've taught myself basic programming / scripting in the following languages: HTML, CSS, C#, ASP.NET, Visual Basic & Python. I know how to run Windows and Linux systems, and I can build basic databases in My SQL Server. I also know the basic networking technology and security protocols. None of this is anything exceptional, but its a solid foundation I can build upon in my career.

    3. I have 5+ years experience doing the 9-5 grind. I don't like it. I really really REALLY don't like it.

    4. I want to travel, but I would like to have home based opportunities as well.

    5. I'm physically fit. I lost 40 lbs in two years by going vegan and running almost every day. My current run time is 1.5mi / 12:45. My goal is to get that down to 12 minutes even by the end of the summer.

    Based on these five points: which branch would be right for me?

    And to anyone who tries to say "We don't need you, you should've enlisted earlier" I tried to enlist on two separate occasions. The second time I made it as far as MEPS, scored a 98 on the ASVAB but was turned away for weight problems. I also wasn't doing it for the right reasons. I'm healthier now, I have a better head on my shoulders, and I want to do something with my life that means something.

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • median value in sql server 2008?

    I have a homework problem for my database class that requires me to find the median value. I've spent almost an hour on this one problem and I can't get anything to work.

    Here is the question.

    Write a SELECt statement that answers this question: Which invoices have a PaymentTotal that's greater than the median PaymentTotal for all paid invoices? Return the InvoiceNumber and InvoiceTotal for each invoice

    The book gives also me this hint:

    Begin with the solution to exercise 2 then use the ALL keyword in the WHERE clause and code "Top 50 Percent PaymentTotal" in the subquery.

    Code for number 2 is below.

    Select Invoicetotal, invoicenumber, paymenttotal

    from Invoices

    where PaymentTotal >

    (select avg (paymenttotal) as averagepayment

    From Invoices)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Should I retake a class I earned a C in?

    I'm returning to college this fall after a three year hiatus. I'll be attending community college, and my goal is to work as hard as possible to bring my gpa up and transfer after one year. Since I'm still considered a returning student I have credit for previous coursework. I was wondering if it would be possible to retake some of the classes I earned a C in to boost my GPA. Does anyone have experience with this?

  • Why does my sternum hurt?

    It feels like a joint that won't click and it's really painful. I usually feel this pain when I wake up or after my workout at the gym.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Can a 2 yr RN become an officer in the US Army?

    I've re-enrolled in college, and I managed to get into my schools pre-req program for thier nursing & allied health degrees. If I get my two year nursing degree, will I be able to join the army as an officer?

    I still plan on earning my BSN. I just want to get my military career started before I turn 25.

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Where online can I learn the Mohawk language?

    My family is of Mohawk ancestry. What online resources are the best to learn the language?

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • US Navy Fitness Qualifications?

    Last year I was disqualified from the Coast Guard because I was overwieght. I've been hitting the gym and eating better ever since. However I'm still considered around 15 pounds overwieght for military service.

    Recently I looked up the fitness standards to pass boot camp for the US Navy. Not only can I complete most of the required exercises, but I can exceed the Navy's minimum standards. The only exception is the 1.5 mile run, where I lag behind by a few minutes

    My question is this: If I show a recruiter, and the doctors at MEPs that I can pass the Navy's PFT, will I be able to get a medical waiver for enlistment?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Not Recieving Emails Outlook/Gmail?

    My work account with microsoft outlook/Gmail isn't recieving all the emails that are sent to it. It's starting to cause real trouble because some of our consultants are saying that they've sent us documents that we haven't recieved.

    How do I fix this problem?

    1 AnswerGoogle1 decade ago
  • Retro-active pay cut?

    Is it illegal to make a pay cut retroactive?

    Long story short: I work in the corporate office of an IT staffing company. My manager get's paid by the client about three months after the consultant, and recently he found out that the client initiated a pay cut three months ago for 10%. The total dollar amount is $3234 or 103 hours at the consultants new rate.

    My manager is planning to pass this cut retroactively to the consultant by deducting hours from his paychecks until the difference is made up.

    The consultant is screaming mad, and threatening to sue. I agree with him, but I don't know if there's much I can do to stop my boss from initiating this cut. We've done it to another consultant, I just didn't know at the time that it was illegal.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why haven't I lost the weight?

    I need to lose 20 lbs. I've been going to the gym for the past two month, four days a week, for at least 90 minutes a day. I'm doing mostly cardio, and I'm eating right. Yet I've only lost 5lbs, and 2 inches off my waist.

    What am I doing wrong?

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Student loan revoked?

    Half way through the semester, one of my friends recieved a letter in the mail stating that his student loan was being revoked. He's a full time student in good standing with the school. The only reason they gave was the financial crisis.

    Can they legally do that?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Christmas gift for 10 year old boy?

    I have no idea on what to get my nephew this season. His father has asked that we don't buy toy guns or military themed toys for him or his twin brother anymore, as he doesn't like how obsessed they've become with it.

    Would a youth guitar make a good gift for a child who has no previous music experience? I plan on getting him a few instruction books to go along with it. How well do you think he'll like it? And for his brother, would a chess / checkers set be a good choice? The little runt's already beaten me twice at checkers.

    10 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Should I call him (recruiter)?

    I finally got ahold of the phone number for my local AF recruiter. Do I call him? I really just want to go. I can leave as early as january. I just need to lose some weight, and finish this semester of college.

    What should I do? I didn't feel this way when I was considering the Coast Guard. But I know if I wait I'll end up changing my mind.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Joining the military?

    I'm just going to start out by saying that I'm the most indecisive person that I know. For starters, I've been in college for two years now. I dropped out for a semester last year because my grades tanked and I worked full time. I'm back this semester but I'm not sure I want to stay. It's not doing anything for me. My grades are a lot better, but I don't have a direction to go in. And it's frustrating because all the things in life that I think I want to do need advanced training and college education.

    I flirted with the Coast Guard for a while last year, and I wound up going to MEPS. I scored a 95 on the ASVAB and all I need to do for medical clearance is lose 10 lbs. But I started to change my mind and I no longer want to go into the Coast Guard anymore.

    Recently I've been looking into the Airforce, and the medical jobs they offer. I like what I see. My only worry is that I'll end up jumping into this, and then regretting it days later after I sign the papers. What should I do? I have no direction and no one to talk to for advice.

    The only thing I know for sure is that I don't want to follow my families advice and go to culinary school. I've worked in food service for five years, I'm done with it. But thats direction that my families ever given me, so they're obviously no help.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago