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Should the white females support Hillary as the blacks support Obama?

I am over 50 white female, I strongly support Hillary, but not just because she is a female. But it looks as though the black support for Obama is certainly racially motivated. I believe that the only race or gender cards being played come from Obama's campaigne.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately, most women, although they do not want to admit it, are not smart enough to do what is right and just for the mere fact that the satanic person is a woman, they cast their vote in favor of her, not knowing they are voting to shed the blood of innocent babies in the process. Their blood is on their ignorant hands. And the same goes for the ignorant, stubborn people voting for obama simply based on race.

    Its stupid, but so are most liberals.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hillary is overwhelmingly supported by middle aged women. Although you may be politically astute and some of those supporters are as well, the numbers suggest that this demographic is supporting her because she is like them. What's the difference between that and what you are suggesting? No difference.

    To some extent we all support those to whom we are similar, whether because of race, age, gender. That's always been the case, and there's nothing wrong with it. The real question is whether we are intellectually honest enough to admit that is the reason.

    BTW, I'm a middle aged man, but I'm not supporting or voting for John McCain. But that doesn't mean I don't relate to some of what he has to say, or that I don't respect his long and honorable service to the country. I just don't agree with his politics.

    But it's not true that Obama is the only guilty party. Bill Clinton made some statements in both NH and SC that were definitely racial in tone, and it got significant airplay, so I'm not sure your paying attention. Can you cite one gender based statement made by the Obama campaign?

  • biro
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    This seems to be precise no matter how unpopular the fact could be. White people have been conditioned to be overly comfortable to subject concerns of race, at the same time as blacks have been unfastened to play the race card at each and every turn. Take the OJ path in the ninety's. Do you think of for one 2nd that if a white guy killed his black spouse that he would have been got here across no longer in charge? Do you think of that throughout the Rodney King riots that if a white guy had looked on nationwide information pulling a truck driving force from the cab and stomping him, smashing his head open with a brick, then dancing for the digital camera...if this have been a black sufferer and a white attacker, do you think of that there would have been an arrest and conviction? There of course are double standards in united states of america of america for what's socially suited and tolerated, and no person is permitted to speak approximately it devoid of the two being shouted down, or censored. Blacks are allowed to be racist and play the race card, at the same time as whites are no longer. If ninety% of white voter's voted for Clinton, that would desire to be suggested as racists. yet suggesting that blacks could be balloting consistent with skin shade is out of bounds. we are able to continually have a racial divide as long as any team, black or white, can in basic terms see skin shade.

  • 1 decade ago

    Support the best candidate which you feel espouses your belief of how you wish your government to be.

    I'm white. I'm a woman. I'm voting Obama.

    "But it looks as though the black support for Obama is certainly racially motivated."

    What evidence do you have of that? Bill Clinton was VERY popular among black voters. Good thing he wasn't black or he'd have folks like you claiming that was the only reason for the support. Its hogwash. Besides, might I remind you - its none of your business WHY someone chooses a candidate.

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  • 1 decade ago

    White people have voted for other white people since the founding of this country. Why exactly can't black people support one of their own? Are you saying that we should feel guilty for supporting another black person? And what if black people are supporting Obama simply because we genuinely feel that he's the best candidate?

    Just because you want your candidate to win doesn't mean that everyone should just suddenly stop supporting the opposition. And Hillary's condescending pandering, combined with her attitude of entitlement to the black vote, is insulting and offensive. Obama has been careful NOT to show any particular attention toward his black constituents. If black people want to vote for him, then it's because that's who we choose to vote for. It's part of what democracy is all about.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a white male over 18,and I'm a strong supporter of Obama! You are a racist ! You should know that about yourself by now ? Just listen to what your saying. The Light's Are On But No body's Home! Your a can short of a six-pack.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I am a white female and republican but I am all about Obama... I have heard Clinton play the gender card before.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a huge assumption and you're making it seem like we are mindless buffoons. Really unfair.

    Anyways, anyone who supports anyone due to race or gender does not care about this country.

    And what say you about the legions of whites who are supporting him, many of whom are females, as well? If they are voting for him because of what he stands for, why would you assume I am voting for him because he is black? That is ridiculous.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think you DO have a point.

    we are so IMMATURE, it HAS become a race issue.

    we should vote based on other things like where the candidates stand when it comes to issues in america, not because of color. but sadly, its not THAT WAY.

    i think if you are black and vote for hillary you will be seen as a "traitor" how childish!

    because, basically, hillary and obama agree on most of the issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think anyone who supports a candidate for reasons as simple as race or gender is as asinine as voting straight ticket. How hard is it to research the people we vote for?!?

    We should vote to get rid of the electoral college!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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