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Angie C asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

What should I expect from my younger cats after my older cat dies?

Velvet, my 15 year old cat, is dying from kidney failure. It won't be very long now. This past week she has spent a good deal of time at the vet. My other two cats didn't seem to miss Velvet. Now that she is back home, they either ignore her or hiss at her. I've never lost a pet before so this is all very new but I think I'm as prepared as a human can be (which isn't much), but I haven't got a clue what to expect from my kitties. I know grief is common but I would have expected something, anything from them this week when Velvet was gone but there was nothing. They just quickly became the Tonkinese twosome and Velvet no longer exists. Are they still likely to miss her? What can I expect to see from them and what's the average amount of time cats usually grieve? Thanks!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would not worry about how the cats will be, just make sure that Velvet is safe and comfortable. Animals do not care for their injured/sick/dying friends. That is a human characteristic. Many animals will not harm a sick comrade, but many will try to drive a sick/dying one off. Keep Velvet safe. Cats can smell the vet on the sick one and it can upset them, too.

    When Velvet is passed, the others will probably be normal. If there were only Velvet and one other, it could be different.

    I have a cat who is 16 and lost her daughter suddenly. She is very lonely.

    I would guess that your two cats will be more sensitive to your moods after Velvet is gone. You are the one who will grieve.

    Animals can grieve, especially herd animals. What they do most often is notice and respond to the emotions of their people/person.

    I have always had more than one cat in the house for years. I have not noticed much response when one passes on.

    I am sorry about Velvet. I hope she isn't in pain and that she has a gentle passing.

  • CTU
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am so sorry for your cat. I think your younger cats will be okay, though they will look for Velvet for a little while. I have an older cat, 15 years old and he sleeps alot. My 2 younger cats play alot together so they don't really miss my older cat. I think your kitties are less interested in the older cat because they only want to play. They will be okay. I think you will be grieving the most. When I lost my 14 year old cat to mammary cancer 2 years ago, I cried for 2 months. I really loved her and missed her. Up to this day, I think about her all the time and I know soon it will be my old cat's time also. You are never prepared for this kind of thing. It is really hard to lose a cat because as cat lovers, cats are our babies. I am very sorry that you have to go through this and I feel your pain. God Bless You!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry to hear about Velvet.

    Whether pet's miss each other depends on their relationship. Cats live in heirarchies so it could be that Velvet is top of the tree, so when she is away for a while a new heirarchy emerges and the hissing is that cat trying to stay as 'top dog' as it were.

    You may find when Velvet is gone that a new order is established and a cat that was previously quiet will come out of itself and cats that were previously attention seeking start to be calmer.

    In my experience unless your cats are very close, brother and sister for example, they probably won't show any noticeable signs of grieving.

    I have had 15 cats throughout my lifetime and I only ever saw one cat showing signs of distress and that was because his sister had got run over and we could'nt find her. I suspect he could find her and knew where she was and that she was hurt but could'nt tell us. Sadly she died before we could get to her. In his case, he clung to everyone a lot more and just looked very tired and depressed. This lasted for a few weeks. But these cats were very very close and used to sleep curled up together for eight years.

    Here's a helpful site about pet loss for when the time comes to say goodbye to your cat:

    You can also tell your cat's story there which in itself will help you in your loss.

    I hope this helps : )

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right that cats grieve but it sounds like your other 2 Tonks will be ok.

    Sending you a hug though, its going to be tough but hold onto your memories and if you do have to end Velvets pain take comfort from knowing that you will have show her the greatest act of love

    thinking of you xxxxx

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  • 5 years ago

    My 2 year old (in cats age) always attacks my 10 year old(again in cats age) my vet says it cuz the younger one is more playful. He told me to play with her more n spend time brushing her away from the other cat. Also feed the separate n get another litter box. I did n every thing calmed down like within a week. Cats r like people-they need space. Try separating them at night. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry about Velvet. I went through this about 7 years ago myself. My surviving cat and I cried all night that first night. The next day she was fine and source of comfort for me.

    They are remarkably resilient and she absolutely LOVED her big brother. I couldn't believe how much better she was handling things than I was. A week later, I got her a little brother which helped her, me and the new guy in our family.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They grieve in their own little ways. For a week or so they usually will look around for the other one.

  • 1 decade ago

    been there and at first the younger cats will be a little depressed but just pamper them make them feel more important so they can get over it i would say give them about a week or so to overcome it :)

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